
Pleasants County Union Militia Letters

Transcription by Linda Cunningham Fluharty

Parkersburg. Nov. 2. 1861.
His Excellency
F. H. Pierpoint

Dear Sir

I have just returned from Pleasants Co. where I have been holding court for the last three days. While there I was requested by a number of gentlemen residing on the waters of McKim's creek to write you, requesting that you would not remove from their neighborhood a state Volunteer Company which has been organized for the protection of the people of the neighborhood and their property. They have been informed by some person that they were to be removed to the Rail Road for its protection. Those with whom I conversed stated that in several instances, all the male members of families - father and sons - had joined the company for home protection - that if they are removed their interests at home will remain wholly unattended to - and besides there have been depredations commited in the neighborhood which has induced them to keep up a regular night guard for some time past - some of the Union men have had their barns and stacks of grain and hay burned &etc - There is a company on Sugar Creek, in the same section of Country; and these gentlemen say that they are perfectly willing to let half their company go, & this added to half the Company on Sugar Creek, would make a full company - and would get leave a sufficient protection for each neighborhood. If the half of each Company could be taken, instead of the whole of either, all parties would be satisfied. The captain of the Company on McKim, is by the name of Jones - his post office is "Hebron" Pleasants Co - The captain of the Sugar Creek Co. is by the name of Gorrell - his post office I do not know, but suppose if he was addressed at "Hebron" he would get the letter.

I know nothing of the above matters of my own knowledge, but do know that the gentlemen with whom I conversed are honest, reliable & brave men - whom I am sure do not devise to shrink from their duty, let it be what it may.

Respectfully Yours --
A. I. Boreman

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Pleasants County Union Militia Letters

West Virginia Archives and History