
The White Sold.

Greenbrier Independent
February 3, 1910

News comes from Richmond that long pending negotiations for the purchase of the famous White Sulphur Springs property by a syndicate of Richmond gentlemen, consisting largely of C. & O. officials, have been closed and that title to this noted health and pleasure resort has passed from the Delaney estate to this syndicate. This no doubt means extensive improvement of the property and a pleasure resort second to none in the South. A similiar [sic] company having, some years ago, purchased the Hot Springs in Bath county, Virginia, has made it one of the most attractive places south of Mason & Dixon's line. A similiar [sic] expenditure of money at the White, with a hotel equipped and maintained as is the Homestead at the Hot, will give the noted old Greenbrier resort a reputation that will draw health and pleasure seekers, particularly among the idle rich, from all the point of the compass.

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