

Union Militia

Monongalia County Transcriptions

From: Alexander Hayes
Date: 22 February 1866

The State of West Virginia
To Alexander Hayes Dr.

For subsisting and transporting Recruits for Virginia Volunteer organizations in the service of the United States prior to their muster into and since as follows:

1861 Dolls Cents
May 28 For 157 Meals at 15c 23.50
June 4 67 " " 10.05
4 24 horses 1 day 30 7.20
4 Transportation     25.00
19 12 Meals 15 1.80
July 11 14 Meals " 2.10
15 320 " " 48.00
16 107 " " 16.05
25 43 " " 6.45
31 Transportation     10.65
Aug 1 "     1.00
14 52 Meals     7.80
14 26 Horses 1 day 30 7.80
16 54 Meals 15 8.10
18 Transportation     5.75
26 250 Meals 15 37.50
27 250 Meals " 37.50
Sept 3 Transportation     4.00
9 "     4.00
9 "     7.00
22 7 Meals 15 1.05
28 24 " " 3.60
28 2 Horses 1 day     .60
Oct 5 8 Meals 15 1.20
8 Transportation     17.84
Oct 23 For 14 Meals     2.10
24 182 " at 15c 27.30
25 182 " " 27.30
30 17 " " 2.55
Nov 2 12 " " 1.80
3 12 " " 1.80
4 12 " " 1.80
5 10 " " 1.50
6 12" " 1.80
7 15 " " 2.25
8 15 " " 2.25
9 12 " " 1.80
10 82 " " 12.30
11 18 " " 2.70
11 17 Horses 1 day 30 5.10
12 27 Meals 15 4.05
13 15 " " 2.25
14 18 " " 2.70
15 18 " " 2.70
16 21 " " 3.15
17 21 " " 3.15
18 186 " " 27.90
19 21 " " 3.15
20 251 " " 37.65
20 45 Horses 1 day 30 13.50
21 146 Meals 15 21.90
Nov 22 for 214 Meals 15c 32.10
23 135 " " 20.25
24 79 " " 11.80
25 241 " " 36.15
25 63 Horses 1 day 30 18.90
26 244 Meals 15 36.30
27 21 " " 3.15
28 21 " " 3.15
29 22 " " 3.30
30 22 " " 3.30
Dec 1 15 " " 2.25
2 12 " " 2.25
3 9 " " 1.35
4 12 " " 1.80
5 12 " " 1.80
6 9 " " 1.35
7 12 " " 1.80
8 15 " " 2.25
9 18 " " 2.70
10 18 " " 2.70
11 19 " " 2.85
12 21" " 3.00
13 21 " " 3.00
14 21 " " 3.00
15 9 " " 1.35
18 8 " " 1.20
11 Transportation     4.50

Monongalia County
State of West Virginia to wit

Be it remembered that on this 22nd day of February A.D. 1866 before me a Notary Public, in and for said county and state, came Alexander Hayes, a citizen of said county, and made oath that the above account is just and true and that he has never received payment for the same, or any part thereof, either from the State of Virginia, West Virginia, or the United States.

(signed) Alexander Hayes

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day and year first aforesaid, and I certify that the above affiant is a credible and respectable person, and loyal to the Government of the State of West Virginia and the United States.

Witness my hand and seal of Office
(signed) John C. Wagner N.P.
(notary seal)

To: A. I. Boreman
From: Daniel Glasscock/Capt, F M Arnett Lt
Date: 15 May 1866

Arnettsville, West Va. May 15, 1866
To his Exilency Governor A. I. Boreman after our compliments,
To you for past favors we wish to inform you that there is a slight mistake or two in our pay Rolles that we wish to have corrected if it can be done. America Zinn a private of our company who served in our company when the Militia was called out through mistake was left off the payroole and we have never under stood that Sanford C. Fetty was also left off This mistake was made by the gentleman that maid out the pay rool and happened to be overlooked by us The reason that this was maid out by another gentleman the Colonel presented the pay roles to me at the Regimental Cort of enquiry and I as Capton of the Company employd a man to make them out & in looking over them hastily after they was done I thought they was rite and if there can be eney thing done for those two men it would be thankfully received Other wise I will have to loose the amount myself. Now Governor as we have done the State a good eal of service & received but little compensation we would like to be assisted in this matter.

Hoping to hear from you on this matter we remain yours with respect,

Daniel Glasscock/Capt, F M Arnett Lt

To: James E. Hanes
From: George Price
Date: 15 May 1866

Morgantown, W. Va.
May 15, 1866
Mr. James E. Hanes
I herewith transmit to you the muster & payrolls of my Regt. I trust that inasmuch as the Commandants of Companies have endeavored to make out their rolls to the best of the judgment, we will have no further trouble. I have placed William Kenneys name at the bottom of the rolls for Field & staff. I do not know whether it is the proper place for the clerk's name or not. Neither do I know the compensation per diem, but I do desire that if any persons in my Regt are paid, that he be one - myself not excepted. I further submit the accompanying bill in favor of Thompson Strosnider for $4.75 expended for medicines furnished the Regt during the time we were at Fairmont.

I am very respectfully
Your obedient servt
George Price
Col 16th Regt W. Va. In.

To: George W. Brown
From: W. Wagner
Date: 2 August 1866


Dear Sir
Your favor of the 21st also is received. As requested I enclose My Draft No. 1039 on Mer Nat Bank Wheeling 192.74 amount due on the Pay Rolls of Militia left by yourself some time ago. The Pay Rolls will be forwarded to you by Express from Fairmont.

Yours Truly,
W. Wagner,

To: Mr. Pierpont
From: Capt. Ambrose Waters
Date: 10 August 1866

Fairmont, West Va. August 10th 1866

Mr. Pierpont
Adjutant General
West Va. Militia

I hereby certify that I superintended an election in Company C, 15th Regiment West Va Militia, on August 8th for the office of FirstLieutenant, in place of John W. Fisher, resigned, and that Davis M. Arnett was duly elected to fill the Office of First Lieutenant of Company C, 15th Reg West Va Militia. Please send on Commission for Lieutenant Arnett and oblige.

Yours Respectfully,
Ambrose Waters, Capt.

To: Alpheus Garrison
From: Jacob Youst
Date: 15 February 1867

Indian Creek
February 15, 1867
Mr. Garison
Dears yours of the 11 (?) came to hand you wish me to give my regment and company. My regment was the one hundreth and fortieth. My Company we have received your favour in the way of publick documents for which you will receive our thanks yours with respect
Jacob Youst

Mr. Alpheus Garrison I hereby authorise you to use my name in eney way nessary to draw the amt due me from General Duval.
Jacob Youst

General Duvall
You will pleas send the amount due to me for my servises in the Melitia at Fairmon and this shall be your receipt.

Jacob Youst

Wm N. Arnett

From: Sturgiss Wagner
Date: 5 March 1867

Morgantown W.Va.
Mch. 5. 1867

Dear Sir

We respectfully ask if the following accounts sent you by us have been allowed.

Alexander Hays $729.52
JB. Conaway 9.00
Col. Thos. H. Barns 15.00
Joseph B. Morris 9.00
A.J. Eakins 9.00

If allowed Please send us check for same at earliest convenience

Yours Respfy,
Sturgiss Wagner

James E. Harris, Esq

To: Adjutant General Wheeling W. Va.
From: Sturgiss & Wagner
Date: 16 March 1867

Morgantown, W. Va. March 16. 1867
Wm J. Street late Private Co. "C" 3rd W. Va. Cav'y, claims pay from March 15. 1863 to Dec. 1864.

We would respectfully ask a statement from the Muster Out Roll of said Company showing the amount due said soldier, also the dates.

Very respectfully yours
Sturgiss & Wagner

To: Adjutant General of West Virginia
Date: 1 October 1867

"Pay S. Brady esq + Cap on order W. Wagner, Cashier"
Oct. 1, 1867

Morgantown W.V. October 1, 1867

$6.50 Pay W. Wagner Cashier Six 50 Dolls. Due me, as per pay Roll of Militia for Monongalia County. F.R. Sinclair, Col. & I. Van Gilder Capt. The same having been ret'd to G.W. Brown & J. Robbins

To the Adj. Genl. Of W.Va.
Wheeling W.Va.

To: Gen I. H. Duvall
From: W.Wagner, Cashier
Date: 13 October 1868

Gen I.H.Duvall
Adj Genl

Dear Sir

In 1866 we paid out some money to the Militia for Genl Brown. On the 2d Aug 1866 we returned the Pay Rolls to Wheeling with the balance of the money not called for, There are still a good many persons on said Rolls who have not received payment, and are calling on us to get pay, supposing the Rolls had been returned here. I enclose you a list of the names of those who did not get pay when the rolls were here as near as I can arrive at it. Is there any way by which the persons alluded to can be paid? We are getting along slowly in paying off the men on the Pay Rolls you left some time ago.

Yours truly

From: George Price

At an Election held by the Privates of the 16th Regt West Virginia Militia The following gentlemen were elected to fill the different offices hereinafter described.

Emrod Tennant, Promoted to Capt. vice Horatio Britton resigned (or volunteered into the regular service). Isaac Lemley Elected 1st Lieut, vice Emrod Tennant, Promoted. Those two gentlemen were Elected by the Home Guard Company, attached to the 16th regt. Isaac S. Eddy, Elected 2nd Lieut in Co. "B"

John C Stiles, Elected 1st Lieut "E"

Give those fellows a first class Commission for they are "Loyal true & brave."

Joseph E. Divine, Elected 2nd Lieut in Compn "D"

Oliver Sutton Elected 2nd Lieut in ?

John K. Foley "C"

The three last are not over zealous in the "good work"-- however I think there will be nothing wrong in giving them a Commission, as it may have a tendency to increase their zeal.--

Morgan Conner, Elected 1st Lieut in Co. "D"

Perry Hennen "F"

Both copperheads & I don't want them Commissioned.

But instead of Conner I recommend Milton Sine, He is for the Union wright or wrong. And instead of Perry Hennen, Please commission Benjamin Shriver. I can vouch for the loyalty of Shriver & Sine, & can back it with a voucher signed by every loyal man in the regt.

George Price
Col 26th regt W.V. Mo.

From: William N. Stewart

Names and addresses officers of 140 Regt
Reuben Finnell Col Comd
David Hawkins Lt. Col Arnettsville
1st Maj John A. B. Martin address Maidsville
2d Maj Eugenous Shaffer do Laurel Point
Adjt James Kelly address Cassville
Sgt Ma John K. Barrackman do Cassville
Surgen Do James Way address Cassville
Do Surg Mate James M. Price do Arnettsville
Quar Master Ulysses Camp L. Point
Pay Master John H. Cole L. Point
Quar Master Sargant James Sanders
Fife Maj I. C. Puck address L. Point

Mr Stewart N. B. the No. of Capts in 1861 was 7 & 13 Lieutenants the consolidated return to Wm H. Richardson previos Ajut Gen under Jno Lutcher amounted to 560

Wm N. Stewart Clke. Of 140th Reg. Please to forward to Henry J. Samuels Ajut Gen the Boundry of the Regt in times of peace it is not so much trouble to attend publick business in times of Sivel War it is hard to tell what we will have to do. I think it may be nessary to draft men shortly if the number called for is not furnished soon.

Note: The following was found on the back of this letter:
Dear Sir since I wrote Col. Finnell sent me the foregoing list which I do not believe to any better . Though I send it hoping it may be of some benefit. Yours Respectfully

Wm N. Stewart
Clk 140 Regt

To: I. H. Duvall
From: W. H. Dering
Date: 29 August 1868

Morgantown W.Va
August 29th 1868

Genl. I. H. Duvall
Adjutant General
Wheeling W.Va.

Dear Sir:-

Mr. Wagner informs me that my name is not on the Rolls of the Militia here for payment. I was on General E. C. Bunkers Staff and made out and forwarded the Rolls to Wheeling for the Staff. Mr. J.M. Wagner informs me that he received this pay while at Wheeling last time.

Will you please send me a check for the amount due me $77.00 or authorize Mr. Wagner to pay the same.

Very Respectfully
W.H. Dering

To: General Duval
From: Jacob Youst

General Duval

Dear Sir

You will please pay Alpheus Garrison the amt due mee for service Rendered in Co D 15th Regt west va Militia

Well Obliged

Jacob Youst


F. W. Arnett
Wm M. Arnett

Monongalia County Transcriptions

West Virginia Archives and History