Date Book, 1959
Executive Record and Travel Guide, 1960
Daily Reminder Book, 1960
Daily Reminder Book, 1960
Daily Reminder Book, 1961
Daily Reminder Book, 1961
Daily Reminder Book, 1962
Daily Reminder Book, 1962
Daily Reminder Book, 1963
Daily Reminder Book, 1963
Daily Reminder Book, 1964
Daily Reminder Book, 1964
Daily Reminder Book, 1965
Daily Reminder Book, 1965
Daily Reminder Book, 1966
Daily Reminder Book, 1966
Daily Reminder Book, 1967
Daily Reminder Book, 1967
Daily Reminder Book, 1968
Daily Reminder Book, 1968
Daily Reminder Book, 1969
Daily Reminder Book, 1969
Daily Reminder Book, 1970
Daily Reminder Book, 1970
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1971
Daily Reminder Book, Reception Desk (Jenkins), 1971
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1972
Daily Reminder Book, Miss Jenkins, 1972
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1973
Daily Reminder Book, Miss Jenkins, 1973
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1974
Daily Reminder Book, Miss Jenkins, 1974
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1975
Daily Reminder Book, Miss Jenkins, 1975
Daily Reminder Book, John Slack, 1976
Daily Reminder Book, Jenkins, 1976
Daily Reminder Book, 1980
Pocket Congressional Directory, Eighty-Seventh Congress, January 1961, Mrs. John M. Slack,
Congressional Pictorial Directory, Ninety-First Congress, January 1969, Mrs. John M. Slack
Guest Book, December 22, 1959-February 16, 1977
Guest Book, January 5, 1959-June 1, 1962
Guest Book, June 6, 1962-April 9, 1965
Guest Book, April 26, 1965-August 16, 1972
Guest Book, August 16, 1972-May 30, 1977
Member's Personal Voting Record, 93rd Congress, 1973-1974
Member's Personal Voting Record, 94th Congress, 1975-1976
Member's Personal Voting Record, 96th Congress, 1979-1980
Federal Moneys Expended in Congressional District Served by Congressman John M. Slack, Jr.,
1959-1979 (two copies)
Briefing Book, Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on The Department of State,
Justice, and Commerce, The Judiciary, and Related Agencies, John M. Slack, West Virginia,
Chairman (three copies)
Briefing Book, People's Republic of China, August 1975
Briefing Book, People's Republic of China
Binder, Hon. John M. Slack, Jr.
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Nick Begich, 1932-1972
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Hale Boggs, 1914-1973
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Clarence Andrew Cannon, 1879-1964
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1917-1963
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Robert Francis Kennedy, 1925-1968
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Thomas Joseph O'Brien, 1878-1964
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Sam Rayburn, 1882-1961
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, John M. Slack, 1915-1980 (two copies)
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Albert Thomas, 1898-1966
Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress, Harry S. Truman, 1884-1972
A Tribute to John F. Kennedy, Encyclopedia Britannica
Report, The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Speeches, 1959:
Speeches, January-June 1960:
Speeches, July-December 1960:
Speeches, General, 1960
Speeches, January-June 1961:
Speeches, July-December 1961:
Speeches, January-June 1962:
Speeches, July-December 1962:
Speeches, 1963:
Speeches, January-June 1964:
Speeches, July-December 1964:
Speeches, January-June 1965:
Speeches, July-December 1965:
Speeches, January-March 1966:
Speeches, April-June 1966:
Speeches, July-December 1966:
Speeches, January-June 1967:
Speeches, July-December 1967:
Speeches, January-June 1968:
Speeches, July-December 1968:
Speeches, January-June 1969:
Speeches, July-December 1969:
Speeches, January-June 1970:
Speeches, July-December 1970:
Speeches, January-June 1971:
Speeches, July-December 1971:
Speeches, January-June 1972:
Speeches, July-December 1972:
Speeches, January-June 1973:
Speeches, July-December 1973:
Speeches, January-June 1974:
Speeches, July-December 1974:
Speeches, January-June 1975:
Speeches, July-December 1975:
Speeches, January-June 1976:
Speeches, July-December 1976:
Speeches, 1979:
Speeches, Miscellaneous:
Reunion Speeches, Pre-1964
Speech, "The Future of the Democratic Party," William Jennings Bryan Dorn
Speech, "Is Patriotism Passe in the World of Today," John J. Rhodes, October 17, 1977
Speech, Dedication of Charleston Civic Center Coliseum, Jennings Randolph, August 3,
Speech Material, General, 1961-1962
Speech Material, General, 1967-1968
Speech Material, General, 1971-1972
Speech Material, General, 1973-1974
Speech Material, General, 1974-1976
Speech Material, General, 1979
Speech Material, General
Speakers, General, 1965-1966
Speakers, General, 1973-1974
WSAZ Television Appearance, 1960
WSAZ Television, November 6, 1960
JS Comments, Legislation from 95th and 96th Congresses
JS Comments, Defense Employment
JS Comments, Frustration with Government
JS Comments, Federal Trade Commission, Funeral Directors
JS Comments, Abortion, Congressional Budget, Tax Reduction, Chrysler Loan, Department of
Education, Diggs Matter, Domestic Volunteers, Energy, Growth of Government, Federal Pay,
Hospital Costs, Martin Luther King Holiday, Public Financing, FTC Regulations, Rationing
JS Comments, Federal Trade Commission
JS Comments, Equal Rights Amendment
JS Comments, Ethics Committee
JS Comments, R-Value Insulation Trade Regulation Rule
JS Comments, Windfall Profits Tax
JS Comments, Defense Posture, Aircraft Carriers, Panama Canal, Foreign Aid
JS Comments, Steel Industry
Congressional Record, JS Statements, General, 1959
JS Statements, General, 1959-1960
JS Statements, General, 1961-1962
JS Statements
JS News Releases
JS Annual Reports:
JS, Your Congressman Reports, 1965-1968:
JS, Your Congressman John Slack Reports from Washington, 1969-1979:
JS, Legislative Profile, January 15, 1979-December 31, 1980
JS, Bills Introduced, 1979
Correspondence, Hubert Humphrey to JS, February 24, 1960
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS (copy), October 22, 1973
Correspondence, King Hussein of Jordan to JS, May 22, 1975
Correspondence, JS to David M. (Mick) Staton (copy), October 20, 1978
Correspondence, Robert C. Byrd to Frances Slack, March 28, 1980
Thank-You Letters to JS, 1975-1980
Invitations, John F. Kennedy
Invitations, Lyndon B. Johnson
Christmas Cards, Dwight Eisenhower
Christmas Cards, John F. Kennedy
Christmas Cards, Lyndon B. Johnson
Christmas Cards, Richard Nixon
Christmas Cards, Gerald Ford
Christmas Cards, Jimmy Carter
Christmas Cards, Spiro Agnew, Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, Tip O'Neill
Requests for Photographs, 1959-1962
Requests for Photographs, 1963-1964
Requests for Photographs, 1961-1964
Requests for Photographs, 1965-1966
Requests for Photographs, 1967-1968
Requests for Photographs, 1971-1972
Requests for Photographs, 1972
Requests for Photographs, 1973-1974
Requests for Photographs, 1974-1975
Requests for Photographs, 1975-1976
Requests for Photographs, 1980
Photograph Captions and Correspondence
Constituent Clipping Cards
Department of Education Bill, 1979
Surface Mining, 1973-1974
Miscellaneous Publications
The House Record in the 95th Congress, Election '78 Speech Cards
Joint Resolution in Honor of JS Birthday, Carpenters Legislative Improvement Committee,
March 10, 1975
Public Citizen Congressional Voting Index, 1979
JS, Identification Cards, Congress
Grant Announcements, 1979-1980
JS, Resolutions and Memorials
JS, Clippings on Death of
Program, Ceremony for the Unveiling of the Portraits of Chairman Clarence Cannon and
Chairman John Tabor, July 28, 1971
Program, Democratic Congressional Dinner, Washington, March 26, 1980
Program, Dedication, Charleston Civic Center Coliseum, August 3, 1980
Program, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Charleston Civic Center (2 copies), August 23,
Congressional Record
Miscellaneous Financial Reports
Guyandotte River Dam Proposal, February 28, 1962
Flyer, House Wrens, by Charles Harper, Appalachian Bookshop, Richwood
Whip Advisory, February 27, 1980
1977 Legislative Questionnaire
Panama Canal Treaties, 1977-1979
Salt II, 1979
JS, Campaign Advertisement, United Mine Workers of America, 1974
JS, Proclamation of Appreciation, Governor John D. Rockefeller, August 23, 1980
JS, Certificate, Medal of Commendation, Veterans of Foreign Wars, June 23, 1978
JS, Certificate, The National Committee Jobs for Veterans
Handwritten Report, Accomplishments of the 95th Congress
United Auto Workers Washington Report, September 28, 1979
JS, 1978 Campaign, Contributions and Expenditures, 1 of 2
JS, 1978 Campaign, Contributions and Expenditures, 2 of 2
JS, 1978 Campaign, Miscellaneous Correspondence
JS, 1978 Campaign, Primary Election, Correspondence
JS, 1978 Campaign, General Election, Correspondence
JS, 1978 Campaign, Opposition
JS, 1978 Campaign, Workers
JS, 1978 Campaign, Advertising
1978 Campaign, Senate Race, Primary Election
1978 Campaign, Senate Race General Election
JS, Fundraiser Reception, June 28, 1979
JS, Slack for Congress, Fundraising, 1979
JS, 1980 Campaign, Advertising
ACA Index, Television Script
Loose Materials from Memory Book 1:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 2:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 3:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 4:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 8:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 9:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 11:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 15:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 16:
Loose Materials from Memory Book 18:
Loose Materials from Memory Box 21:
Loose Materials from Memory Box 22:
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, A
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, B
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, C
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, D
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, E-F
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, G
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, H
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, I-J
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, K
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, L
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, M
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, N-P
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, Q-R
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, S
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, T-V
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, W-Z
Condolence Letters to Frances Slack, No Last Name
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, A-B
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, C-F
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, G-H
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, I-L
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, M-O
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, P-S
Sympathy Cards to Frances Slack, T-Z
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, A-B
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, C-G
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, H-I
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, J-M
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, N-Z
Condolence Letters to John Slack III, No Last Name
Sympathy Cards to John Slack III, A-C
Sympathy Cards to John Slack III, D-G
Sympathy Cards to John Slack III, H-L
Sympathy Cards to John Slack III, M-S
Sympathy Cards to John Slack III, T-Z
Condolence Telegrams
Memorial Gifts
Flower/Gift Cards (1 of 2)
Flower/Gift Cards (2 of 2)
Memory Book
Tribute, Repeal of Lea Act, Charleston Musicians Union, Local 136
Statements by Jennings Randolph and Robert C. Byrd on death of JS, Congressional Record, March 18, 1980
Memorial Service
Charleston City Council, resolution, death of JS
Kanawha County Commission, resolution, death of JS
Certificate, Memory of JS, Jimmy Carter
Bulletin, Women of the Church Installation, Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church, September 18, 1980
Correspondence and House Resolution 611, US House of Representatives, death of JS, March 18, 1980
1 Newspaper clippings, January 1959-September 1959
2 Newspaper clippings, October 1959-March 1960
3 Newspaper clippings, March 1960-December 1960
4 Newspaper clippings, January 1961-June 1961
5 Newspaper clippings, July 1961-April 1962
6 Newspaper clippings, May 1962-April 1963
7 Newspaper clippings, May 1963-June 1964
8 Newspaper clippings, June 1964-March 1965
9 Newspaper clippings, March 1965-January 1966
10 Newspaper clippings, January 1966-October 1966
11 Newspaper clippings, October 1966-July 1967
12 Newspaper clippings, July 1967-April 1968
13 Newspaper clippings, May 1968-October 1968
14 Newspaper clippings, October 1968-June 1969
15 Newspaper clippings, June 1969-May 1970
16 Newspaper clippings, June 1970-February 1971
17 Newspaper clippings, February 1971-January 1972
18 Newspaper clippings, January 1972-February 1973
19 Newspaper clippings, February 1973-December 1973
20 Newspaper clippings, January 1974-September 1974
21 Newspaper clippings, September 1974-September 1975
22 Newspaper clippings, September 1975-February 1977
23 Newspaper clippings, February 1977-August 1978
24 Newspaper clippings, August 1978-March 1980
25 Newspaper clippings, March 1980-April 1980
Newspaper clippings
Match books
Campaign cards
Newspaper endorsements
Democratic ballots
Telegram, Ivor and Barbara Boiarsky, August 6, 1958
Telegram, Robert C. Byrd, August 6, 1958
Telegram, Byrd for Senate Committee, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, Charles E. Bennett, August 7, 1958
Correspondence, Hillery C. Rice, August 14, 1958
Correspondence, Aunt Nelle, August 11, 1958
Correspondence, Jack Nuckols, August 14, 1958
Correspondence, J. Hornor Davis, 2nd, August 11, 1958
Correspondence, John L. Bradley, August 13, 1958
Correspondence, Cleveland M. Bailey, August 9, 1958
Correspondence, Bob Kelly, August 11, 1958
Correspondence, Anthony J. Sparacino, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, H. Frank Jones, n.d.
Correspondence, Jesse S. Barker, August 9, 1958
Correspondence, Jennings Randolph, August 9, 1958
Correspondence, Francis C. Farley, August 19, 1958
Correspondence, Bob Harvit, August 13, 1958
Correspondence, Dolly and Mike Margolis, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, F. Ray Power, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, Frank L. Taylor, August 7, 1958
Correspondence, J. F. Bedell, Jr., August 6, 1958
Correspondence, Hubert H. Kidd, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, Eileen Yago, August 8, 1958
Correspondence, J. W. Londeree, August 7, 1958
Correspondence, John F. Payne, n.d.
Correspondence, Miles C. Stanley, August 9, 1958
Correspondence, Myrtle N. Hedrick, August 7, 1958
Correspondence, Eudora Andrews, August 9, 1958
Correspondence, Sallie Stewart, n.d.
Correspondence, Dorothy Boiarsky, August 6, 1958
Correspondence, Annie, August 7, 1958
Song, "John Slack"
Campaign materials, hand lotion pillows
Badge, Slack for Congress
Telegram and response, US News and World Report, why Slack won election
Dedication Program, New Kanawha City Station Post Office, Charleston, November 22,
Name Tag and Badge, Dedication of Kanawha City Station, November 22, 1958
Letterhead and Envelope, John M. Slack, House of Representatives
Christmas Card, The Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Mrs. Munoz
Christmas Card, Ambassor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Madame
Christmas Card, Mr. and Mrs. Carolos P. Romulo, Embassy of the Philippines
Christmas Card, Dorothy Lamour and the 50th State - I Hope!
Ribbon, West Virginia
Badge, O'Slack, 1959
Menu, Edgewood Country Club, January 16, 1959
Toast to Slack, Vincent J. Reishman
Congressional Record, Remarks by John M. Slack, Jr., January 29, 1959
Invitation, In honor of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, The Congressional Club,
March 15
Ribbon, "Good Luck 'Chris'"
Invitation, Luncheon, The Cherry Blossom Festival Committee, April 8, 1959
Invitation, In honor of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, April 17
Invitation, L'Ambassadeur de France
Invitation, The White House, April 6
Invitation and program, Annual Breakfast in Honor of Mrs. Eisenhower, The Congressional
Club, April 30, 1959
Invitation, in honor of the Vice President of the United States and Mrs. Nixon, The
Congressional Club, May 17
Program, Sixty-eighth Continental Congress, 1959, National Society Daughters of the American
Revolution, Washington
Program, Ladies' International Luncheon, Seventeenth Annual Meeting, National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association, Presidential Room, Hotel Statler, Washington, February 10, 1959
Guest List and Seating Arrangement, National Fuels Policy Dinner, Statler-Hilton Hotel,
Washington, April 27, 1959
Program and Invitation, First Annual George Washington Birth Ball, Sheraton Park Hotel,
Washington, February 20, 1959
Program, Veterans of Foreign Wars Annual Dinner, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, February
3, 159
Program, Reserve Officers Association, National Council, Mid-Winter Banquet and Military
Ball, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, January 30, 1959
Souvenir Guide, Eighteenth Annual House and Embassy Tour for the Benefit of The Washington
Home for Incurables, April 11, 1959
Brochure, The Cherry Blossoms
Correspondence regarding photograph with Frances Langford
Photographs, West Virginia Building and Construction Trades Council Luncheon, Carlyle Hotel,
March 3, 1959
Photographs, nuclear-powered submarine, USS Skate, orientation cruise from new London,
Connecticut, May 12, 1959
Photographs, cruise aboard aircraft carrier USS Independence, July 17, 1959
Flyer, old-fashioned watermelon party, Young Democrat Club, St. Albans, June 26, 1959
Photographs, JS in office, November 24, 1959
Program, Elkins Elks Lodge No. 1135, December 6, 1959
The Charleston Exchangite, Charleston Exchange Club, October 15, 1959
The Kiwanis Gasser, Charleston Kiwanis Club, October 20, 1959
The West Virginia Voter, League of Women Voters of West Virginia, January 1960
Photograph, JS in office, January 6, 1960
Photograph, JS with W. H. Chadwick, Harry Chapin, James E. Deal, David Lowery, Don
Maupin, John H. Moore, John F. Payne, Veterans of Foreign Wars, February 3, 1959
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Veterans of Foreign Wars, February 3, 1959
Photograph, JS with Ann Crockett, West Virginia Cherry Blossom Princess, April 5, 1959
Photograph, JS portrait, January 12, 1959
Photograph, JS portrait, January 12, 1959
Photograph, JS with Johnny Slack, Henry Cabot Lodge, Mary Herlihy, Frances Slack, United
Nations Building, June 13, 1959
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Sue Walker, Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, January 28, 1960
Photograph, JS with Cleveland Bailey, unidentified, National Youth Conference, March
Photograph, JS with Pat Graney, Colonel White, George Fallon, Victor Norton Green,
Photograph, JS with Willard Brown, E. L. James, G. H. Mitchell, Congressman Murphy,
Speakers Lobby, February 1960
Program, First Annual Dinner of the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations, Charleston,
April 26, 1960
Certificate of Election, June 21, 1960
Certificate of Election, June 21, 1960
JS, membership card, Young Democrats, Nevada Southern
JS, membership card, Berry Hills Country Club, Charleston
JS, membership card, Naval Academy Athletic Association
JS, membership card, West Virginia Society of the District of Columbia
JS, membership card, Beni Kedem Director's Staff
JS, membership card, National Park System
JS, membership card, Navy League of the United States
JS, membership card, Edgewood Country Club, Charleston
JS, membership card, Knott Hotels
JS, membership card, The Willard, Washington
JS, membership card, R. Mars, The Contract Company
JS, membership card, Volunteers for Victory in Sixty
JS, membership card, Admiral of the Cherry River Navy
JS, membership card, United Sportsmen of America
JS, membership card, Congressional card
JS, membership card, D. C. Transit System Inc,,
JS, membership card, American Association of Professional Baseball Clubs
JS, membership card, Honorary Missileman of the United States Army Air Defense
Program cover, "Your Convention in Los Angeles," July 11, 1960
Sticker, Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles, 1960 (2)
Pass, West Virginia Convention Floor Delegate, 1960
Key, The Flying Donkey Club, 1960 Democratic National Convention
Membership card, Randall S. Harmon for President Club
Photograph, JS with Cleveland Bailey, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Andrew J.
McLaughlin, Elizabeth Kee, Harley Staggers, Ken Hechler, June 30, 1960
Correspondence, Eric Johnston, Motion Picture Association, to JS, May 14, 1960
Invitation, Senator and Mrs. Stuart Symington, Biltmore Hotel, July 10, 1960
Invitation, Senator and Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Biltmore Hotel, July 10, 1960
Invitation to 49th state Alaska cocktail party, Biltmore Hotel, July 12, 1960
Invitation to opening of Johnson for President Hospitality Room, Biltmore Hotel, July 10,
Telegram, Edwin W. Pauley to John Slack, July 9, 1960
Invitation, Democratic National Convention Committee reception, Beverly-Hilton Hotel, July 10,
Pass-Out Ticket, First Session, Democratic National Convention
Card, Honorary Citizen of the City of Los Angeles
Ticket, Democratic National Convention, First Session, July 1960
Telegram, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Carroll, Mike Monroney, Thomas Finletter, Herbert Lehman
to JS, asking for drafting of Stevenson for nominee, July 11, 1960
Card, Association of Local Transport Airlines
Card, J. B. Patnaik, Editor
Democratic Manual for the Democratic National Convention of 1960 by Clarence Cannon
Ribbon and badge, John Slack, House of Representatives, Democratic National Convention
Ribbon and badge, Delegate, Democratic National Convention
Photograph, JS with Principal A. E. Rezzonico, Horace Mann Junior High School, August 9,
Photograph, JS with Don Daniels, Emilio Daddario, Bill Murphy, Bill Moorhead, Neal
Gallagher, at reception for John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson
Brochure, Democratic Candidates for Election, 1960
Brochure, "This Team Cares About West Virginia," November 8, 1960
Photograph, JS campaigning on horseback
Campaign card, Re-Elect JS
Bumper sticker, Re-Elect JS
Ruler, Re-Elect JS
Badge, Slack for Congress
Program, Inaugural Activities, January 18-January 20, 1961
Certificate, American Airlines to JS, Admiral of the Flagship Fleet, October 17, 1960
Invitation, Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, January 20, 1961
Invitation, Reception, January 18, 1961
Ticket, Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, January 20, 1961
Invitation, Inaugural Concert, January 19, 1961
Ticket, Inauguration Ceremonies, President's Platform, January 20, 1961
Invitation, Inaugural Ball, January 20, 1961
Automobile Police Pass, Inauguration, January 20, 1961
Program, Inauguration Ceremonies, January 20, 1961
Invitation, Inauguration, January 20, 1961
West Virginia Inaugural Program, January 16, 1961
Invitation, Reception in honor of governors, January 19, 1961
Sketch, J M. "Mick" Slack
Photograph, John Mick Slack, hunting
Photograph, John "Mick" Slack and JS on horseback
Photograph, John "Mick" Slack with horse
Button, John Slack Club
Photograph, JS with Cub Scout
Guest Pass, World Bobsled Championships, Lake Placid, February 1961
Photograph, JS with Johnny Slack, July 1959
Correspondence, Paul Akers, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners to JS, August 25,
1956 (copy)
Ribbon, John Slack Jr., Grand Champion American, 1961
Membership card, John M. Slack, Jr., Congress
Invitation, luncheon, International Economic Policy Association, June 30, 1959
School tax receipt, 1857
Invitation, reception, International Economic Policy Association, June 30, 1959
Invitation, opening of St. Lawrence Seaway, June 26, 1959
Invitation, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, May 23, 1959
Program, funeral service, William Frederick Halsey, Jr., August 20, 1959
Program, funeral service, John Foster Dulles, May 27, 1959
Program, funeral service, William Daniel Leahy, July 23, 1959
Invitation, inauguration of Elvis Jacob Stahr, Jr., as president of West Virginia University,
October 3, 1959
Newspaper clippings
Invitation, reception, Italian Ambassador and Signora Brosio, May 19, 1959
Guest pass, 1961 World Bobsled Championships, Lake Placid, New York, February 1961
Invitation, Diamond Jubilee Dinner, honoring Eleanor Roosevelt, December 7, 1959
Invitation, private showing, National Gallery of Art, April 2, 1959
Invitation, banquet honoring Harry S. Truman, April 30, 1959
Invitation, Nevada Silver Centennial Celebration, June 12-14, 1959
Invitation, Annual Dinner, Veterans of Foreign Wars, February 3, 1959
Correspondence, Hale Boggs to JS, January 10, 1959
Invitation, Annual Service of Intercession and Holy Communion, National Presbyterian Church,
Washington, January 7, 1959
Invitation, AMVETS National Awards Luncheon, May 1
Invitation, dinner, Washington Board of Trade, January 6, 1959
Invitation, inauguration of Governor William Allen Egan, Alaska, January 17, 1959
Invitation, luncheon, Women in Government, January 7, 1961
Invitation, wives of the members of the Cabinet, April 25
Bulletin and invitation, Annual Service of Intercession and Holy Communion, National
Presbyterian Church, Washington, January 3, 1961
Invitation, fashion show, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, February 24, 1960
Barratt O'hara's Report From Congress
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Central Asphalt Paving Company, Charleston, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Central Asphalt Paving Company, Charleston, n.d.
Photograph, JS at inaugural ceremonies at the United States Capitol, January 20, 1961
Photograph, JS at inaugural ceremonies at the United States Capitol, January 20, 1961
JS, St. Patrick's Day ribbon
Photograph, JS with unidentified holding fish, February 1961
Photograph, JS with Miss Masker, Direct Distance Dialing, Charleston, March 4, 1961
Photograph, JS with Jerry Elden, Charleston Mayor Shanklin, May 16, 1961
JS, certificate, Honorary Citizen of South Dakota, 1961
Program, West Virginia Credit Union League, 25th Annual Membership Meeting, Daniel Boone
Hotel, Charleston, April 7-9, 1961
Program, West Virginia Credit Union League, 3rd Annual Luncheon, Daniel Boone Hotel,
Charleston, April 8, 1961
Photograph, JS with unidentified, bid opening for South Charleston plant, March 31, 1961
Photograph, JS with unidentified, bid opening for South Charleston plant, March 31, 1961
Correspondence, W. E. Chilton, III to JS, March 29, 1961
Correspondence, George to JS, January 10, 1961
Photograph, JS with unidentified, National Broadcasters Association Dinner, May 9, 1961
Photograph, JS with unidentified, National Broadcasters Association Dinner, May 9, 1961
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, March 18, 1961
Correspondence, John F. Kennedy to JS, March 18, 1961
Photograph, JS in uniform, n.d.
Correspondence, Elvis J. Stahr, jr. to JS, April 12, 1961
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, April 10, 1961
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, April 10, 1961
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph,, Robert C. Byrd, David Brinkley, W. W. Barron, Ken
Hechler, Elizabeth Kee, Brinkley receiving honorary Mountaineer award, June 20, 1961
JS with unidentified, decommissioning service, South Charleston Naval Ordnance Plant, June
30, 1961
JS with unidentified, decommissioning service, South Charleston Naval Ordnance Plant, June
30, 1961
Correspondence, Arleigh Burke to JS, March 18, 1961
Telegram, John McCormack to JS, August 17, 1961
Photograph, JS with Congressmen Ashmore, Horan, Michael, Department of Agriculture
representatives, inspecting Carolina Peaches, 1961
Correspondence, George to JS, July 7, 1961
Matchbook, The President's House
Statement of Condition, Kanawha Banking and Trust Company, Charleston
Photograph, JS with Congressmen Finnegan, Hagen, Wickersham, Cape Canaveral, February 13,
Photograph, JS at Las Vegas Air Strip, February 13, 1962
Photograph, JS with Congressmen Purcell, Libonati, project engineer, Cape Canaveral, February
13, 1962
Photograph, JS with Major General Thomas Gerrity, Walter H. Moehler, discussion of operation
of Agena satellite vehicle, February 8-11, 1962
Photograph, JS with Congressman Pike, General Power, Nerve Center of Strategic Air
Command, Omaha, Nebraska, February 8-11, 1962
Photograph, JS with Congressmen Libonati, Basil Whitener, Captain William Diener, Air Force
Discoverer Satellite Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, February 10, 1962
Photograph, Joint Session of Congress honoring Colonel John Glenn after his three orbital flight
around the world, n.d.
Correspondence, Jerome T. Gaspard to JS, March 3, 1962
Photograph, Interparliamentary Conference in Canada, February 28-March 4, 1962
Invitation, luncheon, Speaker of the House of Commons, March 2, 1962
Canada, Debates of the Senate, March 1, 1962
Correspondence, John F. Kennedy to JS, March 18, 1962
Correspondence, J. S. Gleason, Jr. to JS, March 16, 1962
Correspondence, Elvis J. Stahr, jr. to JS, March 16, 1962
Correspondence, Fred Korth to JS, March 16, 1962
Correspondence, Orville Freeman to JS, March 16, 1962
Correspondence, Arthur Goldberg to JS, March 17, 1962
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, March 17, 1962
Correspondence, William J. McManus to JS, March 16, 1962
Correspondence, George W. Anderson to JS, March 18, 1962
Card, Nike Zeus
JS, membership card, U. S. Army Air Defense Command
Program, Welcome Mr. Congressman, National NIKE site, Lorton, Virginia, March 17,
Photograph, JS with Cleveland Bailey, unidentified, AFL-CIO Get Together, April 3, 1962
Photograph, JS with Congressmen Robert Michel, Robert McLoskey, Compton White, General
Thomas Power, Strategic Air Command Commander-in-Chief, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Sargent Shriver and Robert McDonough
Photograph, JS with Colonel Pickett, Appropriations Committee Trip, Berlin, April 1962
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Appropriations Committee Trip, Berlin, April 1962
Invitation, Luncheon, United States Commander of Berlin, April 27, 1962
Photograph, JS with Glenn Lilly and son, unidentified, Shrine Spring Ceremonial, Knoxville,
Tennesee, May 19, 1962
Photograph, JS with Hal D. Stauffer, R. C. White, E. D. Hardman, 40/8 Club Initiation,
Sheraton-Park Hotel, June 2, 1962
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Elizabeth Kee, Cleveland Bailey, Ken Hechler, Harley
Staggers, West Virginia Delegation breakfast, August 8, 1962
Photograph, JS with unidentified, West Virginia Community Television Association
Congressional reception, Shoreham Hotel, June 18, 1962
Newsletter, West Virginia Savings and Loan League, Charleston, September 6-8, 1962
Certificate, Veterans of World War I, September 12, 1962
Invitation, Reception and Dinner, Secretary of the Navy, Commander Naval Base and Mrs. E. J.
O'Donnell, September 29, 1962
Photograph, JS and Frances Slack, with Governor and Mrs. W. W. Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Rahall, Governor's Mansion November 1962
Photograph, JS and Frances Slack
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS in House Chamber
Photograph, JS with Charles Merrill, George M. Klepper, Glenn Lilly, Shrine Ceremonial,
November 3, 1962
Telegram, John F. Kennedy to JS, November 7, 1962
Telegram, John W. McCormack to JS, November 7, 1962
Telegram, Carl Albert to JS, November 7, 1962
Telegram, Clarence Cannon to JS, November 7, 1962
Telegram, Michael J. Kirwan to JS, November 7, 1962
Telegram, John M. Bailey to JS, November 8, 1962
Correspondence, John A. Baker to JS, November 20, 1962
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of the United States and Mrs. Reischauer, November 19,
Invitation, cocktail buffet, Representative of the Commander-in-Chief Pacific in the Ryukyu
Islands and Mrs. Caraway, November 22, 1962
Invitation, dinner, General and Mrs. Guy Stanley Meloy, Jr., November 18, 1962
Invitation, dinner, Vice Admiral and Mrs. Charles T. Melson, November 24, 1962
Invitation, luncheon, American Consul General, November 26, 1962
Invitation, reception, High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands, November 21, 1962
Invitation, Parade of the Kings' Guards in commemoration of the birthday of His Majesty, The
King, The Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, December 3, 1962
Traffic instruction sheet
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS with unidentified at grave
Photograph, JS with unidentified soldiers
Photograph, soldier rappeling
Photograph, soldier rappeling
Photograph, soldier tying knots
Photograph, soldier climbing tree
Photograph, soldier cutting coconut
Photograph, party eating coconut
Photograph, JS with unidentified on tour
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS with unidentified outside plane
Photograph, JS with Robert McClory, Louis C. Wyman, General Walter C. Sweeney, Jr., Don
Fuqua, Donald R. Matthews, Robert McLosky, Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base,
January 25, 1963
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Arch Moore, Harley Staggers, Ken
Hechler, West Virginia University Political Science students, January 30, 1963
Photograph, JS with Charlotte Reid, presidential plane, January 26, 1963
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Ken Hechler, Harley Staggers, West
Virginia Delegation luncheon, February 7, 1963
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of Laos and Princess Khampan, February 26, 1963
Invitation, dinner, assistant secretary of state G. Mennen and Mrs. Williams, February 27,
Correspondence, William J. McManus to JS, March 18, 1963
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, March 18, 1963
Correspondence, John F. Kennedy to JS, March 18, 1963
Telegram, Hank to JS, March 16, 1963
Invitation, cocktails and film, Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Mrs.
Anatoly F. Dobrynin, March 19, 1963
Program, American Affairs Forum, West Virginia State College, May 10, 1963
Photograph, JS with West Virginia Cherry Blossom Princess Carolyn Smith, April 3, 1963
Photograph, JS with West Virginia Cherry Blossom Princess Carolyn Smith, April 3, 1963
Photograph, John F. Kennedy speaking at West Virginia Centennial Celebration, June 20,
Photograph, Parade of Flags, The White House, May 20, 1963
Photograph, JS with group, State, Justice, Judiciary and Related Agencies Subcommittee of
House Appropriations Committee, June 1963
Photograph, JS with unidentified group
Charleston Gazette, June 18, 1964 (2 copies)
Photograph, JS with W. W. Barron, unidentified, FMC Corporation Production Ceremony,
October 9, 1963
Photograph, JS with W. W. Barron, unidentified, FMC Corporation Production Ceremony,
October 9, 1963
Correspondence, Ned D. Moore to John M. Slack, November 7, 1962
Photograph, JS and Frances Slack, The White House
Article, "Grace Beauty and Wit Make a Triplett," compiled by Mrs. James H. French
Cachet Envelope, New York World's Fair, 1964-1965
Cachet Envelope, 100th Anniversary West Virginia Statehood
Cachet Envelope, In Memoriam, John F. Kennedy
Photograph, JS with George James, Spring 1963
Invitation, reception, President of the Republic of India, June 3, 1963
Invitation, reception, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, October 2,
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of Canada and Mrs. Ritchie, January 14, 1964
Invitation, luncheon, in honor of the Canadian Delegation to the Seventh Meeting of the
Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group, January 15, 1964
Photograph, JS with unidentified, United States-Canada Interparliamentary Group Trip to Cape
Kennedy, Florida, January 1964
Photograph, JS with unidentified, United States-Canada Interparliamentary Group Trip to Cape
Kennedy, Florida, January 1964
Invitation, dinner, Canadian Delegation to the Seventh Meeting of the Canada-United States
Interparliamentary Group, January 15, 1964
Invitation, dedication of Museum of History and Technology, Washington, January 22, 1964
Program, The Fifty-first Anniversary Dinner of The Alfalfa Club, January 25, 1964
Seating Chart, The Fifty-first Anniversary Dinner of The Alfalfa Club, January 25, 1964
Photograph, JS with James Edmundson, George Titler, The Capitol, February 26, 1964
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, March 18, 1864
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, March 18, 1864
Certificate of Appreciation, Kiwanis Club of West Charleston, March 27, 1964
Correspondence, Clarence Cannon to JS, April 14, 1964
Tickets, Official Dedication Ceremonies, New York World's Fair, April 22, 1964
Daily Passes, Opening Day, New York World's Fair, April 22, 1964
Brochure, Transportation to the Fair, New York World's Fair, 1964-1965
Photograph, JS with Miriam Ellen Pianfetti, 1964 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow from
West Virginia, and Mrs. Mildred Bockway, April 29, 1964
Photograph, JS with Miriam Ellen Pianfetti, 1964 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow from
West Virginia, April 29, 1964
Note regarding funeral of Clarence Cannon
Invitation, reception in honor of His Majesty Mwambutsa IV, King of Burundi, May 19,
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Phil Conley, Mr. Burnett, Gladys Bowman, West
Virginia Son and Daughter of the Year Awards, June 1964
Telegram, John W. McCormack to JS regarding viewing of JFK's body, November 24, 1963
"Kennedy and His Family in Pictures," by the Editors of Look
Life Magazine, John F. Kennedy Memorial Edition
Photograph, JS with David Pierson, John Breckinridge, Walter Boggess, Summersville Meeting
for Tri-County Development, June 5, 1964
Photographs, JS and Mrs. Frances Slack, Cherry River Navy
Photograph, girl on horseback
"Nocturn: Washington After Dark," Summer 1963
Invitation, reception, President of the Republic of Costa Rica and Mrs. Orlich, July 1, 1964
Invitation, unveiling of memorial plaque commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the Rogers
Act establishing the Foreign Service of the United States, July 1, 1964
Certificate of Election, June 24, 1964
Certificate of Election, July 8, 1964
Correspondence, Howard L. Clark to JS, July 10, 1964
Admission Card, Sports Illustrated Salute to the US Open Golf Tournament, June 15, 1964
Admission Card, Ford Motor Company, New York World's Fair Pavilion, 1964
Correspondence, Robert F. Kennedy to JS, June 18, 1964
Admission Card, White House, August 19, 1964
Correspondence, James H. J. Tate to JS, July 17, 1964
Philadelphia Hospitality Card, 1964 Democratic National Convention
Pass Privileges Card, On Ocean Drive Toll Bridges, August 15, 1964-September 15, 1964
Ribbon and badge, John Slack, House of Representatives, Democratic National Convention,
Atlantic City, 1964
Ribbon and badge, Delegate, Democratic National Convention, Atlantic City, 1964
Key, The Flying Donkey Club, 1964 Democratic National Convention
Bumper sticker, Slack for Congress
Campaign card
Constituent clipping card
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Photograph, JS playing the organ
Photograph, JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, The White House, August 1964
Photograph, JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, The White House, August 1964
Correspondence, John M. McCormack to JS, October 1, 1962
Correspondence, John M. McCormack to JS, December 21, 1964
Invitation, opening of exhibition, Drawings of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries from the
Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne, October 3, 1964
Membership card, Ferrocarriles de Centro America, 1964
Telegram, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, 1964
Telegram, John M. Bailey to JS, 1964
Telegram, Carl T. Rowan to JS, 1964
Telegram, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. to JS, 1964
Telegram, William J. Crockett to JS, 1964
Telegram, Michael J. Kirwin to JS, 1964
Telegram, George Meany to JS, 1964
Correspondence, John M. McCormack to JS, n.d.
Correspondence, Hubert Humphrey to JS, November 6, 1964
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, November 4, 1964
Correspondence, John A. Gronouski to JS, November 10, 1964
Correspondence, Anthony Celebrezze to JS, November 12, 1964
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, November 4, 1964
Photographs, JS with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Silverstein and family and Mrs. Baer and family,
Washington, August 1964
Photograph, JS with Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, Summersville Municipal Building Dedication,
October 1964
Photograph, JS with Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, Summersville Municipal Building Dedication,
October 1964
Certificate, 2d Armored Cavalry, April 25, 1962
Life Magazine, December 6, 1963
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Lipscomb, Mrs. Richard Cushing, Lee Owens, Malcolm A.
Burrows, South American tour, Fall 1964
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman Lipscomb, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cushing,
Congressman and Mrs. Cederbert, Lee Owens, Malcolm A. Burrows, South American tour, Fall
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Mrs. Lipscomb, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cushing,
Congressman and Mrs. Cederbert, Lee Owens, Malcolm A. Burrows, South American tour, Fall
Admission Ticket, Inauguration Ceremonies, January 20, 1965
Program, Inauguration Ceremonies, January 18, 1965
Tickets, Presidential Inauguration, January 20, 1965
Invitations, Pre-Inaugural Gala Dinner, January 18, 1965
Invitation, reception and ball, Young Democratic Festivities Committee, January 19, 1965
Invitation, reception, Governors of the States and Special Distinguished Guests, January 19,
Invitation, inaugural ball, January 20, 1965
Invitation, Presidential Inauguration, January 20, 1965
Invitation, Ceremonies Attending the Inauguration, January 20, 1965
Program, Inauguration Ceremonies, January 20, 1965
Invitation, Memorial Service for Winston Churchill, Washington National Cathedral, January 28,
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the submarine, George C. Marshall
Cachet Envelope, Inauguration of Lyndon B. Johnson
Cachet Envelope, USS Kamehameha
Cachet Envelope, 10th Anniversary of the first voyage of the USS Nautilus
Cachet Envelope, USS George C. Bancroft launching, March 20, 1965
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the SSN671 USS Narwahl
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS James K. Polk
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, March 4, 1965
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, March 18, 1965
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, March 18, 1965
Identification card, JS, House of Representatives, 1963-1964
Photograph, JS in uniform
Invitation, reception, President and Mrs. Johnson, February 9, 1965
Invitation, reception, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Ellington, March 23, 1965
Invitation to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the second inauguration of
President Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1965
Invitation, Re-Opening Day Ceremonies, New York World's Fair, April 21, 1965
Invitation, concert, Members of the President's Cabinet, May 3, 1965
Invitation, reception, National Day of the Argentine Republic, May 25, 1965
Guest card, Ford Exhibit, New York World's Fair, 1965
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, April 23, 1965
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, West Virginia
Congressional Delegation and AAY, President's Commission on Juvenile Delinquency, February
2, 1965
Photograph, JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, unidentified, May 7, 1965
Correspondence, Lawrence F. O'Brien to JS, May 7, 1965
License plate, 1965 Presidential Inauguration
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Attack Submarine Queenfish, February 25, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Henry L. Stimson, November 13, 1965
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Mariano G. Vallejo, October 23, 1965
Cachet Envelope, 200th Anniversary of Robert Fulton, 1965
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Submarine George Washington Carver, August 14, 1965
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Francis Scott Key, April 23, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Sturgeon, February 26, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Commemorating the Migratory Bird Treaty, United States-Canada, 50 Years,
March 16, 1966
Invitation, reception, The Ambassador of Tunisia, June 1, 1965
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of Liberia, July 7, 1965
Invitation, reception, third anniversary of independence of Jamaica, August 2, 1965
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Attack Submarine Ray, June 21, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Nebraska Centennial, 1867-1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Narwahl, September 9, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Sea Devil, October 5, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Christening of the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy, May 27, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Nuclear Attack Submarine Aspro, November 29, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Gurnard, May 20, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Bergall, February 17, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Mohawk Airlines, December 1966
Cachet Envelope, 50th Anniversary of the National Park Service, August 25, 1966
"The Slack Family"
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Will Rogers, July 21, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Grayling, June 22, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Attack Submarine Hammerhead, April 14, 1967
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Whale and USS Sunfish, October 14, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Pargo, September 17, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Nuclear Attack Submarine Haddock, May 21, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Trans Caribbean Airwaves, December 5, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Inauguration of Service Air Mail Route 87 New York, New York, November
15, 1967
Deed, John Slack, January 19, 1819 (copy)
Democratic and Conservative State Ticket, 1866 (copy)
Program, Charleston Lodge 788, B'nai B'rith, Golden Anniversary Banquet, November 13,
Photograph, JS with Postmaster Gronouski and Carson Browning, October 1965
Congressional Record
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Attack Submarine Lapon, December 16, 1966
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Nuclear Attack Submarine Puffer, March 30, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Launching of Guitarro, July 27, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Spadefish, May 15, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the Nuclear Aircraft Carrier Nimitz, June 22, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Seahorse, June 15, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Mohawk Airlines Inc., First Flight Souvenir Cover, March 1, 1968
Cachet Envelope, Launching Dolphin, June 8, 1968
"Nobody Is Perfect" (copy)
Photograph, JS at dinner
Photograph, John Mick Slack
Photograph, JS with Johnny Slack, father, uncles, brothers
Photographs, JS on horseback, November 1964
Photograph, JS with unidentified, pointing to globe
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Dinner Meeting, 1965
Photograph, JS with Cub Scout, March 1965
Membership Card, Congressional Secretaries' Club, 1965
Correspondence, Michael J. Kirwan to JS, March 17, 1965
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Mother of the Year
Invitation, Virginia Gold Cup Ball, May 7, 1965
Invitation, reception, Madame Chiang Kai-shek, October 7, 1965
Photograph, JS with Juanita Bailey, Virgil Summers, Walter F. Snyder, 1965
Invitation, The White House, October 7, 1965
Vehicle Display Card, The White House, October 7, 1965
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, December 20, 1965
Greeting Card, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Mrs. Rusk
Correspondence, John V. Lindsay to JS, December 30, 1965
Scroll, Board of Directors of the National Right to Work Committee, n.d.
Program, Annual Meeting, South Charleston Chamber of Commerce, January 15, 1966
Photograph, JS with Nathan Haddad, South Charleston Chamber of Commerce, January 15,
Program, Memorial Service, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of India, January 28, 1966
Photograph, JS with Ralph Hall, Joe Waggoner, AMVETS Congressional Reception, Mayflower
Hotel, February 1966
Membership card, AMVETS
"The Weekly Letter," Rotary Club 191, District 755, Charleston, February 25, 1966
Correspondence, Lic. Luis M. Farias to JS, March 7, 1966
Certificate of Appreciation, Kiwanis International, October 27, 1964
Correspondence, John F. Kennedy to JS, August 12, 1960
Photographs, JS with John F. Kennedy, 1961
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, March 18, 1966
Correspondence, Henry H. Wilson Jr. to JS, March 18, 1966
Correspondence, Hubert H. Humphrey to JS, March 18, 1966
Correspondence, Walter Becher to JS, June 30, 1966
Program, Third Annual Blue Ridge All Arabian Horse Show, Gaithersburg, Maryland, July 1-3,
Photograph, JS with Vicki Davis, Ann Hansel, Hank Hansel, August 8, 1966
Certificate, Honorary Fire Boss, City of Beckley, August 15, 1966
Certificate of Membership, Honorary Fire Boss, City of Beckley, August 15, 1966
Guest Tag, Presidential Trip, September 3, 1966
Ticket, Beckley Exhibition Mine, 1966 Season (2)
Matchbook, Air Force One
Program, "Aboard the Presidential Aircraft," Charleston to Harrisburg
Photograph, JS with Averil Ramsey, St. Albans High School Bleachers Dedication, September
10, 1966
Photograph, Ferdinand Marcos speaking to Congress, 1966
Invitation, reception, The President of the Republic of the Philippines and Mrs. Marcos,
September 15, 1966
Photograph, Ferdinand Marcos addressing Joint Session of Congress, September 1966
Program, Washington Classical Symphony of the National Symphony Orchestra, September 26,
Name cards and menus, The White House, September 26, 1966
Invitation, reception, The Fifty-fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China,
October 10, 1966
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, November 9, 1966
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, November 9, 1966
Correspondence, Dean Rusk to JS, November 10, 1966
Correspondence, Hubert H. Humphrey to JS, November 17, 1966
Invitation, Launching of USS Pargo, September 17, 1966
Photograph, John M. Slack, Sr., voting, November 1966
Photograph, John M. Slack, Sr. with unidentified, voting, November 1966
Photograph, JS with Adrian T. Middleton and Elford A. Cederberg, Beirut International Airport,
November 21, 1966
Photograph, JS with Sam McEwen, Irving Bowman, Alfred Stern, Lieutenant Larson, William T.
Brotherton, William McCoy, Jr., Walter Dorwin Teague, Jr., Ivor Boiarsky, Sugar Grove
Meeting, May 25, 1961
"The Slack Family"
Photograph, Frances Slack with Mrs. Adrian T. Middleton, Mrs. Leamon R. Hunt, Mrs. Elford
A. Cederberg, Beirut International Airport, November 21, 1966
Newsletter, The Exchangite, National Exchange Club, December 1966
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Contractors Convention, The Greenbrier, 1966
Invitation, Memorial Service for Konrad Adenauer, April 25, 1963
Invitation, reception, President and Mrs. Johnson, February 8, 1967
Entry Card, The White House, February 8, 1967
Invitation, reception, His Majesty King Hassan II, Morocco, February 10, 1967
Invitation, reception, Third Annual Foreign Service Day Conference, November 3, 1967
Political cartoon, signed by Herb Block
Photograph, JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, William Westmoreland and unidentified, White
Program, Flag Day Program, United States House of Representatives, June 14, 1967
Entry Pass, Washington Cathedral
Invitation, John T. McNaughton funeral services, July 25, 1967
Photograph, JS with Ken Hechler, unidentified, luncheon at Edgewood Country Club, August 19,
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Invitation, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia and Mrs. Suwito Kusumowidagdo, August
17, 1967
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Invitation, Mrs. Johnson, The White House, September 11, 1967
Entry Card, The White House, September 11, 1967
Ribbon and badge, John Slack, House of Representatives, Democratic National Convention,
Chicago, 1968
Ribbon and badge, Delegate, Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1968
Photograph, JS with grandson John Mark Slack IV, September 13, 1967
Invitation, National Memorial Service for Carl Sandburg, Lincoln Memorial, September 17,
Invitation, reception, Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Trowbridge, The Chief of Protocol and
Mrs. Symington, October 4, 1967
Invitation, dedication ceremony, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, October 27, 1967
Invitation, 1967 Washington International Horse Show, October 23, 1967
Photograph, JS with Billy Graham, unidentified
Correspondence, Carl D. Perkins to JS, November 9, 1967
Expenses for funeral of Mick Slack (copy)
Certificate, Reserve Officers Association of the United States
Photograph, JS with Dick Dierker, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 1968
Photograph, JS and Frances Slack with unidentified
Photograph, JS and Frances Slack with unidentified
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Invitation, piano recital, The Ambassador of the Argentine Republic and Mrs. Alsogaray,
Washington, January 17, 1968
Membership card, United States Figure Skating Association, Charleston Ice Skating Club,
February 7, 1968
Entrance card, The White House, February 20, 1968
Car pass, The White House, February 20, 1968
Invitation, presentation of the National Medal of Science, February 13, 1968
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, February 23, 1968
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Petroleum Association's District Meeting, March 1, 1968
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, March 18, 1968
Program, West Virginia Branch National League of Postmasters of the United States, Annual
Banquet, Daniel Boone Hotel, May 25, 1968
Photograph, JS with Ed Hill, page, June 1968
Program, Stonewall Jackson High School Annual Commencement, Municipal Auditorium, June
3, 1968
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, July 3, 1968
Remarks of the President Upon Signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, The East Room, July 1,
A Souvenir of the 100th Anniversary of West Virginia University, Morgantown, 1967
Birth Registration, JS
Invitation, opening night, 1968 Washington International Horse Show, October 28, 1968
Photograph, unidentified person on horseback
Photographs, JS with unidentified, at stables
Photograph, unidentified person on horseback
Photographs, unidentified aircraft carrier
Correspondence, Mrs. Donald M. Malone to JS, n.d.
Photograph, billboard, Slack for Congress, October 1968
Photograph, JS with unidentified, WASH reception, June 1968
Photograph, JS, City of South Charleston Recreation Department, June 1968
Photograph, JS with unidentified, City of South Charleston Recreation Department, June
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Thaxton Esso Station Grand Opening, Charleston, July
Correspondence, Charles A. Halleck to JS, September 23, 1968
Correspondence, John M. Murphy to JS, September 24, 1968
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, September 4, 1968
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, December 10, 1968
Correspondence, Bernie F. Fisk to JS, November 18, 1968
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, November 20, 1968
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, December 6, 1968
Telegram, John W. McCormack to JS, November 6, 1968
Correspondence, Hubert H. Humphrey to JS, March 12, 1968
Photograph contact sheet, JS with unidentified, House Appropriations Committee visit to "La
California," Caracas, Venezuela, December 10, 1968
Photograph contact sheet, JS with unidentified, House Appropriations Committee visit to "La
California," Caracas, Venezuela, December 10, 1968
Photograph, JS with Congressman St. Germain and Johnny Howell, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Arch Moore, Miles Stanley, Carl Perkins, n.d.
Correspondence, J. C. Windham, September 20, 1968
Correspondence, William M. Tuck to JS, October 2, 1968
Correspondence, Charles Roche (?) to JS, October 16, 1968
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, November 6, 1968
Photograph, unidentified horse, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified horse, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified horse, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified horse, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified horse, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified on horseback, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified on horseback, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified, n.d.
JS, certificate of election, December 12, 1968
Photograph, JS at desk, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Andy Anderson, Wirt Harmon, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Andy Anderson, Wirt Harmon, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified on horseback, n.d.
Membership card, United States Figure Skating Association
Patch, Cowboys 335 AHC
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Agriculture - Arts and Crafts, 1969 West Virginia
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Agriculture - Arts and Crafts, 1969 West Virginia
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Agriculture - Arts and Crafts, 1969 West Virginia
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Agriculture - Arts and Crafts, 1969 West Virginia
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Agriculture - Arts and Crafts, 1969 West Virginia
Correspondence, Frank W. Vaughn to JS, February 28, 1969
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 8, May 5, 1969
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 9, March 3, 1969
Correspondence, Frank W. Vaughn to JS, May 18, 1969
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 10, May 18, 1969
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 12, November 14, 1969
Correspondence, Lyndon B. Johnson to JS, January 17, 1969
Correspondence, John M. Slack, III to JS, August 27, 1969
Correspondence, William M. Allen, n.d.
Cachet Envelope, 50th Anniversary, First Canada-U.S. Air Mail
Correspondence, Harry Olander, n.d.
Cachet Envelope, Apollo XI
Correspondence, Robert Taft, Jr., September 24, 1969
Cachet Envelope, 100th anniversary of the founding of professional baseball
Cachet Envelope, Mohawk Airlines Inc., First Flight to the Catskills
Correspondence, Stanley Adams, May 17, 1969
Cachet Envelope, W. C. Handy, Father of the Blues
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Trepang
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Flying Fish
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Research Submarine NR-1
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Hawkbill
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Narwhal
Correspondence, W. M. Wolff, Jr. to JS, October 6, 1969
Photograph, USS Whale, signed by W. M. Wolff, Jr., n.d.
Photograph, Submarine NR-1, n.d.
Cachet Envelope, World's First Nuclear-Powered Deep Submergence Research Submarine
Correspondence, H. G. Rickover to JS, August 18, 1969
Correspondence, Richard Nixon, September 9, 1969
Philatelic momento, Apollo 11, First Man on the Moon
Funeral card, Glenard P. Lipscomb
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Sand Lance
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Nuclear Attack Submarine Finback
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Pintado
Cachet Envelope, Surfacing of the USS Pargo at the North Pole
Photograph, Surfacing of the USS Pargo at the North Pole, April 25, 1969
Invitation and ticket, Inauguration of Richard M. Nixon, January 20, 1969
Invitation, Richard M. Nixon Inaugural Ball, January 20, 1969
Invitation, reception, President and Mrs. Nixon, March 12, 1969
Parking pass, The White House, March 12, 1969
Invitation, Inauguration of Richard M. Nixon, January 20, 1969
Invitation, Military Review in honor of General John P. McConnell, July 31
Invitation, reception, Republic of Indonesia, August 18, 1969
Invitation, reception, Republic of Indonesia, November 17
Invitation, reception, Seventy-first Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence,
June 12
Invitation, Everett McKinley Dirksen Memorial Library and Congressional Research Center
Dinner, February 27
Invitation, Twentieth Anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty, April 10
Invitation, cocktails and dinner, Secretary of Defense, July 1
Invitation, cruise, Secretary of Defense and Mrs. Laird, May 9
Photograph, JS with Arch Moore, unidentified, n.d.
Invitation, retirement ceremony of Champion Al-Marah Erka Legion of Merit 10712, July 4,
Correspondence, William T. Murphy to JS, October 28, 1969
Photograph, unidentified, birthday party for William T. Murphy, August 1969
Photograph, JS with unidentified, birthday party for William T. Murphy, August 1969
Photograph, unidentified, birthday party for William T. Murphy, August 1969
JS, Certificate of citation, AMVETS, 1969
Photograph, JS with Mrs. Edmund Muskie, unidentified, Bronco Junction, 1969
Correspondence, E. H. Sparks, n.d.
JS, certificate, Personalities of the South
Correspondence, Bill Caldwell and Mancil J. Vinson to JS, March 26, 1970
JS, certificate of appreciation, Congressman Robert A. "Fats" Everett Memorial Scholarship,
Murray State University Alumni Association
Photograph, unidentified at statue of Congressman Robert A. "Fats" Everett, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified at statue of Congressman Robert A. "Fats" Everett, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified at statue of Congressman Robert A. "Fats" Everett, n.d.
Invitation, Global Strategy Discussions at the Naval War College, Secretary of the Navy, June
15-19, 1970
Invitation, Launching of the Nuclear Submarine Drum, May 23, 1970
Invitation, Christmas Open House, The White House, December 15, 1970
Christmas Card, Vice President and Mrs. Spriro Agnew
Invitation, reception, Independence Day, Republic of Indonesia, August 18, 1970
Invitation, reception, President of the Republic of Indonesia, May 27, 1970
Invitation, reception, Superintendent of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, August 5,
Invitation, special presentation ceremony, General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., July 19
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Cherry River Navy Parade, Richwood, August 1970
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Cherry River Navy Parade, Richwood, August 1970
Invitation, review in honor of General Earle Gilmore Wheeler, July 2, 1970
Invitation, reception in honor of General Earle Gilmore Wheeler, July 2, 1970
Parking pass, Andrews Air Force Base, July 2, 1970
Invitation, Launching of the USS Bluefish, January 10, 1970
Invitation, Launching of the USS Billfish, May 1, 1970
Cachet Envelope, 50th Anniversary, Disabled American Veterans, November 24, 1970
Postcard, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
Cachet Envelope and photograph, Keel Laying of the USS South Carolina, December 1,
Cachet Envelope, Yeager Monument, St. Albans Roadside Park, July 4, 1970
Photograph, Yeager Monument, St. Albans Roadside Park
JS, Work Sheet, National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Home Builders Association of Greater Charleston, Inc.,
Invitation, reception, John W. McCormack and Philip J. Philbin, December 17, 1970
Photograph, JS with unidentified, n.d.
Invitation, reception, John W. McCormack, December 8, 1970
JS, certificate, Society of Supercitizens Saving Our Steamboat Delta Queen
Telegram, John W. McCormack to JS, November 5, 1970
Telegram, Carl Albert to JS, November 5, 1970
Telegram, Lawrence O'Brien to JS, November 5, 1970
Telegram, Hale Boggs to JS, November 5, 1970
Telegram, Ed Muskie to JS, November 4, 1970
Telegram, Jim O'Hara to JS, November 4, 1970
Cachet Envelope, USS Hammerhead, North Pole, November 1970
Program, Keel Laying of the California
Photograph, President Richard M. Nixon addressing Joint Session of Congress, 1970
Cachet Envelope, 450th Anniversary, American Wool Industry, January 19, 1971
Cachet Envelope, General Douglas MacArthur, January 26, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Archerfish, January 16, 1971
Correspondence, Philip J. Philbin to JS, January 25, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 14, January 31, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 13, April 11, 1970
Ticket, National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 1971
Ticket, National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 1971
Photograph, unidentified horse
Photograph, JS with Arch Moore, opening of West Virginia legislation, 1971
JS, certificate, Royal Order of Scotland
Correspondence, E. L. Peterson to JS, March 5, 1971
Photograph, Patrol Gunboat 101, USS Green Bay, n.d.
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, March 9, 1971
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, November 24, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Silversides, June 4, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Richard B. Russell, October 19, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, June 5, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS L. Mendel Rivers, June 26, 1971
Correspondence, Winton M. Blount to JS, July 1, 1971
Cachet Envelope, new United States Postal Service, July 1, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Batfish, October 9, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS California, September 22, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 15, First Lunar Rover Landing, July 26, 1971
Brochure, Space Shuttle and the Kennedy Space Center
Invitation, Keel Laying of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, June 5, 1971
Invitation, reception, Keel Laying of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, June 5, 1971
Christmas Card, Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico and Mrs. Jorge L. Cordova
Christmas Card, Winton M Blount
Christmas Card, Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Frank Sanders
Christmas Card, Governor Luis A. Ferre, December 1970
Christmas letter, J. Edgar Hoover
Christmas Card, Mayor of the District of Columbia and Mrs. Walter E. Washington
Christmas Card, Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. John Richardson, Jr.
Christmas Card, The Chaplain, House of Representatives and Mrs. Edward G. Latch
Christmas Card, Governor and Mrs. Carlos G. Camacho
Christmas Card, Lindy and Hale Boggs
Christmas Card, Phintso Thonden, Permanent Representative of H. H. The Dalai Lama and Mrs.
Invitation, reception, Fifty-fourth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution,
November 5
Invitation, reception, Secretary of State, December 2
Invitation, ceremony, Twenty-fifth Anniversary, signing of the Atomic Energy Act, August 1,
Invitations and tickets, Launching of the USS Silversides, June 4, 1971
Invitation, reception, Launching of the USS Silversides, June 4, 1971
JS, certificate, Democratic Congressional Dinner, Washington, 1971
JS, card, Democratic Congressional Dinner, Washington, 1971
Photograph, JS with unidentified, September 20, 1970
Photograph, JS with Lloyd Smith of Shrine and Luck Hicks of the Doorkeeper's Office, n.d.
Correspondence, Bill Chappell to JS, August 2, 1971
Photograph, JS with Bill Chappell, Ocala, Florida, May 22, 1971
Correspondence, Kathryn Keeney to JS, February 7, 1971
Photograph, JS with Jeanne Dixon, 1971
Photograph, saddle
Photograph, saddle
Photograph, JS with J. Edgar Hoover, signed by J. Edgar Hoover, February 2, 1971
Photograph, JS with J. Edgar Hoover, Jay B. Howe, signed by J. Edgar Hoover, February 2, 1971
Invitation, Christmas Open House, The White House, December 14, 1971
Invitation, Charge'd'Affaires of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, December 20,
Baptism Card, Jeanne Reid Slack, December 25, 1968
Card, John M. Slack, Jr., godparent to Jeanne Reid Slack
Card, Barbara C. Henderson, godparent to Jeanne Reid Slack
Card, Ann Henderson, godparent to Jeanne Reid Slack
Program, March Commencement, University of Tennessee, March 18, 1969
Invitation, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Slack, III, masque ball, Miss Patricia Nixon, May 10, 1969
Newsletter, Edgewood Country Club, Charleston, August
Invitation, supper dance to honor Prince Charles and Princess Anne, The White House, July 17,
Photograph, supper dance to honor Prince Charles and Princess Anne, The White House, July 17,
Photograph, wedding party, Victoria Chambers and John Walters, ringbearer John Slack IV,
September 12
Photograph, unidentified woman
Photograph, unidentified woman
Card, Sally O'Farrell to John Slack III and Bambi Slack, September 7, 1971
Mrs. John Slack III, Invitation for membership, Junior League of Charleston
Correspondence, Wilbur Mills to Jeanne Reid Slack and John Mark Slack, IV, July 22, 1971
Invitation, dinner, Edgewood County Club Swimming Committee and Pool Staff, August 29,
Memo, John Slack becoming partner in law firm of Jackson, Kelly, Holt and O'Farrell,
December 18, 1975
Card of congratulations, Forrest and Emily
JS with Frances Slack, n.d.
Richard Nixon to JS, April 23, 1971
Christmas Card, Gerald Ford and family
Christmas Card, Gerald Ford and family
Christmas Card, Carl Albert and family
Christmas Card, Hubert and Muriel Humphrey
Christmas Card, Carl Albert and family
Christmas Card, The Ambassador of the United States of America and Mrs. Macomber,
Christmas Card, Postmaster General and Mrs. E. T. Klassen
Christmas Card, Mary Brooks
Christmas Card, Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Frank Sanders
Christmas Card, Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. John Richardson, Jr.
Christmas Card, Secretary of Agriculture and Mrs. Butz
Christmas Card, Deputy Secretary of State and Mrs. Rush
Christmas Card, C. M. Kelley and Associates, FBI
Christmas Card, United States Secret Service and Mrs. H. Stuart Knight
Christmas Card, Secretary of Transportation and Mrs. Volpe
Christmas Card, Catherine Bedell
Christmas Card, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Il Kwon Chung,
Christmas Card, Ambassador of Israel and Mrs. Dinitz
Christmas Card, Ambassador of Argentina Carlos Manuel Muniz
Christmas Card, Ambassador of Israel and Mrs. Rabin
Correspondence, William M. Miller to JS, December 14, 1973
Correspondence, Hale Boggs to JS, December 16, 1971
Christmas Card, Admiral and Mrs. Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr.
Christmas Card, Congressman George Collins and family
Christmas Card, Mayor Sam Yorly and family
Christmas Card, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Bow
Christmas Card, Mr. and Mrs. Kuang Kuo-shu
Christmas Card, Ambassador and Mrs. James C. H. Shen
Christmas Card, Governor and Mrs. John A. Burns
Christmas Card, Governor and Mrs. John A. Burns
Christmas Card, Marvin and Marion Watson, 1971
Christmas Card, Governor Luis A. Ferre, 1971
JS, certificate, University of Hard Knocks
Certificate of Election, 1972
Correspondence, Melvin R. Laird to JS, June 20, 1973
Correspondence, Alfred P. Murrah to JS, June 26, 1973
Photograph, JS with members of Appropriations Committee, June 1973
Correspondence, John J. Rooney to JS, July 3, 1973
Card, Keel Laying of the USS Memphis, June 23, 1973
Invitation, reception in honor of Il Kwon Chung, Republic of Korea, July 24
Correspondence, V. J. Adduci to JS, July 10, 1973
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, August 4, 1973
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Groton
Invitation, Launching of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, August 4, 1973
Admission card, Launching of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, August 4, 1973
Invitation, reception following the launching of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, August 4,
Invitation, dedication of the Karl E. Mundt Federal Building, August 7, 1973
Invitation, reception dinner, August 6, 1973
Admission card, dedication of the Karl E. Mundt Federal Building, August 7, 1973
Invitation, reception, National Day, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Dong-Kim,
August 15
Post card, USS Texas
Card, Keel Laying of the USS Texas, August 18, 1973
Photograph, JS with Clarence M. Kelley, Elford A. Cederberg, Nicholas P. Callahan, signed by
Clarence M. Kelley and Nick Callahan, October 2, 1973
Photograph, JS with Clarence M. Kelley, Elford A. Cederberg, FBI headquarters, Washington,
signed by Clarence M. Kelley, October 2, 1973
Photograph, JS with Clarence M. Kelley, signed by Kelley, October 2, 1973
Invitation, reception and exhibition, Celebration of the Twenty-eight Anniversary of The
Founding of The United Nations, October 11
Name card, breakfast meeting with Henry Kissinger, October 11, 1973
Invitation, birthday ceremony, Navy's 198th Anniversary, October 12
Invitation, dedication of the United States Customhouse at the World Trade Center, October 19,
Invitation, Launching of the Spruance, November 10, 1973
Admission card, reception following the launching of the Spruance, November 10, 1973
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, October 22, 1973
Invitation, coffee and tour of the President's Guest House, November 19
Member's pass, Robert G. Kelly, December 18, 1906 (copy)
House of Representatives Report, Confirmation of Gerald R. Ford as Vice President of the
United States, December 4, 1973
House Resolution 738, December 5, 1973
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, December 7, 1973
Invitation, service of prayer in memory of David Ben-Gurion, December 11, 1973
Invitation, reception, Chairman and Council of the Administrative Conference of the United
States, December 18
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS New York City, December 15, 1973
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Richard B. Russell, January 12, 1974
Correspondence, H. R. Gross to JS, January 17, 1974
Resolution, State Advisory Committee on Workshops and Rehabilitation Facilities, January 21,
Correspondence, Harold T. Johnson to JS, January 25, 1975
Invitation, commissioning of the USS South Carolina, January 25, 1975
Invitation, reception following the commissioning of the USS South Carolina, January 25,
Invitation, Premiere Showing of City Out of Wilderness, January 26, 1975
Invitation, 20th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, February 1, 1972
Invitation, reception in honor of Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and Mrs. Erim, March
22, 1972
Invitation, Fourth Annual Cultural Award Dinner, Recording Industry Association of America,
April 25, 1972
Invitation, First Annual Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, April 26, 1972
Invitation, opening of Drugs: A Special Exhibition, May 18
Invitation, reception, To Celebrate the National Day of the Argentine Republic, May 24
Invitation, special ceremonies for the George W. Andrews Lock and Dam, Columbia, Alabama,
May 26, 1972
Invitation, Memorial Luncheon Honoring the Late Congressman George W. Andrews, Dothan,
Alabama, May 26, 1972
Invitation, ceremony for the presentation of the Enrico Fermi Award jointly to Dr. Shields
Warren and Dr. Stafford L. Warren, May 18, 1972
Unidentified card with flowers
Invitation, foreign affairs briefing, June 9
Invitation, First Annual "Salute to Education" Reception, June 21
Invitation, ceremony for the first day of issuance, commemorative stamp honoring Wolf Trap
Farm Park for the Performing Arts during the National Park's Centennial Year, Vienna, Virginia,
June 26, 1972
Invitation, reception in celebration of the National Day, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
and Mrs. Dong-Jo Kim, August 15
Invitation, Twenty-seventh Anniversary of the Proclamation of Indonesia's Independence,
August 18, 1972
Invitation, preview of Transpo 72, The First U. S. International Transportation Expedition, May
26, 1972
Invitation, Graduation Exercises FBI National Academy and Dedication of the FBI Academy,
September 15, 1972
Invitation, birthday ceremony commemorating the Navy's 197th anniversary, October 13
Invitation, official ceremony commemorating the designation of the United States Department of
the Treasury Building as a National Historic Landmark, October 18, 1972
Invitation, Launching of the SS President Madison building for American President Lines, Ltd.,
November 11, 1972
Invitation card, reception and buffet luncheon, launching of the SS President Madison building
for American President Lines, Ltd., November 11, 1972
Invitation, reception in honor of Vice President and Mrs. Spiro Agnew, January 18, 1973
Invitation, A Salute to America's Heritage 1973, January 19, 1973
Invitation, Inauguration of Richard M. Nixon, January 20, 1973
Invitation, Inaugural Ball of Richard M. Nixon, January 20, 1973
Invitation, 21st Annual National Prayer Breakfast, February 1, 1973
Invitation, The Ambassador of Barbados, February 15, 1973
Invitation, luncheon in honor of the Grand Masters and their Delegations to The Conference of
Grand Masters of Masons in North America, February 23, 1972
Invitation, reception honoring the Foreign Relations Commission of the American Legion,
February 29, 1972
Invitation, American Institute of Architects and The Consulting Engineers Council, Public
Affairs Conference Reception, March 13
Invitation, private preview, Director of the National Gallery of Art and Mrs. John Carter Brown,
March 30
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, March 30, 1973
Invitation, Second Annual Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, May 1-2, 1973
Program, Democratic "Kick Off" Dinner for the 1974 Campaign, May 23, 1973
Invitation, reception marking the re-opening of the Old Mint, June 15, 1973
Invitation, The West Remembered, June 15, 1973
Invitation, Keel Laying of the Memphis, June 23, 1973
Invitation, National Parks Centennial Banquet marking the One Hundredth Anniversary of
Yellowstone National Park, March 1, 1972
Inauguration Ceremonies Packet, January 20, 1973
Inauguration Ceremonies Packet, January 20, 1973
Admission card, The White House, December 14, 1971
Parking pass, The White House, December 14, 1971
Correspondence, J. Edgar Hoover to JS, March 5, 1970
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, December 17, 1970
Correspondence, George H. Mahon to JS, December 17, 1971
Correspondence, Elizabeth Andrews to JS, February 10, 1972
Correspondence, Wilbur D. Mills to JS, February 28, 1972
Correspondence, Richard Nixon to JS, April 24, 1972
Correspondence, Richard Nixon to JS, May 11, 1972
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. and Ed Edmondson, May 14, 1972
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, March 21, 1972
Googol wipe out the debt cloth
Correspondence, Sargent Shriver to JS, August 17, 1972
Correspondence, Hale Boggs to JS, August 21, 1972
Correspondence, Patrick Gray to JS, October 18, 1972
Correspondence, Patrick Gray to JS, November 15, 1972
Correspondence, Charles Raper Jonas to JS, November 17, 1972
Correspondence, William M. Colmer to JS, November 20, 1972
Correspondence, John W. McCormack to JS, December 23, 1972
Correspondence, JS to John W. McCormack, December 19, 1972 (carbon copy)
Correspondence, Carl Albert to JS, June 7, 1973
Correspondence, Howard W. Cannon and Marlow W. Cook, January 8, 1973
Correspondence, Robert A. Podesta to JS, January 17, 1973
Correspondence, Stanley Adams, February 28, 1973
Cachet Envelope, George Gershwin stamp, February 28, 1973
Correspondence, Patrick Gray to JS, March 29, 1973
Correspondence, Howard Chernoff to JS, 1973
Correspondence, T. H. Moorer to JS, June 6, 1973
Correspondence, Wayne N. Aspinall to JS, January 2, 1973
Photograph, Richard M. Nixon addressing Joint Session of Congress after his return from trip to
Russia, June 1, 1972
Correspondence, Winston C. Willoughby to JS, May 4, 1972
Photograph, JS with General Soasilo (?) Embassy of Indonesia, Ambassador of Singapore, May
4, 1972
Photograph, JS with Bob Hayne, Jim Gavar, Ben Howatt, David Rally, Mort Baille, Carl
Oesterle, EDA Project meeting, March 23
Photograph, JS with unidentified, appointment hearing on 1973 budget, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Henry Kissinger briefing on Peace Treaty, January 26,
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Harold Miller, unidentified, circus, 1973
Correspondence, John Mark Slack IV to JS and Frances Slack, n.d.
Invitation, Jeanne Slack to JS and Frances Slack, n.d.
JS, membership card, United States Figure Skating Association, 1972-1973
Photograph, JS with Charlie Arnold, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Robinson, Glenn Davis, John Rhodes, Joe Evins, Gene Wilhelm, Ed
Boland, Jamie Whitten, Otto Passman, Public Works Appropriation Subcommittee, n.d.
Photograph, JS with James A. Conlon, n.d.
Photograph, JS
Photograph, JS with unidentified, The Mint, n.d.
Campaign postcard, JS
Campaign postcard, JS
Campaign postcard, JS
Campaign postcard, JS
Campaign brochure, "Dear Congressman Slack..."
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the William H. Bates, December 11, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Los Angeles, January 8, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Cavalla, February 19, 1972
Cachet Envelope, First Day Cover, Margaret Sanger, March 18, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 16, April 16, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Tunny, June 18, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the South Carolina, July 1, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the L. Mendel Rivers, June 2, 1973
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Philadelphia, August 12, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Virginia, August 19, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Baton Rouge, November 18, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Apollo 17, December 7, 1972
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Parche, January 13, 1973
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Omaha, January 27, 1973
Cachet Envelope, First Day Issue of Postal People, May 4, 1973
Correspondence, John C. Kluczynski
Correspondence, William Muster to JS, May 22, 1973
JS, certificate, Society of Supercitizens Saving Our Steamboat Delta Queen, May 22, 1973
JS, certificate, title of Okie, April 13, 1973
Correspondence, William Amory Underhill to JS, February 9, 1972
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, Stetson University, January 27, 1972
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, United States Naval Reserve, April 15, 1972
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, City of South Charleston, April 15, 1972
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, Democratic Congressional Dinner
Flag Dag Program, June 14, 1972
Invitation, United States Naval Academy Graduation, Class of 1972
Bulletin, The White House, February 25, 1973
Program, Keel Laying of the USS Glenard P. Lipscomb, June 5, 1971
Program, Keel Laying of the South Carolina, December 1, 1970
Program, Keel Laying of the Richard B. Russell, October 19, 1971
Program, Keel Laying of the L. Mendel Rivers, June 26, 1971
Honorary Badge, Democratic National Convention, Miami Beach, 1972
1972 Campaign, McGovern Money
History of the Slack Family
Program, Inaugural Activities, 1973
Order forms for inaugural materials, 1973
JS, Inaugural Registration Certificate, 1973
Invitation, cocktail buffet, Walter T. Greaney, Disabled American Veterans, February 26,
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS California, February 16, 1974
Invitation, reception following the commissioning of the USS California, February 16, 1974
Color drawing by John Vintroux, JS, Winfield Locks and Dam Project, January 27, 1975
Invitation, The Women's Committee of the Washington Performing Arts Society, Salute to the
U.S.A., February 28
Correspondence, T. H. Moorer to JS, February 25, 1974
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, March 6, 1974
Invitation, foreign affairs briefing, Secretary of State, March 11
Invitation, Electronic Industries Association, Annual Government-Industry Awards Dinner,
March 13, 1974
Invitation, reception in honor of H. E. Il Kwon Chung, Speaker of the Korean National
Assembly, May 6, 1974
Invitation, Official Ground-Breaking Ceremonies for the National Visitor Center at Union
Station, March 13, 1974
Correspondence, William B. Saxbe to JS, March 7, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Los Angeles, April 6, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Cincinnati, April 6, 1974
Packet of articles, Dinner at the White House, February 5, 1975
Program, Dinner at the White House, February 5, 1975
Orange bow
Match book, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States
JS, table card, Dinner at the White House, February 5, 1975
Spouse card, Frances Slack
Program, Dinner at the White House, February 5, 1975
Frances Slack, table card, Dinner at the White House, February 5, 1975
Invitation, dinner, Martha Rountree and Leadership Foundation, May 14
Invitation, reception, Meeting of the Twenty-first Session of the Council of Ministers of the
Central Treaty Organization, May 21
Invitation, reception, Meeting of the Twenty-first Session of the Council of Ministers of the
Central Treaty Organization, May 21
Invitation, reception for a delegation from the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, May 23, 1974
Program, Women of the Church Honors Bream's 50 Year Members, Bream Memorial
Presbyterian Church, Charleston
Invitation, champagne reception and dinner, Secretary and Mrs. Rogers C. B. Morton, The
Honorable and Mrs. G. William Whitehurst, Dr. and Mrs. R. Marlin Perkins, Mr. V. J. Skutt of
Mutual of Omaha and The Wolf Sanctuary, June 12, 1974
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, June 20, 1974
Admission card, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, June 20, 1974
Correspondence, Harold H. Greene to JS, June 17, 1974
Correspondence, Norman A. Carlson to JS, June 20, 1974
Invitation, dedication ceremony of the Federal Youth Center, Pleasanton, California, July 19,
Transcript of a recording of a meeting between the President and leaders of the dairy industry in
the Cabinet Room, March 23, 1971
The New Age Magazine, August 1974
Richard Nixon, News Release, House Resolution 15472, August 8, 1974
Invitation, presentation and unveiling of plaque marking the location of the desk occupied by
Abraham Lincoln during his term in the 30th Congress, August 1, 1974
Invitation, ceremonies commemorating the centennial of Herbert Hoover's birth, August 10
Invitation, Korea Night, August 14
Invitation, reception, National Day, The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs.
Pyong-choon Hahm, August 15
Invitation, reception, 29th anniversary of the proclamation of Indonesia's independence, August
19, 1974
Correspondence, Joseph M. Montoya to JS, August 20, 1974
Correspondence, John C. Sawhill to JS, September 23, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Energy Conservation, September 23, 1974
Invitation, Opening Reception of "The Beauty of the Ghetto," Ernie Barnes, September 25,
Program, The Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Continental Congress, 1774-1974,
September 25, 1974
Photograph, Continental Congress, House Floor, September 1974
Invitation, reception, in honor of the Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, October 2
Invitation, program commemorating the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of
Rights and Grievances, October 14, 1974
Correspondence, William E. Timmons to JS, October 12, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Philadelphia, October 19, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Keel-Laying of the USS Indianapolis, October 19, 1974
Photograph, Congressman John Slack Office on Wheels, 1974
Bumper sticker, Slack for Congress, We Dig Coal
Photograph, JS at podium with unidentified, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified, campaigning in wagon
Photograph, JS with unidentified, June 17, 1974
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Carl Albert, Cindy Lewis, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified driving wagon, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified driving wagon, n.d.
Photograph, unidentified driving wagon, n.d.
Photograph, JS with Thomas Hark, n.d.
Correspondence, Donnald K. Anderson to JS, November 6, 1974
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, November 6, 1974
Invitation, film documentary, "From King to Congress," documentary on election of Andrew
Young, November 19, 1974
Invitation, reception and premiere of film documentary, "From King to Congress," documentary
on election of Andrew Young, November 19, 1974
Invitation, dedication ceremonies of the United States Tax Court Courthouse, November 22,
Invitation, reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney, November 26
RSVP card, reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney
Invitation, cocktails, honoring Edith Green, John Davis, Bryan Dorn, O. C. Fisher, Tom Gettys,
Bill Gunter, John Rarick, Frank Stubblefield, Clem McSpadden, December 3, 1974
Invitation, reception to meet Muhammad Ali, December 10, 1974
Program, A Ceremony for the Unveiling of the Portrait of Chairman George H. Mahon,
December 10, 1974
Invitation, preview of the exhibition of the Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of
China, December 11, 1974
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Virginia, December 14, 1974
Invitation, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 17, 1974
Admission card, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 17, 1974
Parking pass, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 17, 1974
RSVP card, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 17, 1974
Correspondence, John E. Hunt to JS, December 19, 1974
Correspondence, Howard W. Robison to JS, December 20, 1974
Newsletter, Department of State, December 1974
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Town Hall: Decision '74, WSAZ Television 3, Huntington,
October 27, 1974
Photograph, JS with Bos Johnson, unidentified, Town Hall: Decision '74, WSAZ Television 3,
Huntington, October 27, 1974
Photograph, JS with Bos Johnson, unidentified, Town Hall: Decision '74, WSAZ Television 3,
Huntington, October 27, 1974
Correspondence, Hazel and H. R. Gross to JS
Photograph, H. R. Gross signed portrait
Cachet Envelope, 20th Anniversary of the First Nuclear Submarine, USS Nautilus, January 17,
Cachet Envelope, USS Nautilus, January 17, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Commissioning of the USS South Carolina, January 25, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Commissioning of the USS L. Mendel Rivers, February 1, 1975
Invitation, reception and buffet, 1975 Oceanic Policy Symposium and Sea Air Space Exposition,
February 4, 1975
Invitation, Welcome Aboard Reception, 1975 Oceanic Policy Symposium and Sea Air Space
Exposition, February 4, 1975
Invitation, dinner, President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, on the occasion of the visit of the Prime
Minister of Pakistan and Begum Bhutto, February 5, 1975
Name card, dinner, President and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, February 5, 1975
Correspondence, Nick Callahan to JS, February 5, 1975
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS L. Mendel Rivers, February 1, 1975
Invitation, Patroness Day Ceremony, USS South Carolina, February 1, 1975
Invitation, reception and banquet, National Council of Community Mental Health Centers, Inc.
and the National Institute for Community Mental Health, February 24, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Mississippi, February 22, 1975
Photograph, JS with Elliott Richardson, February 26, 1975
Photograph, JS with Immigration and Naturalization Commission General Chapman, Mr. Leary,
Assistant Commissioner, February 26, 1975
Name card, breakfast with Henry Kissinger, February 25, 1975
Correspondence, Henry Kissinger to JS, March 3, 1975
Invitation, Fiftieth Anniversary Concert, United States Navy Band, March 4, 1975
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI Academy, March 20, 1975
JS, admission card, FBI National Academy Graduation Exercises, March 20, 1975
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, March 11, 1975
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, March 27, 1975
Invitation, christening of the Mississippi Queen, Louisville, Kentucky, April 30, 1975
Invitation, Memorial Service, Chiang Kai-shek, April 16, 1975
Invitation, twenty-fourth meeting of the ANZUS Council, April 24, 1975
Invitation, breakfast, Ambassador of Jordan, April 30, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Baton Rouge, April 26, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Birmingham, April 26, 1975
Invitation, reception, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ormandy, Philadelphia Orchestra's 75th
Anniversary, April 29
Cachet Envelope, USS Bluefish, North Pole, May 4, 1975
Correspondence, Henry Kissinger to JS, May 8, 1975
Invitation, reception in honor of the Chiefs of Delegations to the General Assembly of the
Organization of American States, The White House, May 10, 1975
Admission card, The White House, May 10, 1975
RSVP card, The White House, May 10, 1975
Gerald R. Ford to JS, May 21, 1975
Photograph, JS with Danny Compton, May 27, 1974
Invitation, reception, Celebration of Independence Day, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, May
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, June 12, 1975
Invitation, brunch, The Signal Companies and The Garrett Corporation, June 1, 1975
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, June 19, 1975
Admission card, FBI National Academy Graduation Exercises, June 19, 1975
Correspondence, Abdullah Salah, Ambassador of Jordan, June 12, 1975
Invitation, reception in honor of The Korean War Veteran Members of the United States
Congress and War Correspondents, June 24
Correspondence, Warren Burger to JS, June 24, 1975
Correspondence, Andrew J. Biemiller to JS, June 27, 1975
Correspondence, Clarence M. Kelley to JS, June 30, 1975
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, July 2, 1975
Invitation, groundbreaking for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School
of Medicine, July 10
Invitation, reception following the groundbreaking for the Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences School of Medicine, July 10
Invitation, reception, The American Issues Forum, July 15, 1975
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, July 25, 1975
Invitation, dinner, Huang Chen, Chief of the Liaison Office of the People's Republic of China,
July 29, 1975
Invitation, Launching of the Texas, August 9, 1975
Invitation, reception and luncheon following the launching of the Texas, August 9, 1975
Invitation, cocktail and buffet dinner, Delegation of Korean War Veterans, June 2
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Richard B. Russell, August 16, 1975
Quill pen
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Texas, August 9, 1975
Invitation, dinner, The Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of
China, September 26
Congressional Record, September 24, 1975
Program, Dedication Ceremony, J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I Building, September 30, 1975
Invitation, reception, Twenty-sixth Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of
China, October 1, 1975
JS, identification card, Welcome Aboard Army One
Schedule, President's Visit to Elkins, October 4, 1975
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, October 6, 1975
Invitation, "Housewarming" of the Vice President's House, October 7, 1975
Invitation, "Housewarming" of the Vice President's House, October 7, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the Carl Vinson and Launching of the Dwight D. Eisenhower,
October 11, 1975
Invitation and map, buffet dinner, Fifth Anniversary of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, October 7, 1975
Invitation, Launching of the Dwight D. Eisenhower and Keel Laying of the Carl Vinson, October
11, 1975
Program, Dinner honoring the Masonic Sovereign Grand Commanders, Grand Secretaries
General, Representatives of Foreign Supreme Councils, Members of the Foreign Relations
Committee, n.d.
Program, October 1975 Session of the Supreme Council, 33 Degree Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
This book contains photographs, documents, articles and other materials relating to a
congressional trip to the People's Republic of China, which occurred August 17-31, 1975. The
delegation including JS, Frances Slack, John Anderson, Robert C. Byrd, Erma Byrd, Sam Nunn,
and Ambassador George Bush. Specific items include:
Invitation, Christening of the O'Brien Building for the United States Navy, Pascagoula,
Mississippi, July 17, 1976
Invitation, reception following the christening of the O'Brien Building for the United States
Navy, Pascagoula, Mississippi, July 17, 1976
Invitation, Launching of the Mississippi, July 31, 1976
Invitation, reception and luncheon following the launching of the Mississippi, July 31, 1976
JS, Ohio River Bicentennial Citation, 1976
Invitation, ceremony for the transfer of the Grey Eagle Award to Rear Admiral Martin D.
Carmody and retirement ceremony for Admiral Noel Gayler, August 31
Frances Slack, invitation, luncheon, Mrs. Nixon, May 24, 1971
Cachet Envelope, Commissioning of the USS Virginia, September 11, 1976
Invitation, reception to honor Member of the Committee on Ways and Means not returning,
September 28, 1976
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, September 13, 1976
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, September 17, 1976
Invitation, Oklahoma Day Bicentennial Ball, October 2, 1976
Acceptance card, Oklahoma Day Bicentennial Ball, October 2, 1976
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of USS Dallas, October 9, 1976
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Groton, October 9, 1976
Invitation, reception, Celebration of the National Day, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and
Mrs. Pyong-choon Hahm, October 4
Invitation, Launching of the USS Groton and Keel Laying of the USS Dallas, October 9,
Invitation, ceremony, United States Customs Court, Association of the Customs Bar, October 14,
Invitation, reception, sixty-fifth Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, October
12, 1976
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS La Jolla, October 16, 1975
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Beni Kedem
JS, membership card, Fraternal Order of Eagles
Correspondence, Robert E. Maxwell to JS, November 14, 1976
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, November 16, 1976
Signatures, National Track & Field Hall of Fame, Official Ground Breaking Day, November 27,
Program, Presentation of a Special Congressional Silver Medal to Brigadier General Charles E.
Yeager, December 8, 1976
Invitation, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 9, 1976
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, December 16, 1976
Admission card, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, December 16, 1976
Correspondence, Clarence M. Kelley to JS, December 16, 1976
Christmas Card, unidentified
Christmas Card, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Il Kwon Chung,
Invitation, inauguration of Jimmy Carter, January 20, 1977
Inauguration Ceremonies Program, January 20, 1977
Photograph, Jimmy Carter
Photograph, Walter Mondale
Automobile Police Pass, Inauguration, January 20, 1977
Platform Ticket, Inauguration Ceremonies, January 20, 1977
Invitation, reception, Secretary of State and Mrs. Henry Kissinger, January 12
Invitation, cocktails, Brazilian Embassy, January 14, 1977
Correspondence, Henry Kissinger to JS, January 17, 1977
Correspondence, J. William Middendorf II to JS, January 19, 1977
Invitation, reception in honor of the 1976-1977 Judicial Fellows Thomas E. Baynes, Lary C.
Farmer and Jeffrey B. Morris, January 14, 1977
Invitation, 25th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, January 27, 1977
Correspondence, Gerald R. Ford to JS, February 15, 1977
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of the United States of America and Mrs. William J. Jorden,
February 14
Invitation, reception, Lieutenant General and Mrs. D. P. McAuliffe, February 15
Invitation, dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anthony Rockweiler, February 16, 1977
Invitation, reception, Ambassador of the United States and Mrs. Joseph John Jova, February
Invitation, Launching of the Cincinnati, February 19, 1977
Invitation, reception and luncheon, Launching of the Cincinnati, February 19, 1977
Postcard, USS Cincinnati
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Cincinnati, February 19, 1977
Correspondence, Robert V. Rota to JS, March 1, 1977
Correspondence, Jim Wright to JS, March 9, 1977
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, March 15, 1977
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, March 18, 1977
Correspondence, Eugene P. Kopp to JS, March 24, 1977
Invitation, Ground Breaking Ceremonies for Olympic Winter Games, Lake Placid, New York,
April 21, 1977
Invitation, reception following the Ground Breaking Ceremonies for Olympic Winter Games,
Lake Placid, New York, April 21, 1977
Invitation, cocktail - buffet, Majority Leader and Mrs. Jim Wright, March 29
Photograph, JS with Clarence Kelley, March 18, 1977
Invitation, White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals, May 23-27, 1977
Invitation, cocktail, buffet, Turkish Ambassador and Madame Esenbel, April 28, 1977
Invitation, champagne, in observance of Israel's 29th anniversary, April 21
Invitation, Special Convocation honoring His Majesty Hussein I, King of the Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan, April 27
Invitation, concert, 75th anniversary of Financial World, June 6, 1977
Correspondence, W. E. Caldwell to JS, May 23, 1977
Invitation, Memorial Service to honor the memory of the Merchant Seamen who gave their lives
in service to their Country, May 23, 1977
Invitation, Raytheon Company Chalet, Paris Air Show, June 2-12, 1977
Invitation, reception, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group, United Technologies Corporation, Paris
Air Show 1977, June 8, 1977
Invitation, Christening of the Belleau Wood Building for the United States Navy, Pascagoula,
Mississippi, June 11, 1977
Invitation, reception following the christening of the Belleau Wood Building for the United
States Navy, Pascagoula, Mississippi, June 11, 1977
Invitation, Ceremony to mark the return of Magna Carta to the Parliament of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, June 13, 1977
Invitation, reception to honor Bill Hull, June 13, 1977
Flag Day Program, United States House of Representatives, June 14, 1977
Program, Boston Public Schools, All-City Chorus, Flag Day Ceremonies, June 14, 1977
Invitation, Launching of the New York City, June 18, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the New York City, June 18, 1977
Invitation, reception following the launching of the New York City, June 18, 1977
Tickets, Launching of the New York City, June 18, 1977
JS, Electronic Handwriting Analysis
Invitation, reception in honor of the Delegation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign
Affairs headed by its President Hao The-ching, June 30, 1977
Invitation, reception, Claud Anderson, Federal Co-chairman of the Coastal Plains Regional
Commission, July 18, 1977
Invitation, reception in honor of the Prime Minister of Israel and Mrs. Begin, the Ambassador of
Israel and Mrs. Dinitz, July 20
Invitation, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Summer Festival, July 20, 1977
Article, "'My Faith In the Constitution Is Whole,'" written and signed by Barbara Jordan
Invitation, Old-Fashioned Family Picnic, The White House, July 27, 1977
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, June 29, 1977
Invitation, reception for Honorable and Mrs. John Brademan, July 31
Invitation, reception, Engineers' Public Affairs Forum, June 7, 1977
Invitation, reception, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, August 2, 1977
Invitation, Congressional - Ambassadors Prayer Breakfast, January 12, 1978
Invitation, reception in honor of the Heads of State of the American Republics, visiting on the
occasion of the signing of the Panama Canal Treaties, September 6, 1977
Admission card, reception in honor of the Heads of State of the American Republics, visiting on
the occasion of the signing of the Panama Canal Treaties, September 6, 1977
Invitation, reception in honor of Walter Mondale, General Omar Torrijos of Panama, September
8, 1977
Invitation, North American Congress of the Laity, Los Angeles, California, February 17-20,
Program, North American Congress of the Laity, Los Angeles, California, February 17-20,
Parking pass, Commissioning of the USS Texas, September 10, 1977
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Texas, September 10, 1977
Invitation, reception, Commissioning of the USS Texas, September 10, 1977
Card, Commissioning of the USS Texas, September 10, 1977
Card, Official Guest
Invitation, 1977 Navy Relief "Air Expo," September 11, 1977
Schedule of Events, Air Expo, September 11, 1977
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, September 23, 1977
Admission card, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, September 23, 1977
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Caron, October 1, 1977
Admission card, Commissioning of the USS Caron, October 1, 1977
Invitation, Celebration of the National Day, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs.
Yong Shik Kim, October 3
Invitation, reception, Sixty-sixth Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China, October
11, 1977
Correspondence, Walter Mondale to JS, September 16, 1977
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Saipan, October 15, 1977
Admission card, Commissioning of the USS Saipan, October 15, 1977
Invitation, Gala Banquet, Sovereign Grand Commander of The Supreme Council 33 Degree
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction and Mrs. Henry C. Clausen, October 17,
Invitation, Supreme Council of the Inspectors General Knights Commanders of the House of the
Temple of Solomon, Thirty-Third Degree of the A. and A. S. Rite of Freemasonry, Southern
Jurisdiction of the United States, October 17, 1977
Invitation, The Minister-Counselor of the United States of America and Mrs. Hill, November
Invitation, The Fulfillment of Law, Justice, and Rehabilitation Through the Development of
Consciousness, First International Conference on Criminology and Consciousness, October
22-23, 1977
Invitation, reception, Silver Jubilee and Birthday of His Majesty King Hussein I, November 14,
Invitation, reception, Chief of the Liaison Office of the People's Republic of China Mr. Huang
Chen, November 15, 1977
Invitation, American Ambassador and Mrs. Jones, November 23
Invitation, American Ambassador of the United States of America and Mrs. Timmons,
November 29
Invitation, reception in honor of the Institute of Museum Services, December 16, 1977
Invitation, Christmas "At Home," Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parrisa (?)
JS, Diplomatic Passport
Frances Slack, Diplomatic Passport
Advertisement, Steamer Pet, Salt River, Captain John P. Hale
Postcard, Hall of Representatives
Postcard, Hall of Representatives
American Legion Magazine, April 1977
Photograph, JS with unidentified
Recipe for paint, Henry Rimmer, St. Albans
Certificate of citizenship, Henry Rimmer, June 18, 1868 (copy)
JS, thank you card
JS, thank you card
Photograph, JS on board ship
Memo, George, Central Intelligence Agency, to JS, n.d.
Card, Tom Ehrlich to JS, n.d.
JS, name card
JS, name card
Correspondence, William H. Ellis to JS, December 1977
JS, Comfive/Comnavbase Norva Courtesy Pass, 1978
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, December 15, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Phoenix, July 30, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Indianapolis, July 30, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Builder's Sea Trials, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, July 30-August 1, 1977
Cachet Envelope, USS Texas, September 10, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Motion Picture Association of America, 50 Years of Talking Pictures, October
6, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Commissioning of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, October 18, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Energy Conservation, Energy Development, October 20, 1977
Correspondence, Benjamin F. Bailar to JS, October 20, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the Birmingham, October 29, 1977
Cachet Envelope, Concorde, First Commercial Service from JFK, New York., to Paris, France,
November 23, 1977
Correspondence, John Martin Meek to JS, December 20, 1977
Invitation, cocktail buffet, Disabled American Veterans, January 18, 1978
Invitation, private reception, February 6, 1978
Invitation, small lunch, Majority Leader and Mrs. Jim Wright, February 14
Invitation, Administering of the Oath of Office to William H. Webster as Director, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, February 23, 1978
Admission card, William H. Webster, Oath of Office Ceremony, February 23, 1978
Invitation, buffet lunch, on the occasion of the visit of the Japanese Import Promotion Mission,
March 13
Invitation, reception, American Association of Port Authorities, March 16, 1978
Invitation, reception and buffet, National Oceans Week, April 15, 1978
Invitation, White House Promenade, May 20, 1978
Telegram, invitation, reception in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the
State of Israel, April 26, 1978
Invitation reception, Conference on the American International Traveler, May 23
Invitation, opening session of the North Atlantic Alliance Summit, May 30, 1978
Admission card, opening session of the North Atlantic Alliance Summit, May 30, 1978
Admission card, opening session of the North Atlantic Alliance Summit, May 30, 1978
JS, certificate, honorary citizen of Lowell, Massachusetts, June 2, 1978
Invitation, reception, The White House, June 14, 1978
Invitation, reception, The Engineers Public Affairs Forum, June 20, 1978
Correspondence, Joseph E. Copenhaver to JS, June 5, 1978
Invitation, cocktails, 1978 opening of Hatfields & McCoys and Honey In The Rock, June 24,
Invitation, 12th Anniversary Open House, The Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc. of
Charleston, June 25, 1978
Invitation, 1978 opening of the Charles Town Turf Club, June 26, 1978
Invitation, reception, Governor and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller IV, June 17, 1978
Invitation, Dedication Ceremony for the new Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms National
Laboratory, June 28, 1978
Invitation, reception honoring Herbert Pardes, new director of the National Institute of Mental
Health, June 28
Invitation, retirement ceremony of Brigadier General Dorsey J. Bartlett, June 28
Acceptance card, retirement ceremony of Brigadier General Dorsey J. Bartlett, June 28
Invitation, reception, Director General, The Washington Office of UNESCO, July 6
Invitation, reception, Vegetable Soup II, July 12
Invitation, Eight Annual Post Secondary Commencement, James Rumsey Vocational Technical
Center, July 13, 1978
Invitation, retirement dinner for Rex D. Davis, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, July
13, 1978
RSVP card, Office of International Conference, Department of State
Bumper sticker, "Support Instant Election Day Registration - Help Labor Bosses Keep Control of
Invitation, reception complimenting Stonie Barker, Jr., president of Island Creek Coal Company
upon his election as chairman of the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, July 17, 1978
Invitation, reception, Captive Nations Week, July 18, 1978
Invitation, luncheon/seminar, Captive Nations Week, July 20, 1978
Invitation, reception, Launching of the Bremerton, July 22, 1978
Invitation, Launching of the Bremerton, July 22, 1978
Invitation, preview of the exhibition, "African Style: Art of Zaire, The Bronson Collection," July
25, 1978
Invitation, salute of Senator Wendell H. Ford and Congressman James C. Corman, July 26
Notification of change of location, salute of Senator Wendell H. Ford and Congressman James C.
Corman, July 26
Invitation, reception, National Oil Jobbers Council, July 27, 1978
Invitation, taking of oath of office, Seymour Berry, Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
August 4, 1978
Invitation, Christening of the Cushing, July 29, 1978
Invitation, reception and luncheon, Christening of the Cushing, July 29, 1978
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Comte de Grasse, August 5, 1978
Photograph card, USS Comte de Grasse
Admission card, Commissioning of the USS Comte de Grasse, August 5, 1978
Invitation, open house, creation of The Population Action Council, August 8, 1978
Invitation, reception, The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, August 4,
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Stump, August 19, 1978
Photograph card, USS Stump
Invitation, reception and luncheon, National Association of Dredging Contractors, September 6,
Invitation, "The Unknown War," documentary series about Eastern European front during the
Second World War, September 9, 1978
Invitation, Secretary of State and Mrs. Cyrus Vance, September 7
Invitation, exhibition by Leo Sarkisian, September 10, 1978
Invitation, Inaugural Convocation of the School of Medicine at Morehouse College, September
10, 1978
Invitation, groundbreaking of Market Manor, Parkersburg, September 22, 1978
Invitation, luncheon following the groundbreaking of Market Manor, Parkersburg, September 22,
Invitation, Open House and Banquet celebrating the 100the Anniversary of the College of Law,
West Virginia University, September 30, 1978
Invitation, reception, International Council of Shopping Centers, September 14, 1978
Invitation, "Texas Good Time," September 17
Invitation, testimonial reception honoring Raymond F. Lederer, September 18, 1978
Invitation, Tractor-Trailer Skid Control Demonstration, Andrews Air Force Base, September 19,
Invitation, cocktail reception, The Recycled Paperboard Division of the American Paper Institute,
September 20, 1978
Invitation, reception, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, September 20,
Invitation, Convocation Inaugurating the 111th Academic Year of Howard University,
September 22, 1978
Invitation, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, September 22, 1978
Admission card, Graduation Exercises of the FBI National Academy, September 22, 1978
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Belleau Wood, September 23, 1978
Photograph card, USS Belleau Wood
Admission card, Commissioning of the USS Belleau Wood, September 23, 1978
Invitation, National Association of Home Manufacturers, September 25, 1978
Invitation, reception in honor of Congressman Ron Mazzoli, September 26, 1978
Invitation, cocktail supper honoring Patty and Jack Flynt, September 25, 1978
Invitation, reception and preview of General Motors' 1979 Automobiles, September 26,
Invitation, 1978 Gala, "An Autumn Evening in Washington," September 27, 1978
Response card, 1978 Gala, "An Autumn Evening in Washington," September 27, 1978
Response card, 1978 Gala, "An Autumn Evening in Washington," September 27, 1978
Correspondence, Ralph H. Metcalfe to JS, September 14, 1978
Invitation, reception on the Occasion of the Twenty-ninth Anniversary of the Founding of the
People's Republic of China, September 29, 1978
Invitation, The Red Mass, The John Carroll Society, October 1, 1978
Response card, The Red Mass, The John Carroll Society, October 1, 1978
Admission card, The Red Mass, The John Carroll Society, October 1, 1978
Admission card, The Red Mass, The John Carroll Society, October 1, 1978
Invitation, retirement reception for Representative James A. Burke and Representative Paul G.
Rogers, October 3
Invitation, reception, A West Virginia Black Walnut Delight, in honor of Senator and Mrs.
Jennings Randolph, October 4, 1978
Invitation, Reception to Help Re-Elect U. S. Senator Jennings Randolph, October 5, 1978
Response card, Reception to Help Re-Elect U. S. Senator Jennings Randolph, October 5,
Invitation, tour of drilling rig at the Festival of American Folklife, October 6
Invitation, ball in honour of Miss Kimberly Ann Grant as Queen Silvia the Forty-second and Her
Court, October 6
Invitation, reception in honour of the Tenth Anniversary of the Council on Legal Education
Opportunity, October 6, 1978
Invitation, Christening of the Harry W. Hill, October 7, 1978
Invitation, reception and luncheon, Christening of the Harry W. Hill, October 7, 1978
Invitation, reception to meet Rhodesian/Zimbabwe Executive Council members Reverend
Ndabaninghi Sithole and Ian Smith, October 10, 1978
Invitation, reception, Sixty-seventh Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China,
October 10, 1978
Invitation, buffet supper and celebration, Columbus Day, "Dia de La Raza," October 12
Response card, buffet supper and celebration, Columbus Day, "Dia de La Raza," October 12
Invitation, groundbreaking of Bridgeport Manor, Bridgeport, October 13, 1978
Invitation, reception with H. R. H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, K. G., October 13
Invitation, convention banquet, West Virginia Federation of Democratic Women, Inc. to honor
Senator Jennings Randolph, October 14, 1978
Response card, convention banquet, West Virginia Federation of Democratic Women, Inc. to
honor Senator Jennings Randolph, October 14, 1978
Invitation, Commissioning of USS Conolly, October 14, 1978
Ship card, USS Conolly
Admission card, Commissioning of USS Conolly, October 14, 1978
Invitation, Memorial Service for the late President of the Republic of Kenya, Mzee Jomo
Kenyatta, October 21, 1978
Invitation, reception in Celebration of the Second Anniversary of the Independence of The
Republic of Transkei, October 26, 1978
Invitation, dinner to welcome the new President of Colonial Williamsburg and Mrs. Charles
Longsworth, October 28
Invitation, reception honoring His Excellency Mieczyslaw Jagielski, Vice Premier of the Polish
People's Republic on the occasion of the Eight Session of the Joint American-Polish Trade
Commission, November 9
Invitation, Launching of Jacksonville, November 18, 1978
Parking card, Launching of Jacksonville, November 18, 1978
Parking card, Launching of Jacksonville, November 18, 1978
Invitation, reception honoring Mrs. Charles E. Bennett, November 18, 1978
Response card, reception honoring Mrs. Charles E. Bennett, November 18, 1978
Correspondence, Evan S. Dobelle to JS, February 17, 1978
Correspondence, Nancy F. Cole, March 7, 1978
Press Release on terrorism, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, March 14, 1978
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, May 15, 1978
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, March 16, 1978
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, May 26, 1978
Correspondence, Yvonne Brathwaite Burke to JS, May 28, 1978
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, June 15, 1978
Correspondence, JS to Jimmy Carter, October 5, 1978 (copy)
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter, October 5, 1978
Correspondence, Joe Skubitz to JS, October 6, 1978
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, October 17, 1978
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, October 26, 1978
JB's (JS) Visit to the Hospital, October 1978
Program, Dedication of the Clay County Courthouse, September 23, 1978
Correspondence, Clarence Kelley to JS, October 3, 1975
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Bremerton, July 22, 1978
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter, November 8, 1978
Correspondence, Walter F. Mondale to JS, November 8, 1978
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, November 8, 1978
Correspondence, Joseph A. Califano, Jr. to JS, November 8, 1978
Correspondence, Clifford L. Alexander, Jr. to JS, November 15, 1978
Telegram, John Brademas to JS, November 8, 1978
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Jacksonville, November 18, 1978
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, American Business Clubs, November 7, 1978
Invitation, groundbreaking of Senior Towers, Martinsburg, December 13, 1978
Invitation, luncheon following the groundbreaking of Senior Towers, Martinsburg, December 13,
Invitation, Christmas Music Drama, "Night of the Miracle," December 9-10, 1978
Invitation, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 12, 1978
Invitation, special television showing of the Nobel Prize Awards, December 12
Invitation, reception, Administrative Conference of the United States, December 14, 1978
Death notice, Golda Meir, December 8, 1978
Invitation, memorial service, Golda Meir, December 15, 1978
Correspondence, Yvonne Brathwaite Burke to JS, December 11, 1978
Invitation, Christmas Reception, Dr. and Mrs. James L. Chapman, West Liberty State College,
December 10, 1978
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Moosbrugger, December 16, 1978
Invitation, dedication of the new Mason County Library, Point Pleasant, December 17, 1978
Christmas Card, Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Middendorf
Christmas Card, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Pyong-choon Hahm
Christmas Card, Ambassador of Jordan and Madame Abdullah Salah
Christmas Card, Arch A. Moore Jr. and family
Christmas Card, Ambassador of the H. K. of Jordan
Christmas Card, Happy and Nelson Rockefeller
Christmas Card, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Dong-Jo
Christmas Card, Betty and Gerald R. Ford and family
Christmas Card, Betty and Gerald R. Ford
Christmas Card, Governor and Mrs. George C. Wallace and family, 1972
Christmas Card, Bella and Martin Abzug
Christmas Card, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea and Mrs. Il Kwon
Christmas Card, Ralph R. Cowgill
Business card, Ralph R. Cowgill, Central West Virginia Regional Airport Authority, Kanawha
Christmas Card, Clarence M. Kelley and Associates
Christmas Card, Ardeshir Zahedi, Iran
Christmas Card, unknown
Christmas Card, Speaker and Mrs. Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.
Christmas Card, Ambassador of the Republic of China and Mrs. James C. H. Shen
Christmas Card, Ambassador of the Republic of Ivory Coast and Mrs. Timothee Ahoua
Christmas Card, Ambassador and Mrs. William Shannon
Christmas Card, Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps
Christmas Card, Dr. and Mrs. Ku Cheng-kang
Christmas Card, Abdullah Salah
Christmas Card, Yvonne and Bill Burkes and family
Christmas Card, Governor Carlos Sablan Camacho
Christmas Card, Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Christmas Card, Millie and Tip O'Neill
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, December 26, 1978
"Don't Let Debt Go To A Googol," George Mahon
Correspondence, Frederick Baily Dent to JS, December 18, 1974
Invitation, reception in Honor of the 1978-1979 Judicial Fellows William J. Daniels and James
A. Robbins, January 4, 1979
Invitation, Christening of the O'Bannon, January 6, 1979
Invitation, Christmas Cocktail Party, Estill and Greenlee, Realtors, December 19
Invitation, 27th Annual Prayer Breakfast, January 18, 1979
Invitation, reception, American Gas Association, January 24, 1979
Correspondence, Virginia L. Roberts and W. Joseph McCoy to JS, January 17, 1979
Invitation, Performance of American Arts, in honor of Deng Xiaoping and Madame Zhuo Lin,
January 29, 1979
Invitation, reception, Performance of American Arts, in honor of Deng Xiaoping and Madame
Zhuo Lin, January 29, 1979
Response card, Performance of American Arts, in honor of Deng Xiaoping and Madame Zhuo
Lin, January 29, 1979
Invitation, North Florida Fish Fry honoring Congressman Don Fuqua, January 31
Invitation, cocktail buffet, Union Carbide Corporation, January 31
Invitation, Reverend Leon H. Sullivan, 15th Anniversary of Opportunities Industrialization
Centers, January 24, 1979
Correspondence, Fred D. Carl to JS, January 30, 1979
Invitation, open house, Joint Maritime Congress, January 31, 1979
Invitation, reception, Deng Xiaoping and Zhuo Lin, January 31, 1979
Correspondence, Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. to JS, February 1, 1979
Bumper sticker opposing 55 mile per hour speed limit, Citizens' Opposition to Oppressive
Flyer opposing 55 mile per hour speed limit, Citizens' Opposition to Oppressive Laws
Invitation, reception honoring Fred Silverman and Jane Pfeiffer, NBC News, January 5
Invitation, reception, Jack J. Spitzer, B'nai B'rith International Council, February 7, 1979
Invitation, Congressional-Ambassadors Prayer Breakfast, Berkley Bedell, February 8, 1979
Correspondence, Lewis Powell to JS, February 14, 1979
Invitation, American Legion, February 20, 1979
Invitation, 26th Annual Reception honoring the Foreign Relations Commission of the American
Legion, February 21, 1979
Invitation, reception, The Symphonic Band of the world famous Florida A & M University
Rattlers Marching Band, February 23, 1979
Invitation, breakfast and briefing session, The Southern Congressional Delegation, Federal
Formula Issues: A Southern Viewpoint, February 28, 1979
Invitation, lunch, Majority Leader, February 22
Invitation, reception to celebrate the establishment of the Embassy of the People's Republic of
China, March 1, 1979
Invitation, Centennial, United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, March 2,
Correspondence, Jacques Medecin, March 2, 1979
Invitation, Awards Dinner of the Thirty-eight Annual Science Talent Search, March 5
Invitation, Presentation of the Replogle Award to John M. Thomas, March 7, 1979
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS John Hancock, March 10, 1979
Photograph card, USS John Hancock
Invitation, reception, Pacific Northwest Waterways Association, March 13, 1979
Invitation, Saint Patrick's Party, Paul McGowan, March 14, 1979
Admission card, Saint Patrick's Party, Paul McGowan, March 14, 1979
Invitation, reception in honor of Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr., National Foundation - March of Dimes,
March 15, 1979
Card listing members, Board of Trustees of the National Foundation - March of Dimes
Birthday card, American Maritime Officers Service
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, March 16, 1979
Rules of Procedure, Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, United States House of
Invitation, Eleventh Annual Cultural Award Dinner, Recording Industry Association of America,
March 20, 1979
Correspondence, Claude J. Desautels to JS, March 18, 1979
Invitation, reception, Naval Reserve Association, March 27
Invitation, Annual Shellfish Reception of the Shellfish Institute of North America, March 22,
Telegram from White House Social Secretary requesting attendance at dinner in celebration of
the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, March 22, 1979
Telegram from White House Social Secretary requesting attendance at signing of the
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, March 22, 1979
Invitation, cocktail reception and concert, opening of Enlarged Regional Headquarters, Ellerbe
Associates, Inc., March 28, 1979
Invitation, reception in honor of President-Elect Russell W. Peterson, National Audubon Society,
March 29, 1979
Invitation, ceremony with Mrs. Menachem Begin and Mrs. Anwar Sadat, Capital Children's
Museum, March 27, 1979
Correspondence, Frank Moore to JS, March 30, 1979
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Ohio, April 7, 1979
Cachet Envelope, Keel Laying of the USS Georgia, April 7, 1979
Invitation, Launching of the USS Ohio and Keel Laying of the USS Georgia, April 7, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon honoring Rosalynn Carter and Annie Glenn, following the
Launching of the USS Ohio and Keel Laying of the USS Georgia, April 7, 1979
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Dallas, April 28, 1979
Invitation, Cherry Blossom Luncheon and Fashion Show, National Conference of State Societies,
April 4, 1979
Invitation, reception, United States Section International Joint Commission, April 3, 1979
Invitation, Annual Reception and Dinner, Lower Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association,
April 10, 1979
Invitation, reception, Motion Picture Association, in honor of the Executive Committee of the
African Council on Communication Education, April 12
Invitation, Launching of the Dallas, April 28, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon honoring Mrs. William P. Clements, Jr., following the
Launching of the Dallas, April 28, 1979
Invitation, reception, Association of Private Pension and Welfare Plans, Inc., May 10, 1979
Invitation, reception to inaugurate Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, May 3, 1979
Invitation, supper, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Monagan, April 27, 1979
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Nicholson, May 12, 1979
Photograph card, USS Nicholson
Invitation, reception in honor of Congressman Bob Stump, May 15, 1979
Correspondence, Cyrus Vance to JS, May 17, 1979
Correspondence, George Mahon to JS, May 24, 1979
Invitation, Celebration of the National Day, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
and Mrs. Abdullah Salah, May 25
Invitation, preview of exhibition, Traditional Sculpture from Upper Volta, on occasion of the
Fifteenth Anniversary of the Museum of African Art, May 29, 1979
Invitation, reception, American Paper Institute, June 6
Invitation, reception, American Health Care Association, June 4
Invitation, conference and banquet, National Conference on Vietnam Era Veterans, May 30-June
1, 1979
Correspondence, Jamie L. Whitten to JS, June 8, 1979
Correspondence, Parren J. Mitchell to JS, June 15, 1979
Program, On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of June 17th, 1953, by Walter Scheel, Federal
Republic of Germany
Correspondence, Jamie L. Whitten to JS, June 22, 1979
Invitation, reception honoring John Slack, June 28, 1979
Response card, reception honoring John Slack, June 28, 1979
Invitation, Debate on the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), NBC Television, July 10,
Correspondence, Robert E. Maxwell to JS, July 2, 1979
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS John Rodgers, July 14, 1979
Photograph card, USS John Rodgers
Invitation, Memorial Dedication Ceremony of new offices, United Steelworkers of America,
District 23, Wheeling, July 21, 1979
Invitation, Christening of the Fife and Fletcher, July 21, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon following the Christening of the Fife and Fletcher, July 21,
Invitation, Launching of La Jolla, August 11, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon honoring Mrs. Bob Wilson, following the Launching of La
Jolla, August 11, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified, Golden State Luncheon, April 6, 1978
Correspondence, Harold T. (Bizz) Johnson to JS, April 25, 1978
Photograph, JS with Nick Rahall, unidentified, Gasoline Dealer's Luncheon, February 7,
Photograph, JS with unidentified, February 1978
Signed photograph, Tip O'Neill
Booklet, Mr. Speaker: A Portrait of Tip O'Neill, by Henry W. Hubbard
Photograph, JS with Jennings Randolph, unidentified, signed by Jennings Randolph, 1979
JS, Certificate of Appreciation, Beni Kedem Legion of Honor, 1979
Photograph, J. M. Slack houses, California Avenue, August 1913
Invitation, change of command ceremony, Reserve Naval Construction Force/First Reserve
Naval Construction Brigade, Fort Belvoir, September 23, 1979
Correspondence, Jeanna Slack to JS, March 20, 1979
Card, Alfr. Nobel gold embossed
Photograph, JS with unidentified, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, JS, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, Frances Slack, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, Unidentified city, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, JS with unidentified, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, USS West Virginia marker
Photograph, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, flowers, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, hotel room, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, flowers, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, Frances Slack, People's Republic of China, 1978
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman George Mahon, Congressman Daniel
Photograph, Congressman George Mahon
Photograph, JS with Congressman Jim Wright, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Adam Benjamin, Jr.
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman Tom Steed
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman Neil Smith
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman Leo Zeferetti
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman John Murphy
Photograph, JS with Congressman Jack Flynt, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Louis Stokes, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Jim Stanton
Photograph, JS with Frances Slack, Congressman Joe Broyhill, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Bill Clay, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Walter Jones
Photograph, JS with Jack Winkle, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Charles Botsford, Winston Wilabee, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Oshel Parsons
Photograph, JS with Ambassador Reinhardt, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Bob Kelley
Photograph, JS with John Buchard, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Jim Wright, Ned Chilton
Photograph, JS with Ned Chilton, unidentified
Photograph, JS with Congressman Robert Mollohan, Congressman Joseph Jaydos, Coal Caucus
Breakfast, July 1979
Invitation, ribbon cutting ceremony, Federal Correctional Institution, Bastrop, Texas, August 16,
Invitation, breakfast, Ad Hoc Committee on Hides, September 11, 1979
Invitation, reception in honor of His Holiness, The Dalai Lama of Tibet, September 11,
Invitation, reception, International Council of Shopping Centers, September 12, 1979
Invitation, Captain's breakfast, Charleston Sternwheel Regatta, September 2, 1979
Invitation, Christening of the Kidd, September 15, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon following the Christening of the Kidd, September 15,
Invitation, reception, U. S. Delegates to the Thirty-Fourth Session of the United Nations General
Assembly, September 13
Invitation, reception, American Optometric Association, September 18, 1979
Invitation, opening exhibit of Taller 78: Five Puerto Rican Artists, in celebration of National
Hispanic Heritage Week, September 12
Invitation, reception and buffet, American Chiropractic Association, September 19, 1979
Invitation, Convocation Inaugurating the 112th Academic Year of Howard University,
September 21, 1979
Invitation, reception, the Sergeant Major of the United States Army and Mrs. William A.
Connelly, August 26
Photograph card, USS Leftwich
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Leftwich, August 25, 1979
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Cushing, September 22, 1979
Photograph card, USS Cushing
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, August 3, 1979
Correspondence, Edward J. Rusinek, August 17, 1979
Cachet Envelope, 10th anniversary of the Apollo XI moon landing, June 20, 1979
Correspondence, James R. Schlesinger to JS, August 23, 1979
Correspondence, Benjamin R. Civiletti to JS, September 10, 1979
Invitation, cocktail reception, Handgun Control Staff of the United States Conference of Mayors,
September 13, 1979
Correspondence, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Haun to JS, September 7, 1979
Invitation, Texas Shrimp Fiesta, Congressman and Mrs. Kika de la Garza, September 18,
Invitation, reception in honor of Congressman Louis Stokes, September 17, 1979
Admission card, Broadway Revue, An Evening with Marvin Hamlisch, Lucie Arnaz, Robert
Klein, The White House, September 23, 1979
Invitation, Broadway Revue, An Evening with Marvin Hamlisch, Lucie Arnaz, Robert Klein, The
White House, September 23, 1979
Invitation, testimonial reception honoring Raymond F. Lederer, September 24, 1979
Invitation, reception, General Motors Corporation, September 25, 1979
Invitation, reception, Ambassador to the Organization of American States and Mrs. Gale McGee,
September 26
Invitation, reception, National Association of Home Builders, September 26, 1979
Invitation, reception, Thirtieth Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,
October 1, 1979
Photograph, Black Walnut Festival Parade, October 13, 1979
Invitation, reception commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Bethlehem Steel Corporation,
October 3, 1979
Invitation, reception, United States Army Corps of Engineers and United States Department of
Energy in conjunction with Water Power '79, October 2, 1979
Invitation, dinner honouring Maid Silva the Forty-third, Mountain State Forest Festival, October
Invitation, welcoming cocktail reception, Sixth Annual National Radio Broadcasters Association,
October 7
Invitation, reception, 68th Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China, October 10,
Invitation, reception and luncheon, National Association of Dredging Contractors, October 11,
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, October 12, 1979
Invitation, grand opening ceremonies, new headquarters of the United Mine Workers of America
Federal Credit Union, Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania, October13, 1979
Invitation, brunch, National Association of Broadcasters, October 14, 1979
Invitation, reception, American Planning Association, October 17, 1979
Invitation, gala banquet, Sovereign Grand Commander of The Supreme Council 33 degree,
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction and Mrs. Henry C. Clausen, October 18,
Invitation, reception, An Exhibit of Mobile Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute, October 16,
Correspondence, Don Bailey to JS, n.d.
Invitation, reception in honor of Harley O. Staggers, October 23, 1979
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, October 25, 1979
Invitation, reception in celebration of the 3rd Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of
Transkei, October 26, 1979
Invitation, reception following the concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, October 26,
Invitation, events commemorating the Thirty-fourth Anniversary of the United Nations, saluting
the International Civil Aviation Organization on the occasion of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of
its founding and honoring the Chiefs of Diplomatic Missions Accredited to the United States, the
Chiefs of Missions to the IACO Council, October 27, 1979
Invitation, Launching of the San Francisco, October 27, 1979
Invitation, reception following the Launching of the San Francisco, October 27, 1979
Invitation, reception to celebrate the Fifty-sixth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Turkish
Republic, October 29
Invitation, reception, Health Industry Manufacturers Association, October 31, 1979
Invitation, cocktail reception, Solar Energy Industries Association, October 31, 1979
Invitation, breakfast, Governor John D. Rockefeller IV, November 3
Invitation, opening night of the photo exhibition of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, November 9,
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Harry W. Hill, November 17, 1979
Photograph card, USS Harry W. Hill
Invitation, White House Conference on Library and Information Services, November 15-19,
Invitation, presentation of the Genesis Project's New Media Bible and the New Motion Picture,
"Jesus," opening event of National Bible Week, Layman's National Bible Committee,
November 18, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified, n.d.
Photograph, JS with unidentified, n.d.
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, December 5, 1979
Invitation, reception, National Conference of State Legislatures and the State Governmental
Affairs Council, December 5, 1979
Information card, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the State Governmental
Affairs Council (SGAC)
Invitation, Celebration on the Establishment of the Education Department, National Education
Association of the United States, December 6, 1979
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Phoenix, December 8, 1979
Invitation, Launching of the USS Phoenix, December 8, 1979
Parking pass, Launching of the USS Phoenix, December 8, 1979
Parking pass, Launching of the USS Phoenix, December 8, 1979
Invitation, reception and luncheon honoring Mrs. John J. Rhodes following the Launching of the
USS Phoenix, December 8, 1979
Invitation, Dinner Dance, Governor and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller IV, December 8
Invitation, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 11, 1979
Invitation, Peter Duchin and His Orchestra, Christmas Ball, The White House, December 11,
Invitation, Christmas luncheon, The Chatterbox Club, December 13, 1979
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS O'Bannon, December 15, 1979
Photograph card, USS O'Bannon
Invitation, Third Annual Public Policy Dinner honoring Paul Johnson, American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research, December 13
Correspondence, George M. O'Brien to JS, December 20, 1979
Correspondence, William H. Webster to JS, December 17, 1979
Invitation, Press Luncheon for An Updated Report: The 1980 Winter Olympic Games, Ski
Industries America, January 10
Invitation, luncheon, Ambassador of the United States and Mrs. Yost, January 17
Invitation, cocktails, in honor of Board Member-Designate Charles D. Ablard, Board for
International Broadcasting, January 18, 1980
Invitation, reception, Legislative Council of the National Retired Teachers Association and the
American Association of Retired Persons, January 22
Invitation, Christening of the Callaghan, January 19, 1980
Invitation, reception, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, January
Invitation, reception in observance of the Ukrainian Independence Day, January 23, 1980
Invitation, reception honoring Commissioner Larry O'Brien and the NBA All Star Players, on
the Occasion of the Thirtieth NBA All Star Game, February 1, 1980
Invitation, reception in honor of Francesco Cossiga, Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy,
National Italian American Foundation, January 25, 1980
Invitation, reception, Mortgage Bankers Association of America, January 29, 1980
Invitation, Annual Congressional Breakfast and Program of Gospel Entertainment, Gospel Music
Association, January 29, 1980
Invitation, reception, American Mining Congress, January 29, 1980
Invitation, reception, American Bar Association, February 6, 1980
Invitation, 28th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, February 7, 1980
Invitation, Evening of Disneyland Entertainment Celebrating Disneyland's 25th Birthday,
California Congressional Delegation and the California State Society, February 19, 1980
Invitation, Twenty-fourth Biennial National Banquet, Supreme Lodge of The Order of Shepa,
The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association and The Respective Shepa
Chapters, February 25, 1980
Invitation, reception, National Association of Retail Druggists, March 4, 1980
Photograph, JS with Roy H. Langenbach, Carver Career and Technical Education Center,
Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with Jennings Herold, Dennis E. Davis, Ernest M. Husson, Robert E. Kittle,
Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with Jennings Herold, Dennis E. Davis, Ernest M. Husson, Robert E. Kittle,
Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with Jennings Herold, Dennis E. Davis, Ernest M. Husson, Robert E. Kittle,
Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified WSAZ television reporter and cameraman, Carver Career and
Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with Ernest M. Husson, unidentified WSAZ television reporter and
cameraman,Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified WSAZ television reporter and cameraman, Carver Career and
Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified WSAZ television reporter and cameraman, Carver Career and
Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with unidentified WSAZ television reporter and cameraman, Carver Career and
Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Photograph, JS with Jennings Herold, Dennis E. Davis, Ernest M. Husson, Robert E. Kittle,
Carver Career and Technical Education Center, Charleston, December 8, 1979
Cachet Envelope, Shuttle Full Duration Firing, December 17, 1979
Correspondence, Charles F. Printz to JS, February 2, 1980 (copy)
Photograph, JS with unidentified, General Adam Stephen Chapter, West Virginia Society of the
Sons of the American Revolution, Martinsburg, January 1980
Invitation, reception in honor of Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary of Commerce and Neil
Goldschmidt, Secretary of Transportation, February 4, 1980
Invitation, reception, to meet Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary of Commerce, Luther H. Hodges,
Jr., Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Andrew E. Manatos, Assistant Secretary for Congressional
Affairs, February 7
Invitation, dinner and reception, West Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO, Charleston House
Holiday Inn, February 12, 1980
Correspondence, Joseph J. Eley to JS, February 26, 1980
Invitation, reception, 1982 World's Fair, Knoxville International Energy Exposition, February
Correspondence, Philip W. Smith to JS, February 14, 1980
Invitation, reception, Naval Reserve Association, March 18
Invitation, reception in honor of Delegates to the Fourth Plenary Meeting, Brazil-U. S. Business
Council, February 25, 1980
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Thorn, February 16, 1980
Photograph card, USS Thorn
Invitation, reception, American Legion, February 19, 1980
Invitation, luncheon, The Supreme Council 33 Degree, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Mother
Supreme Council of the World, February 20, 1980
Invitation, tea, White House Preservation Fund, February 28
Invitation, Twelfth Annual Cultural Award Dinner, Recording Industry Association of America,
March 4, 1980
Invitation, reception, Engineers Public Affairs Forum, February 27
Invitation, Annual Dinner, Veterans of Foreign Wars, March 4, 1980
Invitation, reception, Computer & Communications Industry Association, March 4, 1980
Invitation, reception, Farm Credit Banks of Baltimore, March 12
Invitation, West Virginia Beans n' Cornbread Reception Honoring Congressman Nick Rahall,
March 5
Cachet Envelope, Launching of the USS Carl Vinson, March 15, 1980
Photograph card, USS Carl Vinson
Correspondence, Kenneth C. Legg to JS, March 17, 1980
Correspondence, Claude J. Desautels to JS, March 18, 1980
Invitation, Commissioning of the USS Deyo, March 22, 1980
Photograph card, USS Deyo
Invitation, reception, Naval Reserve Association, March 18
Invitation, Christening of the Scott, March 29, 1980
Invitation, reception, National Association of Realtors, April 1, 1980
Christmas Card, Walter F. Mondale, Joan Woodall
Correspondence, Jimmy Carter to JS, March 18, 1980
Birthday card, AMVETS
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Photograph, unidentified, Japan
Japanese newspaper
Correspondence, Mike Mansfield to JS, November 23, 1978
Correspondence, H. G. Rickover to JS, November 21, 1978
What I Know About China, by John Keswick, 1979 edition
Campaign card, John M. Slack, Jr., Democratic Nominee for County Commissioner
Advertisement, Model Scott Home, J. M. Slack, Jr., Dealer
Campaign card, John M. Slack, Jr., Democratic Nominee for County Commissioner
JS, Certificate of Election, November 12, 1948
Correspondence, James A. Farley to JS, July 31, 1950
Correspondence, Norman R. Stanford to JS, May 8, 1951
Correspondence, D. P. Reed to Carl Calvert, July 22, 1950
JS, campaign card, 1956
Blank property and assessment forms, 1951 levies in Kanawha County
Ruler, John M. Slack, Jr. For Assessor, Democratic Candidate
Telegram, Mrs. Reid to JS, November 5, 1952
Congratulatory card, Nina Johnson to JS
Program of Annual State Conference of County Assessors and Meeting of Assessors'
Association, Charleston, January 5-6, 1953
Membership listing, Scottish Rite Bodies, Masters of the Royal Secret, Charles Blaine Young
Class, Spring Reunion, 1953
Correspondence, Colonel M. S. Aldrich to JS, July 31, 1953
Correspondence, Roy E. McDaniel to JS, July 27, 1953
Drawing, "Take Up Slack - Toss Abbot Out," Primary Election, Assessor's Race, May 13
Photograph, JS in skirt, with unidentified
Correspondence, Virgil L. Flinn to JS, August 17, 1953
Correspondence, Robert G. Kelly to JS, October 31, 1955
Correspondence, George H. Vick to JS, March 15, 1956
JS, commendation certificate, Office of Rent Stabilization, July 31, 1953
Correspondence, Roy E. McDaniel to JS, September 10, 1954
Correspondence, Frank A. Knight to JS, January 13, 1956
Newsletter, The Weekly Roar, Lions Club of Charleston, January 12, 1956
JS, campaign card
Correspondence, Elizabeth Savage Estill to JS, September 27
Correspondence, JS to Dorothy Carpenter, December 20, 1952 (copy)
Editorial, Charleston Gazette, October 28, 1952
Program, Dedication of Memorial Plaque, Junior Daughters of the American Revolution, in
memoriam to the founding of Charleston, December 19, 1953
Cheat River near St. George, Monongahela National Forest, 1935
Stand of virgin oak timber, Clark Tract near Anthony Creek, Monongahela National Forest, June
"The Sinks," Head of Gandy Creek disappearing through cavern, Monongahela National Forest,
June 18, 1942
Fishing pool, North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac above Petersburg, Monongahela
National Forest, October 1950
Cacapon River, October 1950
JS with unidentified, Airport Advisory Board, 1950
JS with Leslie D. Price, Bill Day, December 12, 1952
Fishing in Knapp's Creek at Devil's Backbone, Monongahela National Forest, June 27,
Meadow Mountain, Monongahela National Forest, July 1, 1955
Sheep grazing, McAllister Sods, Monongahela National Forest, July 1, 1955
Looking up Greenbrier River from Gunpowder Ridge, Monongahela National Forest, July 3,
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Elizabeth Kee, Cleveland Bailey, Harley Staggers,
West Virginia delegation, Surplus Commodities breakfast, March 1959
JS with Donald J. Irwin, Barrett O'Hara, August 1959
JS with Donald J. Irwin, Barrett O'Hara, George T. Scully, August 1959
JS with unidentified, FMC Plant tour, October 5, 1959
New post office, Washington, 1959
JS with unidentified, Veterans of Foreign Wars group, 1959
JS with Miles Kennedy, American Legion, 1959
JS with Vic Green, Pat Graney, Colonel White, George Fallon, 1959?
JS wih E. L. James, unidentified, Speakers Lobby, March 15, 1960
JS with Cleveland Bailey, unidentified, National Youth Conference, March 1960
JS with Art Rezzonico, presenting flag for use at school, August 9, 1960
JS with Phillip Jones, Boy Scout Week, January 30, 1961
JS with W. W. Barron, Burl Sawyers, Johnkoski, Keeley, West Virginia Contractors, April 18,
First Silo Launched Titan, Vandenberg Air Force Base, May 3, 1961
Launch of THOR IRBM, Vandenberg Air Force Base, June 20, 1961
JS with Elizabeth Kee, Stewart Udall, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, October 13, 1961
JS with unidentified, presentation of JS drawing, November 4, 1961
JS with Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, touring South Charleston Naval Ordnance Plant, December
15, 1961
Launch of Discoverer XXXVII, Vandenberg Air Force Base, January 13, 1962
JS with Roland Libonati, Basil L. Whitener, William D. Diener, briefing on Air Force Discoverer
Satellite Program, Vandenberg Air Force Base, February 10, 1962
JS with Cadets Perry T. Rose and Relva L. Lilly, March 2, 1962
JS with SP5 Elizabeth Dyke, NIKE missile site, Lorton, Virginia, March 26, 1962
JS with Robert Blevins, Philip McGance, NIKE missile site, Lorton, Virginia, March 26,
JS with Cleveland Bailey, unidentified, AFL-CIO reception, April 3, 1962
JS with John F. Kennedy, The Rose Garden, May 1962
JS with Jennings Randolph, Elizabeth Kee, Cleveland Bailey, Ken Hechler, Harley Staggers,
West Virginia Delegation breakfast, August 8, 1962
JS with others, congressional visit to United States Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
September 29-30, 1962
JS with unidentified, luncheon for Congressman Tabor, October 2, 1962
Congressional trip to Korea, November-December 1962
JS with unidentified, Civil Air Transport, Tokyo, November-December 1962 (also letter from
John G. Tower to JS, December 14, 1962
JS with Lieutenant General Howell M. Estes, Walter H. Moeller, model of Air Force Atlas
Agena Space Launching Facility, 1962
JS with Major General Thomas P. Gerrity, Walter H. Moeller, Agena Satellite Vehicle, Air Force
Discoverer Program, 1962
JS with Cadets Daniel E. Spielman, Jr. and William B. Payne, United States Military Academy,
May 3, 1963
JS with John F. Kennedy, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Arch Moore, Ken Hechler, Harley
Staggers, W. W. Barron, presentation of West Virginia State Flag, White House, May 20,
JS with Jim Edmundson, George Titler, United States Capitol, June? 1963
JS with George James, page, August 1963
JS with Clem Bassett, Judge William Thompson, Washington, December 12, 1963
JS presiding over the House, 1963
JS with unidentified, Subcommittee Meeting of Appropriations Committee (State, Justice,
Commerce), 1963
Negatives, 88th Congress, 1963-1964
JS with Congressmen Ashmore, Horan, Michael, viewing Carolina peaches, 1963-1964
JS with James Byrne, William T. Murphy, B. Everett Jordan, luncheon to honor Canadian
delegation, Canadian/United States Interparliamentary Group, January 14, 1964
JS with Edward Kennedy, Maurice Bourget, William T. Murphy, luncheon to honor Canadian
delegation, Canadian/United States Interparliamentary Group, January 14, 1964
Canadian/United States Interparliamentary Group Tour, January 17-19, 1964
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, White House, August 5, 1964
JS with Martha Tucker, Jane Hall, Verdeen Lanham, Mildred Smock, Faye Gandee, Helen
Burgess, DRIVE, Teamsters Women, Local 175, March 24, 1965
JS with Hulett Smith, unidentified, September 1965
JS with Eugene A. Boucher, John E. Branham, Leroy C. Buffington, USS Enterprise, October 20,
JS with unidentified, Cherry River Navy, Richwood, 1965
JS with Mrs. Deal Tompkins, West Virginia Mother of the Year, May 4, 1966
JS, Summersville Federal Building dedication, June 3, 1966
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, 4-H Citizenship Conference, June 23, 1966
JS with Appropriations Committee Chairman George Mahon, June 29, 1966
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, Summersville Lake dedication, September 3, 1966
JS with Frances Slack, Ken Hechler, campaigning, October 31, 1966
JS with Patrick O'Reilly, Mrs. O'Reilly, Fred Young, opening, Charleston Metal Processing
Corporation, November 1, 1966
Frances Slack with Mrs. Adrian T. Middleton, Mrs. Leamon R. Hunt, Mrs. Elford A. Cederberg,
Beirut International Airport, November 21, 1966
JS with Robert McNamara, luncheon, February 20, 1967
JS with Ken Hechler, unidentified, International Sports, Camping and Travel Show, Washington,
April 1967
JS with Margaret Milton, August 1967
Ken Hechler with Judge William Thompson, Elizabeth Hallanan, Anti-Crime Workshop,
JS with unidentified, 1967-1968
JS with others, groundbreaking, Miracle Acres, St. Albans, March 30, 1968
Plaque, W. V. Wilkerson, Raleigh-Boone Medical Group, June 1, 1968
Photographs of office walls of Walter Boggess, 1968
Negatives, JS with members of House Appropriations Subcommittee, "La California" Housing
Project, Caracas, Venezuela, December 10, 1968
Groundbreaking, Sunnybrook, Putnam County, 1968
JS with group, John Amos Power Plant, August 28, 1970
JS with George Mahon, February 9, 1971
JS with others, Clarksburg Veterans Administration Hospital 20th Anniversary, March 12,
JS with unidentified, Labor Force, Committee on Public Works, 1971
JS with unidentified, 1971-1972
JS with Gary Attman, 1971-1972
JS holding unidentified girl, 1971-1972
JS, chairman, Public Works Subcommittee, 1971-1972
JS with Uncle Sam, Shriner, 1971-1972
JS with Tom Austin, FFA, 1971-1972
JS with Howard W. Robinson, Glenn K. Davis, John J. Rhodes, Joe L. Evins, Eugene Wilhelm,
Edward P. Boland, Jamie L. Whitten, Otto E. Passman, Public Works Appropriations
Subcommittee, March 1972
JS Town Hall: Politics '72, WSAZ-Television, October 23, 1972
JS with Mrs. Avis Dobbins, Mrs. Herbert Hall, Marie Arrasmith, April 1973
JS with Mrs. Kenneth Hall, Fay Cox, Evelyn S. Campbell, April 1972
Appropriations Committee, August? 1973
JS with Dusty Phalen, page, October 16, 1973
JS with James A. Conlon, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1973
JS with unidentified, House Appropriations Committee, 1973
JS with unidentified, outside Appropriations door, 1973-1974
JS with unidentified, 1973-1974
JS, negatives, February 1974
N. L. Industries, grand opening, March 24, 1974
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert Mollohan, unidentified, American Legion Congressional
Banquet, Sheraton Park Hotel, March 1974
JS, West Virginia Mobile Homes Association, Charleston House, June 1, 1974
JS with Thomas S. Kleppe, Congressmen Duncan and Adabo, June 1974
JS with Jennings Randolph, unidentified, meeting of West Virginia Agricultural and Farm
spokesmen, July 15, 1974
JS with Cynthia White, United States Capitol, August 1974
JS with Gerald Ford, unidentified, November 26, 1974
JR at John Rooney retirement luncheon, December 1974
JS with unidentified, National Association of Realtors, 1974
JS with unidentified, UDC breakfast, 1974
JS with unidentified, 1974-1975
JS with Richard Weekly, Fred C. Allen, Jr., unidentified, January 15, 1975
JS with Jennings Randolph, Lloyd Bentsen, January 28, 1975
Tour groups, February 19, 1975
JS with Elliot Richardson, February 26, 1975
JS with Elliot Richardson, February 28, 1975
JS with unidentified, February 28, 1975
Surface miners protesting in Washington, April 9, 1975
JS with Shimon Peres, December 1975
JS with Frances Slack, Jennings Randolph, 1975
JS with unidentified group, 1975
JS with AMC president J. Allen Overton Jr. and Wayne Aspinall, American Mining Congress,
JS at National Limestone Institute Convention, Washington, 1975
JS with others, West Virginia Rehabilitation Center, 1975
JS with unidentified group, March 16, 1976
JS with Steve Ranson, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rice, Mrs. R. L. Doyle, June 18, 1976
JS with Mike Ranson, June 18, 1976
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, greeting Jimmy Carter, Summer
JS with Lindy Boggs, viewing of Magna Carta, July 1976
JS with Pat Jacobs, July 28, 1976
JS with Chuck Yeager, Gerald Ford, Jennings Randolph, Harley Staggers, Ken Hechler,
December 18, 1976
JS with John S. Watts, Jr., Betty Watts, 1976
JS with Jimmy Carter, 1976
Gerald Ford, Farewell Statement before Joint Session of Congress, January 12, 1977
JS contact sheets, January 1977
JS with congressional delegation, January 1977 (?)
JS with Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, unidentified, Justice hearings, February 23, 1977
JS with Bill Chappell, signed photograph, February 1977
JS with unidentified, March 8, 1977
JS with Clarence M. Kelley, signed photograph, March 18, 1977
JS with Buffalo Elementary School students, United States Capitol, March 1977
JS with Frances Slack, General and Mrs. Louis H. Wilson, March 16, 1978
JS with Mrs. Louis H. Wilson, Mrs. Samuel D. McIlwain, March 16, 1978
Unidentified, Tokyo, November 1978
JS with Jennings Randolph, unidentified group, signed by Jennings Randolph, January 24,
JS receiving Outstanding West Virginian Award, Susan McDonnold, Miss West Virginia
Teen-Ager 1978, June 1979
JS with Kim Williamson, Miss West Virginia National Teen-Ager, June 1979
JS with Jennings Randolph, unidentified group, signed by Jennings Randolph, January 23,
JS at Commerce Hearings, 1980
JS with Sargent Shriver, Robert McDonough
JS receiving flag from Naval officer
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Arch Moore, Cleveland Bailey, Harley Staggers,
West Virginia Education Association
JS with Ken Sprankle, Elford A. Cederberg, Glennard P. Lipscomb, Frank T. Bow, Clarence
Cannon, John J. Rooney, Robert L. F. Sikes, Neal Smith, Jay Howe, Committee on
JS with Cornelius E. Gallagher, William T. Murphy, Daniel Inouye, John A. Burns, Robert M.
Giamo, William S. Moorhead, Roland V. Libonati, Dominick Daniels
JS with Frances Langford
JS with Frances Slack, Jennings Randolph, unidentified
JS at United States Capitol
JS District office, Charleston, meeting with constituents
USS Skate, John Slack card, Honorary Skatemaster
JS with Private James W. Randolph, Mildred Heaberlin, Carl Heaberlin
Jimmy Carter, signed portrait
Harley Staggers, signed portrait
Jennings Randolph, signed portrait
Robert C. Byrd, signed portrait
Unidentified horse
Elizabeth Kee, signed portrait
JS with John F. Kennedy, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Arch Moore, Ken Hechler, Harley
Staggers, W. W. Barron, presentation of West Virginia state flag, White House
JS with Otis G. Pike, General Thomas S. Power, Nerve Center of Strategic Air Command,
Omaha, Nebraska
Boeing VC-137A in flight
Dan Rostenkowski, signed portrait
John W. McCormack, signed portrait
Bill Murphy, signed portrait
JS with Veterans of Foreign Wars group
Cleveland Bailey, signed portrait, December 4, 1960
JS, election night
JS with John F. Kennedy, unidentified
JS with Frances Slack
JS at desk
JS at groundbreaking, Carver Career and Technical Center, Kanawha County
Negative strips
JS with Jada Hawley, Ann Boggs, Kim Williamson, Cindy Law Jones, Jackie Workman, Miss
National Teen-Ager
JS with Terry Aylar, Cub Scout
Cattle grazing, McAllister Sods Area, Monongahela National Forest
Painting, "The Day the President Visited Summersville"
JS with Sarah Hamilton, Nina Herold, Mrs. J. E. Harford, Nicholas County
Gerald Ford, portrait
Funeral of J. Edgar Hoover
Robert Mollohan with unidentified group
John F. Kennedy on boat
JS on horseback, campaigning
JS with Jennings Randolph, J. E. Holt, 1965 Annual Safety Award Banquet, Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen
JS with Jennings Randolph, Cecil Underwood, unidentified
JS with Ken Hechler, Hulett Smith
JS with Attorney General Edward Levi, 1976 budget request for Department of Justice
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, unidentified
JS with Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, HUD
JS with Harley Staggers, Ken Hechler, unidentified
JS at desk
Arnold Miller with unidentified
Basic cadets, Air Force Academy, Class of 1963
Statue, Air Force Academy
Chapel, Air Force Academy
Cap tossing, Air Force Academy
Acceptance parade, Air Force Academy
Mach I, falcon mascot, Air Force Academy
JS with Henry Kissinger, unidentified
JS with Erma Byrd, Mary Randolph, unidentified
JS, Office on Wheels
Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line Radar Station
Test firing, Air Force Minuteman Missile, Cape Canaveral
Air Force Developed Ballistic Missiles
JS with George Bush, Robert C. Byrd, unidentified, Foreign Minister Group, Peking
JS with J. Edgar Hoover, unidentified
Status Boards, NORAD's Spadats Control Center, Colorado Springs
Unidentified military
BOMARC Interceptor Missile
Texas Tower Radars, NORAD Command Early Warning Network
Launch of Discoverer Polar Orbiting Satellite, Vandenberg Air Force Base
WV-2 Super Constellations, Distant Early Warning Line
Launch of Blue Scout, Long-Range Rocket, Cape Canaveral
Ballistic Missile Early Warning System Station, Thule, Greenland
Pinetree Radar Site
AGR, Radar Picket Ship
X-15s in flight
Launch of Titan ICBM
Launch of Atlas ICBM, Vandenberg Air Force Base
Lieutenant General Howell M. Estes, Jr.
Major General Thomas P. Gerrity
Major General Osmond J. Ritland
JS with Major General L. F. Chapman, Cornelius Leary
JS with George Mahon, unidentified
JS in Capitol hallway
JS with John F. Kennedy, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Harley Staggers, de-boarding Air
Force One
Congressional delegation, aircraft, People's Republic of China
JS and George Bush, Peking
Jay Rockefeller with unidentified, signed photograph
JS with Attorney General Griffin Bell
JS with Mark Andrews, unidentified
JS with Gerald Ford
Protest, United States Capitol
"An Oil Man? Hell no Brother, I make my money playing the horses."
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified
JS with unidentified, Chinese leader
Unidentified portrait
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified group
JS with unidentified women, United States Capitol
JS with unidentified, holding map, "1975 Annual Report: Transportation Study"
JS with unidentified painting
JS with unidentified, Democratic event
JS with unidentified, HUD
JS with unidentified woman, United States Capitol
JS with unidentified delegation, Chrysler Building, New York
JS with unidentified, presenting American flag
JS with unidentified, United States Capitol
JS with Frances Slack, unidentified
JS with Frances Slack, unidentified
Unidentified, Slack family (?)
Unidentified military officers
JS with unidentified, in meeting
JS with unidentified band, United States Capitol
JS with unidentified officer
JS with unidentified, hearing
JS with unidentified, negatives
JS at Capitol
JS in office
JS portraits
JS portraits, 1964
JS portraits, 1965
JS, Campaign Posters (10 copies)
United States House of Representatives, Resolutions on the Death of The Honorable John M.
Slack, March 18, 1980
Flight Certificate, certifying that JS flew in Presidential Jet, signed by Lyndon B. Johnson,
September 3, 1966
Flight Certificate, certifying that JS flew in Presidential Helicopter, September 3, 1966
Flight Certificate, certifying that JS flew in Army One, October 4, 1975
Certificate, Boys Clubs of America, Special Recognition in memory of JS, September 17,
Copy of Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy
Certificate, "Guardian of Berlin's Freedom," April 27, 1962
Great Seal of the United States
Great Seal of the United States
Telegrams of Response to Invitation to Dinner Honoring JS, January 16, 1959:
Letters of Response to Invitation to Dinner Honoring JS, January 16, 1959
Drawing by Dent, "Just a durn minute - Ain't that my cookie jar?" Ken Hechler, JS, 3rd
JS in House Chambers
Signed lithograph, Albert Thomas
JS with Elizabeth Kee, others, House Committee
Signed portrait, Warren Burger
Aircraft Carrier, signed by J. L. Halloway III
JS portrait
Richard Nixon addressing Congress
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd,
unidentified, dedication of the Summersville Dam
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd, Hulett
Smith, Ken Hechler, Harley Staggers, unidentified, dedication of the Summersville Dam
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, Jennings Randolph, Robert C. Byrd,
unidentified, dedication of the Summersville Dam
JS with Lyndon B. Johnson, Arch Moore, Ken Hechler, aboard Air Force One
JS with Clarence Long, Sid Yates, Tom Berrell, Tom Steed, George Mahon, Dan Flood, Bill
Natches, Jamie Whitten, Ed Boland, House Appropriations Committee, 1978, signed by George
Sam Rayburn, signed portrait
Gerald Ford, signed portrait
Gerald Ford, signed portrait
Hubert Humphrey, signed portrait
JS with Cyrus Vance, signed by Cy Vance
JS with Frances Slack, Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, signed by the Johnsons
JS with Henry Kissinger, unidentified, signed by Henry Kissinger, 1976
JS with Henry Kissinger, unidentified, 1976
JS with Henry Kissinger, unidentified, 1976
JS with Henry Kissinger, unidentified, 1976
JS with unidentified, Henry Kissinger testifying at State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations
hearings, 1976
JS with unidentified, Henry Kissinger testifying at State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations
hearings, 1976
JS with unidentified, Henry Kissinger testifying at State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations
hearings, 1976
JS sketch
USS Independence, certificate, JS as Honorary Crew Member, July 17, 1959
JS portrait, proof
JS portrait, proof
JS portrait, proof
United States Capitol
"The Bald Eagle," signed by artist Bob Hines
JS sketch, by Vintroux
Opening Session of the 86th Congress, January 7, 1959
JS with others, Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group, Sixth Session, Ottawa,
JS with unidentified
House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-eighth Congress, April
Charleston Gazette, March 19, 1980 (2 copies)
Charleston Gazette, March 20, 1980
Charleston Gazette, March 21, 1980
Charleston Daily Mail, September 10, 1975
Charleston Daily Mail, March 18, 1980
Charleston Daily Mail, March 19, 1980
Charleston Daily Mail, March 20, 1980
Charleston Daily Mail, March 21, 1980
West Virginia Beacon Digest, March 15-April 15, 1980
License Plate, 87th Congress, H-371
License Plate, 88th Congress, H-307
License Plate, 89th Congress, H-238
License Plate, 90th Congress, H-205
License Plate, 91st Congress, H-176
License Plate, 92nd Congress, H-150
License Plate, 93rd Congress, H-111
License Plate, 94th Congress, H-81
License Plate, 95th Congress, H-57 (2)
License Plate, 96th Congress, H-39
West Virginia License Plate, JMS, 1981
District of Columbia License Plate, Inauguration 1973, 406 (2)
Plaque, JS Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee for the Departments
of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies, January 1975
Plaque, Award for Patriotic Service Through the US Savings Bonds Program
Chamizal Commemorative Silver Medal
Pen used by President Lyndon B. Johnson in signing House Resolution 447, Joint Resolution,
May 7, 1965
Framed image, Members of 94th Congress, House of Representatives, Bicentennial Year -
Wooden cigar box, JMS engraved on top
Wooden box, Department of State, John Slack signature on top
Plaque, Mid Ohio Valley Mayors Association, 1975
Plaque, South Charleston Chamber of Commerce, January 24, 1970
Plaque, The House of Stones
Mounted painting of JS, from Mrs. Paul Whittington
Name plate, Mr. Slack
Name plate, Mr. Slack
Name plate, Mr. Slack Chairman
Ashtray, United States House of Representatives
JS gavel from James Cottrell
Rulers, JS - U. S. Congress (16)
Bracelets, JS, United States House of Representatives (12)
Key chains, JS, United States House of Representatives (23)
Medallion, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Macrame piece, Democrat
Door Plaque, Seal, United States of America Member of Congress
Door Plaque, Seal, United States of America Member of Congress