
Marshall County Union Militia Letters

Transcriptions by Linda Cunningham Fluharty

Moundsville W.Va. Mar 14/64
Gen'l Geo. W. Brown,
Q. M. Genl. W. Va.


You send two blanks with your order requiring me to make quarterly reports to you, of the arms &ct in this Regt - I know of no better way to obtain the data, on which to make these reports, than to send blanks to the Commanders of Companies that they may report to me in time for me to report to you. Are these reports to be made out in duplicate?

The Col. informed me that there is one Company (Capt. Jos. Parrotts) of old men, who do not belong to the Militia, or this Regt. They are armed - shall the Q. M. report them. Please send me 20 more blanks. What about the expenses of collecting the material for these reports.

Yours Respectfully
N. K. Shattuck
Q. M. 134th Regt. W. Va. Militia

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Marshall County Union Militia Letters

West Virginia Archives and History