
Marshall County Union Militia Letters

Transcriptions by Linda Cunningham Fluharty

The Commonwealth of Virginia,
Executive department
Wheeling, June 15 1863.
To Brig. Gen James S. Wheat commanding
The 24" Brigade 3d Division of Virginia Militia

Sir The President of the United States, having by his proclamation of the 15" June 1863, called into the service of the United States, ten thousand of the Militia of West Virginia, to serve for the period of six months, from the date of their being mustered into the service (unless sooner discharged) you will order the colonels commanding the several regiments of your brigade, forthwith to take the necessary steps for the compliance with such draft, as prescribed by law; and make immediate return to you, of the strength of the several companies composing such regiments. You will also require the draft to be made in each regiment, according to the allotment which (have been made in several regiments or will be made) you will receive from this office. Further require each colonel to make return forthwith of the number and conditions of the public arms and accoutrements within the bounds of his regiment.

F. H. Pierpoint
Gov Va

H. J. Samuels A G Va

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Marshall County Union Militia Letters

West Virginia Archives and History