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FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023

In the absence of Chairman Thomas Bailey, Vice Chair Darlene Hassler called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. In addition to Vice Chair Hassler, other voting members present were Dr. Melissa Bingmann, Thomas Bloch II, Tracy Burch, Gavin Hale, Dr. Rodney Montague, and Nathan Randolph. Absent were Laura Carroll, Thomas Bailey, and Dan Gatts. Ex officio non-voting members present were Charles Morris, Director, Museums Section; Randall Reid-Smith, Curator of the Department of Arts, Culture and History; Crystal Wimer, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Absent were Aaron Parsons, Archives Director, and Susan Pierce, Director of Historic Preservation. Also present were Historic Preservation staff members Christy Moore, Cody Straley and Jessica Eichlin, as well as presenters Cecil Marsden, Sandra Scaffidi, Matt Umstead and Addison Reece and other guests.

Vice Chair Hassler asked for a motion to appoint a temporary secretary in the absence of Aaron Parsons, Archives Director. A motion to approve Christy Moore, Grants Coordinator of Historic Preservation, as secretary pro tem for this meeting was made by Ms. Burch and Mr. Randolph provided a second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler asked for a motion to accept the Winter meeting minutes of Thursday, February 23, 2023. Ms. Hassler presented a correction to the minutes to Page 4, James Osbourn Farm, which should have been nominated under Criterion C, Architecture rather than Engineering. A motion to approve the minutes, with this correction, was made by Mr. Randolph and Mr. Bloch provided a second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler then asked for approval of the agenda. Ms. Burch made a motion to approve the agenda, and Mr. Randolph provided a second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler called on Curator Randall Reid-Smith, for the Department of Arts, Culture & History Report. Curator Reid-Smith shared the approved state and federal funds for the coming fiscal year for the Arts. He noted that an America 250th Commission has met and has received funding to show how our state built America. A $1 million grant has been received for improvements to the library facilities. An outside natural resources exhibit is in development which will showcase the natural resources of West Virginia that built this country. Sketches for the murals in the dome are in the process of approval.

Vice Chair Hassler, in the absence of Mr. Parsons, called upon Curator Reid-Smith for the Archives and History report. He stated that the Commission members should have copies of the monthly reports for January, February, and March (copies attached to official minutes) in their packets and, if they have any questions, please let him know.

Vice Chair Hassler, in the absence of Ms. Pierce, called upon Curator Reid-Smith for the Historic Preservation report. He stated that the Commission members should have copies of the report for February 1 to May 31 (copies attached to official minutes) in their packets and, if they have any questions, please let him know.

Vice Chair Hassler then called upon Mr. Morris for the Museum report. Mr. Morris provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including development of a "Pioneer Packet" for 2nd through 4th grades to bridge the gap between Little Bits and the Discovery Guide booklets. New exhibits include Stitching Together the Past: Crafting Comfort Through West Virginia Textiles and the 2023 West Virginia Juried Quilt Exhibition. Other projects include planning and organizing the Appalachian String Band, Gift Show at Weston, and new touchscreen monitors for the game in the Flag Discovery Room. The gift shops, tours, and the Vandalia festival all had great turnout.

Vice Chair Hassler then called upon Ms. Wimer for the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey report. Ms. Wimer noted a $1.98 million grant has been received as a part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Congressionally Identified Construction Grant Program. Funds will be used to acquire a modern storage and viewing facility to properly maintain the most comprehensive publicly available sample collection in the state. Story map collections were added to their website, and staff led fifty 4th graders on geology educational tours. A temporary loan agreement is in the works for the Megalonyx jeffersonii skull, as is an exhibit celebrating the 125th anniversary. Ms. Wimer also noted that there were 143 visitors between March and May, with 69% being from in-state and 31% being from out-of-state.

Turning to New Business, Vice Chair Hassler called for the presentation of the National Register nominations.

First Baptist Church of Bluefield, Mercer County, nominated under Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1907-1910, was presented by Cecil Marson. Following the presentation, Dr. Montague moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Randolph provided the second. Motion carried.

Waiteville School, Monroe County, nominated under Criterion A, Education, with a period of significance of 1950-1967, was presented by Sandra Scaffidi. Following the presentation, Ms. Burch moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.

Valley Furnace, Barbour County, nominated under Criterion D: Industry and Archaeology - Non-Aboriginal, with a period of significance of 1847-1855, was presented by Sandra Scaffidi. Following the presentation, Mr. Hale moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Randolph provided the second. Motion carried.

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Marion County, nominated under Criterion A, Social History, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1904-1973, was presented by Sandra Scaffidi. Following the presentation, Dr. Montague moved for approval of the nomination and Mr. Hale provided the second. Motion carried.

Citizens National Bank, Berkeley County, nominated under Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1970, was presented by Matt Umstead. Following the presentation, Mr. Randolph moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Montague provided the second. Motion carried.

Susan Thornton House (Nathan Haines Farm Boundary Increase, Jefferson County, nominated under Criterion A, Agriculture, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1870-1910, was presented by Addison Reece. Following the presentation, Dr. Bingmann moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Burch provided the second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler then called on Ms. Moore for the 2024 State Development Grants. Ms. Moore summarized the applications and proposed grant awards. A review panel met on May 9, 2023, to discuss, score, and develop recommendations for approval to present to the Commission for their consideration.

Mr. Randolph made a motion to approve the funding recommendations for the FY2024 State Development Grants with the provision authorizing staff to move funds from cancelled projects or projects unable to use all available funding to projects which did not receive full funding and can expend additional funds prior to the end of the grant period, or to the most deserving projects which were not funded at the discretion of SHPO staff, with any remaining funds to carry over to the next fiscal year. Mr. Hale provided the second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler announced the appointment of Mr. Hale and Dr. Montague to serve as a committee to nominate a chair and vice-chair at the Fall meeting. Dr. Bingmann made a motion to approve. Mr. Randolph provided the second. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Hassler then called on Mr. Straley for a report on National Register nominations previously reviewed by the Archives and History Commission. Mr. Straley, noted James Osbourn Farm, Jefferson County, was approved and listed on April 4, 2023; Tiskelwah School, Kanawha County, was approved and listed on April 5, 2023; Huntersville Old County Jail and Clerk's Office, Pocahontas County, was approved and listed on April 6, 2023; Dunlow Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot, Wayne County, was approved and listed on April 5, 2023; Calhoun County High School, Calhoun County, was approved and listed on April 11, 2023; New Salem Baptist Church, Raleigh County, was approved and listed on April 12, 2023; Eleanor Historic District, Putnam County, was approved and listed on May 4, 2023. Dimmeydale Historic District, Ohio County, nomination was returned on April 6, 2023. The National Park Service cited lack of significance under Criterion A: Community Planning and Development. Applicants are discussing how to proceed. Mr. Straley also noted upcoming nominations.

Vice Chair Hassler noted that the Fall meeting will be held in Wheeling on September 29, 2023. The location of the Fall meeting is yet to be determined. Ms. Burch made a motion to adjourn, and Vice Chair Hassler declared the meeting adjourned at 11:03 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Christy Moore,
Secretary Pro Tem

Archives and History Commission

West Virginia Archives and History