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Walter Sugden (1880-1938) Materials - includes obituaries, biographical information, estate. Sugden was an attorney from Sistersville who was active in the Masons, the Shriners, Kiwanis and other organizations.

West Virginia Republican State Committee Papers, 1934

Phoenix Lodge No. 73, Masonic Temple, Sistersville, Correspondence 1934-36

Phoenix Lodge No. 73, Masonic Temple, Sistersville, Papers - includes meeting bulletin, financial records, family night ticket, history of lodge, receipt, and brochure, 1928-42

"Testimony of Witnesses Taken Before the Common Council of the City of Sistersville, Sitting as a Canvassing Board," 1912, bound volume, 430 pp.

Bucktails Reunion Programs, 1896-1906. Relates to Civil War unit, First Rifle Regiment, P. R. V. C.

Photos - Includes photos of Walter Sugden, Delegates from West Virginia at the Philadelphia Convention, and group of Sistersville women.

Sistersville Miscellaneous Papers - for expense of buying prizes for marathon in Sistersville, 12 July 1909; 50th anniversary brochure, First-Tyler Bank & Trust Co., Sistersville, 1942

Republican Party Papers - pro-Republican and anti-Roosevelt (FDR) pamphlets, 1927-44, including several speeches delivered in West Virginia or pamphlets written by West Virginians. Also, campaign brochures for T. C. Townsend, Republican candidate for governor, 1932, and W. S. "Pistol Bill" Johnson, candidate for state treasurer, 1932; West Virginia State Republican Convention Program, 1932; vote of delegates to the Republican National Convention, 1944, Lincoln Day Dinner speech

Progressive Party Papers. Progress journal, February 1913, Progressive Service Documents: Organization of the Service, March 1913, and bound volume, Memorabilia of the Progressive Party, 1912- '16

Diatribes Attacking West Virginia Legislature Over SB 212, by V. A. Wilder, 1905

A Letter to the Governor of West Virginia and A Memorandum in Support of Proposed Legislative Regulation of Gas Supply in West Virginia, by Philip P. Steptoe and Geo. M. Hoffheimer, April 1917

District and Circuit Court Cases, 1925-43. Root Refining Company vs. Universal Oil Products, 1943; Petroleum Exploration vs. Sistersville Oil & Gas Company et al, 1917; United States of America vs. Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company, et al, 1935; Miller-Prewitt-Goff Land, Oil & Gas Company and Petroleum Exploration vs. Sitnek Oil Company, et al, 1925

Detroit Steel Cooperage Co. vs. Sistersville Brewing Company et al.

Smoke Screen. A book by Samuel B. Pettengill, warning that the United States was moving toward socialism. Included in the book are several advertisements for the publication and correspondence; the folder also contains an issue of America's Future, 1940

Manuscript Collections

West Virginia Archives and History