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Chairman Thomas Bailey called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. In addition to Chairman Bailey, other voting members present were Darlene Hassler, Daniel Gatts, Tracy Burch, Gavin Hale, Nathan Randolph, Dr. Rodney Montague, Dr. Melissa Bingmann, Laura Carroll, and Thomas Bloch II. Ex officio non-voting members present were Aaron Parsons, director, Archives and History Section; Charles Morris, director, Museums Section; Susan Pierce, director, Historic Preservation Section; Randall Reid-Smith, Curator of the Department of Arts, Culture and History; Crystal Wimer, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey; and J. Logan Smith, president of Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Also present were Historic Preservation staff members Cody Straley and Jessica Eichlin, as well as presenters and guests John Demer, David Sibray, Stephen Sadd, Anne Beckett, David Taylor, Sherrie Hunter, David Hunter, Debbie Griffin, Dana Cress, Crystal Mersh, Loretta Propst, and Roger Propst.

Chairman Bailey asked for a motion on the Fall meeting minutes of September 30, 2022. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Randolph with a second by Mr. Bloch. Motion carried.

Chairman Bailey then asked for approval of the agenda. Chairman Bailey asked that the order of nominations be reconsidered due to the distance travelled by several presenters. Ms. Burch made a motion to approve the agenda, and Mr. Randolph provided a second. Motion carried.

Chairman Bailey called upon Mr. Parsons for the Archives and History report. Mr. Parsons provided Archives and History monthly reports for August through December 2022 (copies attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the continued development of videos and programs for educational outreach, holding interviews for vacant positions, an assessment of the condition of the Archives collections, preparing for the 2023 History Day at the Legislature and History Bowl events, and the acceptance and processing of several collections. Mr. Parsons noted that the Archives collections and Library were closed in December due to maintenance needs in those areas. Also noted was the departure of two Archives staff members, as well as the retirement of the County Records Archivist in December.

Chairman Bailey then called upon Ms. Pierce for the Historic Preservation report. Ms. Pierce provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the completion of the Rural Revitalization Grants from 2019, filling of vacant positions, monitoring of bills in the state legislature, staff trainings, work on SHPO calendars, updates to the GIS database and website, development of a review panel for Survey and Planning Grants for FY2023, and assistance with West Virginia Suffragist Memorial Committee. Ms. Pierce noted that there has been recent interest in nominating two Green Book sites in Bluefield, and that presentations were held at Independence Hall to recognize several individuals and historic resources that are important to the legacy and the future of the State Historic Preservation Office.

Chairman Bailey then called upon Mr. Morris for the Museums report. Mr. Morris provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the hosting the "Drugs Cost and Consequences" exhibit in association with the DEA, the development of the Governor's "Almost Heaven exhibition, the upcoming opening of the Congressional Arts Exhibit, maintenance at Camp Washington-Carver, programs at the Grave Creek Mound site, and use of the courtroom and other locations at Independence Hall for various programs.

Following the momentary exit of Chairman Bailey from the meeting, Vice Chair Hassler then called upon Mr. Smith for the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia report. Mr. Smith reviewed the organization’s activities, including activities of the Preserve WV AmeriCorps members, the receipt of a $35,000 ARC Power Grant to develop a historic preservation trades center at Arthurdale, Saving Historic Places grants in progress, outreach programs at local high schools, partnering with the WV Association of Museums to host conference sessions during their annual conference, and continued work on the Rodney Collins' Architects of West Virginia Book Project. Mr. Smith also noted the upcoming annual West Virginia Historic Preservation Awards on June 17 in Lewisburg and that $500 was still available in tax credits.

Vice Chair Hassler then called upon Ms. Wimer for the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey report. Ms. Wimer noted continued work with the USGS and rehousing of coal samples, new mapping projects in the upcoming fiscal year, and hosting of one geologist at Tygart Lake State Park in the fall. Ms. Wimer noted that staff members attended the West Virginia Science Teachers Association Conference in October, and that the WVGES sponsored the first ever "Draw Jeff" competition, developed a new tri-fold brochure about the museum, and received a donation of Mastodon tusks. Ms. Wimer also noted that there were 109 visitors between October and February, with 62% being from in-state and 38% being from out-of-state.

Turning to New Business, Vice Chair Hassler called for the presentation of the National Register nominations.

New Salem Baptist Church, Raleigh County, nominated under Criterion A, Social History, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1921-1955, was presented by David Taylor. Following the presentation, Mr. Randolph moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Hale provided the second. Motion carried.

Calhoun County High School, Calhoun County, nominated under Criterion A, Education, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1920-1973, was presented by Anne S. Beckett. Following the presentation, Ms. Carroll moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Gatts provided the second. Motion carried.

James Osbourn Farm, Jefferson County, nominated under Criterion A, Agriculture and Military, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1848-1876, was presented by John Demer. Following the presentation, Dr. Montague moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.

Dimmeydale Historic District, Ohio County, nominated under Criterion A, Community Planning and Development, with a period of significance of 1893-1973, was presented by Debbie Griffin. Following the presentation, Ms. Burch moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.

Eleanor Historic District, Putnam County, nominated under Criterion A, Community Planning and Development, Social History, and Politics/Government, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1934-1966, was presented by Dana B. Cress. Following the presentation, Mr. Randolph moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.

Tiskelwah School, Kanawha County, nominated under Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1910, was presented by Steve Sadd. Following the presentation, Mr. Randolph moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Bloch provided the second. Motion carried.

Huntersville Old County Jail, Pocahontas County, nominated under Criterion A, Politics/Government, with a period of significance of 1882-1891, was presented by Mr. Straley. Following the presentation, Ms. Burch moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Carroll provided the second. Motion carried.

Dunlow Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot, Wayne County, nominated under Criterion A, Transportation, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1891-1933, was presented by Mr. Straley. Following the presentation, Mr. Hale moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Montague provided the second. Motion carried.

Having returned to the meeting, Chairman Bailey then called on Ms. Pierce for the 2023 Survey and Planning Grants. Ms. Pierce summarized the applications and proposed grant awards.

Ms. Carroll made a motion to approve the CLG Grant recommendations for the FY2023 Survey and Planning Grants with the provision authorizing staff to move funds from cancelled projects or projects unable to use all available funding to projects which did not receive full funding and can expend additional funds prior to the end of the grant period, or to the most deserving projects which were not funded at the discretion of SHPO staff, with any remaining funds to carry over to the next fiscal year. Mr. Randolph provided the second. Motion carried.

Mr. Hale made a motion to approve the non-CLG Grant recommendations for the FY2023 Survey and Planning Grants with the provision authorizing staff to move funds from cancelled projects or projects unable to use all available funding to projects which did not receive full funding and can expend additional funds prior to the end of the grant period, or to the most deserving projects which were not funded at the discretion of SHPO staff, with any remaining funds to carry over to the next fiscal year. Mr. Bloch provided the second. Motion carried.

Chairman Bailey thanked Ms. Pierce and her staff for their work on the grant projects. Chairman Bailey announced the appointment of Mr. Hale and Dr. Montague to serve as a committee to nominate a chair and vice-chair at the Spring meeting. Dr. Bingmann made a motion to approve. Ms. Carroll provided the second. Motion carried.

Chairman Bailey then called on Ms. Pierce for a report on National Register nominations previously reviewed by the Archives and History Commission. Ms. Pierce called on Mr. Straley, who noted Virginia Apartments was approved and listed on November 3, and that the Nathan Haines Farm was listed on October 14 after changes were made and the nomination was resubmitted. Mr. Straley also noted upcoming nominations.

Chairman Bailey called on Curator Randall Reid-Smith, who was late to the meeting due to prior commitments. Curator Reid-Smith noted supplementals granted by the Governor's Office, work on the Arthur I. Boreman statue at Independence Hall in Wheeling, maintenance projects at the Culture Center and other facilities operated by the Department of Arts, Culture & History, and the reallocation of space within the Culture Center for the expansion of Archives Collections. He noted that an America 250th Commission meeting will be held in March and that a grant of $80,000 was awarded to the Martinsburg Bank to assist in the development of a museum in the Eastern Panhandle.

Chairman Bailey noted that the Spring meeting will be held in Bluefield at a date to be determined. The date and location of the Fall meeting are yet to be determined.

Ms. Burch made a motion to adjourn, and Chairman Bailey declared the meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Aaron Parsons

Archives and History Commission

West Virginia Archives and History