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Lord Dunmore to Captain John Conolly.
Williamsburg, June 20, 1774.

From American Archives, 4th series, 1:473.

Sir: I have received your letter of the 8th instant, by express. I am sorry to hear of the murders committed by the Indians, but hope the prudent steps you have taken, will put a stop to further cruelties of that kind. I entirely approve of the measure you have taken of building a fort at Wheeling, and alos of marching into the Shawanese Towns, if you think you have a sufficient force; and I desire you will keep a constant correspondence with Colonel Andrew Lewis, that you may co-operate in such measures as may be thought effectual. I hope you will prevail on the Delawares, and the well affected part of the Mingoes, to move off from the Shawanese.

It is highly necessary that you continue at Fort Dunmore, and I think therefore, that you could not do better than send Captain William Crawford with what men you can spare to join him, and to co- operate with Colonel Lewis, or to strike a stroke himself, if he thinks he can do it with safety. I know him to be prudent, active, and resolute, and therefore very fit to go on such an expedition, and if any thing of that kind can be effected, the sooner it is done the better. I refer you to my letter by Captain Penticost, by whom I sent you some blank commissions.

I would recommend it to all officers going out on parties to make as many prisoners as they can of women and children; and should you be so fortunate as to reduce those savages to sue for peace, I would not grant it to them on any terms, till they were effectually chastised for their insolence, and then on no terms, without bringing in six of their heads as hostages for their future good behaviour, and these to be relieved annually, and that they trade with us only for what they may want. I am, &ampc.,


Dunmore's War

West Virginia Archives and History