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In the absence of Chairman Thomas Bailey and Vice Chair Darlene Hassler, Curator Randall Reid-Smith called the meeting to order at 9:43 a.m. Voting members present were Thomas Bloch II, Nathan Randolph, Daniel Gatts, J. Gavin Hale, Dr. Rodney Montague, Tracy Burch, Harold "Rob" Petry, Dr. Melissa Bingmann and Laura Carroll. Ex officio non-voting members present were Aaron Parsons, director, Archives and History Section; Charles Morris, director, Museums Section; Susan Pierce, director, Historic Preservation Section; Randall Reid-Smith, Curator of the Department of Arts, Culture and History; Crystal Wimer, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey; and Cade Vogelsong, president of Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Also present were Historic Preservation staff members S. Cody Straley and Jessica Eichlin, as well as guests Wendy Shriver, Jessica Strickler, Amanda Stevens, Ryan Barber, Tina Vial, David Taylor, David Abruzzi, Snookie Nutting, Rebecca Heberiog, and Delegate Diana Winzenreid.

Due to the absence of Chairman Bailey and Vice Chair Hassler, Curator Reid-Smith was selected by the commission members to serve as Chairman Pro Tem for the meeting.

Curator Reid-Smith asked for a motion on the Spring meeting minutes of June 2, 2023. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Randolph with a second by Dr. Montague. Motion carried.

Curator Reid-Smith then asked for approval of the agenda. Mr. Bloch made a motion to approve the agenda, and Ms. Carroll provided a second. Motion carried.

Curator Reid-Smith called upon Mr. Parsons for the Archives and History report. Mr. Parsons provided Archives and History monthly reports for April through July 2023 (copies attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including hosting school tours, administering the History Bowl Championship, hosting students for Ambassadors Camp, participation in the Carter G. Woodson Lyceum, administering the History Bowl Legends Tournament, and hosting students for the Governor's School for Literacy. Mr. Parsons also noted the addition of two new staff members in June, that the county records collection had been moved to newly allocated space within the Culture Center, and that equipment had been installed to help improve environmental conditions in the Archives collection areas.

Curator Reid-Smith then called upon Ms. Pierce for the Historic Preservation report. Ms. Pierce provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, such as the addition of a new staff member, the planning of a camp training with the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC), adding entries into the geo-database, a newly revised National Register handbook to assist the public with the nomination process, development of the 2024 Historic Preservation calendar, training of AmeriCorps members, section 106, the status of survey and development grants, work with the West Virginia Suffragist's Memorial, and plans for the Holly Grove site on the State Capitol Complex, as well as work on the Capitol Building's north steps and new glass walkways between the Senators' and Delegates' offices.

Curator Reid-Smith then called upon Mr. Morris for the Museums report. Mr. Morris provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the Appalachian String Band Festival at Camp Washington-Carver, work on new lesson plans and educational programming, new programs at Grave Creek Mound, replacing the toilets in the bathhouse at Camp Washington-Carver, lectures and roundtables at Independence Hall, and work on updating lighting and technology at the site.

Curator Reid-Smith then called upon Mr. Vogelsong for the Preservation Alliance report. Mr. Vogelsong provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed activities, including being awarded the Paul Bruen Grant in August for the adaptive reuse of schools throughout West Virginia, work with Arthurdale Heritage on development of a trade school, and work on a high school building in Calhoun County.

Curator Reid-Smith then called upon Ms. Wimer for the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey report. Ms. Wimer reviewed activities, including reaching full staffing in August, the receipt of a large collection from the estate of Robert Peck, outreach projects, attendance of a staff member to the annual Highway Geology Symposium in Tacoma, Washington, a presentation to a real estate firm, attendance at a natural resources fair at WVU, and work with Grave Creek Mound on a fossil, rock and mineral identification program. Ms. Wimer also noted the addition of blinds in the WVGES museum, as well as redesigns and additions to exhibits.

Curator Reid-Smith then gave the Department of Arts, Culture, and History report. Curator Reid-Smith reviewed department activities, including the upcoming installation of an Arthur I. Boreman statue at Independence Hall, work on the Capitol Mural project, development of an outdoor natural resource exhibit, and the development of Patriot Memorial Gardens. Curator Reid-Smith also noted the addition of an MLS Degree program at Marshall University in Fall 2024, a new subscription to a tutoring website for all grade levels and all subjects, the department's budget, work with the VH1 Grant, work with the America 250th Commission, speaking at the County Commissioners Conference, Ambassadors Camp and the Governor's School for Literacy, and work on the Governor's Band Competition. He reiterated the renewal of Holly Grove. Curator Reid-Smith called on Mr. Morris to discuss the opening of the Juried Exhibit in November, the development of a museum exhibit dedicated to Hershel “Woody” Williams, and the development of a tourism postcard. Curator Reid-Smith then called on Mr. Parsons to discuss developments on the new online Vital Research Records databases.

Turning to New Business, Curator Reid-Smith called for the presentation of the National Register nominations.

Paw Paw Old Mayor's Office and Jail, Morgan County, nominated under Criterion A, Politics and Government, with a period of significance of 1893-1973, was presented by David Abruzzi. Following the presentation, Mr. Gatts made a motion for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Burch provided the second. Motion carried.

Downtown Parkersburg Historic District, Wood County, nominated under Criterion A, Commerce/Politics and Government, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of circa 1840-1976, was presented by David Taylor. Following the presentation, Dr. Bingmann made a motion for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Petry provided the second. Motion carried.

Davis & Elkins Historic District, Randolph County, nominated under Criterion A, Education, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1890-1973, was presented by David Taylor. Following the presentation, Dr. Montague made a motion for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Petry provided the second. Motion carried.

Henry and Julia Hoard Stark House, Wayne County, nominated under Criterion B, Commerce, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1920-1968, was presented by Cody Straley. After the presentation, Mr. Randolph made a motion for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.

Following the presentation, Curator Reid-Smith introduced Snookie Nutting, a special guest to the meeting. Ms. Pierce noted Ms. Nutting's work in the field of historic preservation before the passage of the Historic Preservation Act.

Curator Reid-Smith then called for the election of officers, which was postponed until the Winter 2024 meeting.

Curator Reid-Smith then called for a report on National Register nominations previously reviewed by the Archives and History Commission. Mr. Straley noted that the Nathan Haines Farm, Mount Zion Baptist Church, Valley Furnace, Waiteville School, First Baptist Church of Bluefield, and Citizen's National Bank in Martinsburg were added to the National Register. Additional document nominations included Beall-Air/Beallair and Wheeling Historic District. Upcoming nominations include Parsons High School in Tucker County, Maplewood Cemetery in Randolph County, Amos Farm in Marion County, Wright-Hunter Cemetery in Raleigh County, Warewood Historic District in Ohio County, the Senator Jennings Randolph House in Harrison County, a Multiple Property Documentation (MPD) for Frontier Forts in WV and an MPD for Green Book Sites in WV. Mr. Straley noted debate on the nomination of the Jefferson County Courthouse site.

Curator Reid-Smith noted that the Winter meeting will be held on February 21, 2024, at the Culture Center in Charleston. The Spring meeting will tentatively be held in Huntington in June 2024.

Curator Reid-Smith introduced Delegate Diana Winzenreid, member of District 4, who noted her support of the commission's work.

Ms. Carroll made a motion to adjourn, and Curator Reid-Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 11:19 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Aaron Parsons

Archives and History Commission

West Virginia Archives and History