- Delia McCulloch:
- Ballads & Charts
- Berkeley County
- Biographical Profiles
- Chenowith, John Chapter
- Couch, Daniel
- DAR Memorial Work
- Genealogy:
- Bowyer
- Lewis
- McCulloch
- Steenburgen
- Various Families
- Willett
- Hartford Coal & Salt Company
- Hamon District
- Historical Data - Misc.
- Historical Data - Research
- Jones, Emanuel - Address
- Jordan, John Captain
- Lewis, Charles Col. Chapter DAR
- McCulloch, Delia - Correspondence DAR
- McCulloch, Delia - Historian Requests - Letter From White
- McCulloch, Delia - Personal Correspondence
- Kanawha Valley Chapter DAR
- Military Parks - Historic Preservation
- Misc.
- Lewis, Andrew - Legal Documents
- Newspaper Clippings
- Philosophers, Greek
- Point Pleasant
- Presbyterian Church - Point Pleasant - History
- Publications, Historical
- Reports & By-laws
- Soldiers - Misc.
- Soldiers - Pensioners
- Soldiers - Revolutionary
- Contracting - Engineering - 1852-1877
- Business Correspondence
- Cabin Creek
- Drawings
- Elk Shoal
- Engineering Notations
- Gauley River Tributaries
- Island Shoal
- Kanawha River Improvement
- Little Kanawha Navigation
- Locks 3-14
- Lykins - Two Mile Shoal
- Maps & Plans
- Misc. Calculations
- Monthly Estimates
- North River Navigation
- Paint Creek
- Reservoir 17-84
- Ridge Road
- Station Run
- Surveys
- Tyler Shore
- Young Two Mile
- Building of New Mason County Jail
- Byers, John A.
- Circular - General Orders
- Clendenin - Genealogical Research
- English, John - Deed
- Henderson & Lewis - Bills of Lading
- Legal Documents - A&S McCulloch
- Lewis, A. - Bill of Sale
- Love, Charles - Power of Attorney
- Mason County Tax Records - 1822
- Mercer's Bottom - Deeds - Military Survey
- McCulloch, A&S - Balances
- McCulloch, A&S - Business Letters
- McCulloch, A&S - Caphart
- McCulloch, A&S - Claims& Payments
- McCulloch, A&S - Inventories - 1834-35
- McCulloch, A&S - Ledger 1818
- McCulloch, A&S -Orders& Receipts
- McCulloch, A&S - Retail Licence
- McCulloch, A&S - Settlement of Store
- McCulloch, John - Bills & Checks
- McCulloch, Alex - Business Correspondence
- McCulloch, Alex - Personal Letters
- McCulloch, John Mrs. - Letters
- McCulloch, Maria - Letters 1891-99
- McCulloch, Maria - Letters 1900-12
- McCulloch, M.S. Miss - 1896-1911
- McCulloch, Samuel - Letters 1828-43
- Militia Mines - 1821-33
- Misc.
- Orders-pensions - 106 Regiment 1818-29
- Newspapers
- Pope, C - Letter to Father 1840
- Randolph County, Va. - Grants
- Research - Historical
- Returns, Militia - 1821-29
- Settlements - A&s McCulloch - 1825
- State Indebtedness - 1839
- Statement of Work - S. W. Jordan
- Store Inventory - 1833
- Survey Books - 1858
- Tailor's Bills - 1826-27
- Account Statements - 1858
- Broadsides - Buffalo Academy
- Business Cards
- Cameron, Simon - Kanawha Valley Coal - Pre 1863
- Cobb, Jim - Confederate Prisoner - 1863-64
- Craik, James - Will - 1813
- Ford Sunday Evening Hour - 1945
- Invitations - 1829-51
- James, Mrs. - 1945
- Kanawha River Tolls - 1878
- Land Grant - 1795
- Lee, Henry - 1781
- Letters - Kanawha River Improvement - 1856-57
- Lewis, Andrew - Appt. Captain Shelaran - 1764
- Lewis, Andrew Col. - Correspondence - 1806-40
- Lewis, John, Gabriel, And Thomas - Letters 1803-25
- Lewis Papers - Cattle - 1801-36
- Lewis Papers - Court - 1797-98
- Lewis Papers - Land - 1769-1837
- Lewis Papers - Will - 1782
- List of Taxable Property - Mason County - 1823
- Lock - Dam #6 - 1866-67
- March Court - 1823
- Mason County Petition
- McCulloch, A.B. - Property Tax - 1821-23
- McCulloch, Delia - Letters And Poetry - 1856-1910
- McCulloch, Jr. Mrs. - Letters - 1937-45
- McCulloch, John - Bill - 1817
- McCulloch, Julia - Administrator - 1926-27
- McCulloch, Julia - Documents - 1930's-40's
- McCulloch, Mary - Kappa Phi Delta - Receipts - 1948-53
- McCulloch, Mary - Trip to Europe, Journal
- Meteorological Register - 1855-58
- Old Letters - 1806-18
- Old Schools - 1841-58
- Order Book - May 1922-January 1931
- Poems - Delia McCulloch
- Promissory Notes - 1808-19
- Recipes - 1905
- Ritchie - Dam Guard Lock #11 - 1853
- Series - 1945
- Snow, Samuel - 1847
- Taylor - Summons
- Wedding - John McCulloch, Jr. And Annette Lewis - May 1950
- Welker - 1953
- Wilson, William - 1953
- Folders: Documents 1700's
- Papers- 1806-13
- Correspondence - 1822-25
- Letters to Delia - 1873-89
- Taxes - Recordings - 1878-89
- Statements -Agreements - 1884-89
- Receipts - 1884-1917
- Promissory Notes - 1887-89
- Accounts - 1882-1917
- Deeds - 1888-92
- Bankbooks - Checking - 1873-92
- Account Books - 1873-1904
- Engineering Journal - 1851-56
- Surveys & Engineering Journals - 1858
- Surveys - 1879-81
- Specifications - Undated - Newspaper - 1893
- Misc. Letters
- Sunday School - Diaries - Misc. - 1895-1903
- Business - 1897-1904
- Receipts - 1905-15
- Birth Certificate - July 13,1914
- Letters Written in Childhood
- Pt. Pleasant High School - Graduated 1931
- High School Cards
- Marshall College - U. of Alabama - 1931-40
- Letters to Mother, Julia McCulloch - 1933-35
- Letters to Mother, Julia McCulloch - 1934-36
- Letters to Mother, Julia McCulloch - 1935-41
- Gard D'haiti - Hotel Hispano - 1936
- Flying Cadets - 1936-40
- Letters to Family - 1936-40
- Veteran's Administration - 1936-41
- Letters to Mary, Alex - 1936-42
- Business Letters - 1937
- Letters to Mother, Julia McCulloch - 1937-39
- Sanderson Expedition - 1937-39
- Letters to "Aunt Mary" - 1937-40
- Answers to Letters of Application - 1938-39
- Questionnaire - 1942
- Royal Canadian Air Force Clippings
- Condolence Letters to Mother, Julia McCulloch - 1942
- R.C.A.F. Operational Wings Certificate - 1946
- Ledger
- Yearbook - U. of Alabama
- Spanish New Testament
- Fraternity Memorabilia
- Cadet Memorabilia
- Souvenirs -Travel
- Addresses
- War Memorial Services - University of Alabama - 1947
- Publications:
- R.C.A.F.
- Flight Jacket
- Travel
- Ables, Martin - Papers - 1812-35
- Byers Correspondence - 1873
- Byers, Janet - Letters to Family - 1954
- Byers, Maxwell - Letters to Mother - 1920-23
- Clippings & Poems
- Deeds - 1825-26
- Marriage Certificate - Alex B. McCulloch & Julia Ryan -
- McCulloch, Alex:
- Letters to Mother - 1895-96
- Letters to Father - 1895-97
- Letters to Mother - 1895- 97
- Report Cards - 1918-25
- Letters From Aunt - 1933-34
- Presbyterian College - 1933-35
- Letters From Mother, Brother Jack - 1933-37
- Business Correspondence - 1933-39
- Letters From Ladies - 1933-39
- McCulloch, Alex & Jo:
- Letters From Family - 1944-45
- Letters - 1966-76
- McCulloch, Alex - Letters From Mother
- McCulloch, Delia:
- Correspondence - 1902
- Correspondence From Caldwell, Sears - 1920-21
- McCulloch, John - Letters to Sister - 1911-16
- McCulloch, John Jr. - Letters to Friend
- Album
- McCulloch, Mary:
- Correspondence - Union Clothing Company- 1917
- Business Correspondence - 1927-51
- Letters From Nephew Lewis Byers - 1928-45
- Letters From Nephew Richard Byers - 1942-48
- Letters From Friends
- Letters From Niece
- Postcards
- School Papers
- Misc. Correspondence
- Obituaries:
- McCulloch, John - 1920
- McCulloch, A.B. - 1926
- James, Mrs.
- McCulloch, Mary Miss
- O&m Teacher's Agency
- Portraits, Publications -1942-43
- Receipts - Court Document - Warranty
- School Yearbook - Paper - 1923-21
- Steenburgen - 1937-46
- Steenburgen, Charlotte - 1952
- Misc. Cards & Tickets
- Condition Survey - 1937
- Dixon, Phil S. - 1931
- Kanawha Valley Students - 1943-57
- Map - Western Territory
- McCulloch, A.B. Mr. & Mrs. - Misc. Letters - 1936-44
- McCulloch, Alex :
- School - 1925-30
- Sympathy Cards - 1978
- McCulloch, Josie:
- Photos - Industrial Nurses - 1950's
- Memoriam
- McCulloch, Julia:
- Correspondence - 1922-46
- Misc. Correspondence - 1924-42
- Letters From Janet & Mary - 1946
- McCulloch, Maria - Letters From Nephews John & Alex, Others
- 1879-95
- Mementos
- Misc.
- High School
- Paintings
- Photos - Byers, Steenburgen, McCulloch, Misc.
- Publications - Phi Kappa - Tu-endi-wei
- Ryan - Genealogy - Photos
- Sculpture Panes
- Steenburgen, William Mrs.
- Studies of Famous Pictures
- Women's Club - Josie McCulloch (Pictures)
- Books
- Booklets, Handbills, Racing Forms
- Checking - Merchant's Natl. Bank - Estate
- Cunningham-hall - Genealogical Research
- Maps - West Indies- Carribean-world
- McCulloch, Delia:
- Christmas Cards, Misc.
- Ledger
- Correspondence
- McCulloch, Janet:
- Report Cards - 1928-35
- Wedding
- McCulloch, John, Maria - Legal Papers - 1920-28
- McCulloch, Julia:
- Cards - 1931-37
- Checks - 1933 - Attorney Bill - 1944
- Ohio University Transcripts - 1938-39
- McCulloch, Mary Miss:
- Birth Certificate - 1877
- Transcripts & Credentials - 1913-49
- Summer School - 1925-28
- Retirement - 1948
- "Miss Mary Day" - November 23, 1948
- McCulloch, Sarah - Income Tax - 1917
- Misc. Papers
- Pt. Pleasant High School
- Publications - 1898-1929
- Rookstool, Josie:
- Nursing Records
- Wedding
- Souvenirs
- Map
- Alex McCulloch & Joe Stribling
- Bennet, Jessie - Lewis, Andrew - Nelson, Dr.- Scott, Rev.
- Boy Scout Troop - Foot Ball Team - Unlabeled
- Byers Family
- Hayden Family
- Labeled Pictures of Children
- Menager Family
- McCulloch Family I & Ii
- McCulloch, Jack - Group Picture, Flying Cadets
- Misc. Labeled People
- Misc. Pictures & Negatives
- Misc. Unlabeled People
- Pepi Hunton
- Steenburgen Family
- Stribling Family
- Unlabeled
- Misc. Older Photographs
- Black Case: Picture of Child
- Christmas Greetings - 1949-60's
- Group Pictures
- Misc. Photographs
- Negatives - Jack - West Indies - Pt. Pleasant - Alabama
- Older Pictures
- Photos of Logging - Wedding
- Pictures of Children
- Postcards - Landmarks
- Misc. Pictures & Albums
- White Envelopes:
- Unlabeled Young Lady
- Unlabeled Young Man
- Pt. Pleasant Merchant's Natl. Bank
- Leune Stephens - Lewis Newsom
- Unlabeled Gentleman
- Unlabeled Lady
- Young Boy - Unnamed
- "Oscar" & "Nolan"
- "Roe" Stevens
- Children - Unlabeled
- Jack McCulloch
- Basketball - Poll Vaulting - Group
- Byers - Stribling - Heizai - (Black Cases
- Civil War Soldier - Unlabeled
- Cruise Pictures - S.S. Columbus
- Festivities - Unlabeled
- Flood - 1898
- Homes - Byers - Alex McCulloch - Scott
- "Home Shots " - 1972
- Homestead - Unlabeled
- Misc. Labeled Pictures
- Misc. Studio Portraits - Unlabeled
- Photos Sent to Josie Rookstool
- Photos - Unlabeled
- Post Cards:
- Misc.
- Pt. Pleasant
- Early Trains
- West Virginia Cities
- Rookstool, Josie?
- Ryan Family
- Ryan, Joseph
- Soldiers & Sailors Monument
- Black Lady - Unlabeled
- Unlabeled Pictures of Children
- Misc. Albums & Pictures
- White Envelopes (In Cases):
Manuscript Collections