| Photograph, Construction of the West Virginia State Capitol, January 15, 1931. Bollinger Collection, West Virginia State Archives (0667 04) After the capitol fire of January 1921, the State of West Virginia entered into an agreement with architect Cass Gilbert to design and construct a new capitol, which was completed in 1932. This began a relationship with Gilbert and his firm, which was continued with his son, Cass Gilbert Jr., into the 1950s.
 | Photograph, Construction of parking garage on California Avenue, steel and forms in place for concrete, looking west with Building 3 in background, March 3, 1953. Capitol Blueprint Photograph Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Photograph, Development of the capitol grounds looking south towards main unit with both wings, showing landscaping work between wings, September 3, 1946. Capitol Blueprint Photograph Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Photograph, Development of grounds taken from steps of main unit looking north showing circle area with fountain that appears to be completed, December 1, 1946. Capitol Blueprint Photograph Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Photograph, Construction of steel for ground level of parking garage on California Avenue, appears to be looking north or northeast, December 15, 1952. Capitol Blueprint Photograph Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Photograph, completed Building 3, on corner of Washington and Duffy streets, circa 1953. Capitol Blueprint Photograph Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Contract, Capitol Building Commission of the State of West Virginia and Cass Gilbert, July 23, 1921. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
After the old capitol burned on January 3, 1921, state government officials began the search for an architect to design a new building. On July 23, 1921, Governor Ephraim Morgan and Cass Gilbert signed an agreement involving Gilbert in all phases of the project from the site selection through the construction and even design or select furnishings if requested. In return, he was to be paid 6% of the total cost.
 | Letter, Former Governor Homer A. Holt to Cass Gilbert Jr. giving a recommendation about his work on the Capitol grounds, September 10, 1941. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
The younger Gilbert went on to design both the state Parking Building and Building 3, the Motor Vehicles Building, making the West Virginia Capitol Complex the only one with architecture by a father and son combination.
 | Letter, Mack, Jenney and Tyler to Cass Gilbert, proposal to clean and gild dome, March 5, 1941. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, R. G. Sutler to Cass Gilbert, proposal to clean and gild dome, March 7, 1941. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Eugene Grasselli to Cass Gilbert regarding lead on the capitol dome, April 9, 1940. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
The lead base of the Capitol dome has been often blamed for the problems with the gold leaf adhering. In 1940 engineers for DuPont studied the problem and believed that the changes in temperature and moisture from the weather might contribute to the lead "thinning."
 | Letter, Homer Holt to Cass Gilbert regarding riverbank improvement, January 2, 1940. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
Work on the improvements to the riverbank in front of the Capitol was performed in conjunction with the city's work on enlarging and paving Kanawha Boulevard. Governor Homer A. Holt worked closely with architect Cass Gilbert, Jr. and the mayor's office on the details of the 1940 project.
 | Letter, Cass Gilbert Jr. to Homer Holt regarding riverbank improvement, December 28, 1939. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Cass Gilbert Jr. to Homer Holt regarding riverbank improvement, December 28, 1939. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Cass Gilbert Jr. to Homer Holt regarding riverbank improvement, December 28, 1939. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Cass Gilbert Jr. to Homer Holt regarding riverbank improvement, December 28, 1939. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Homer Holt to Cass Gilbert regarding riverbank improvement, July 11, 1940. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Contract, The State Office Building Commission of West Virginia and Cass Gilbert Jr., July 2, 1945. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
Gilbert signed an agreement with the State Office Building Commission to design and construct Building 3 to house the Motor Vehicles office and other state agencies. Difficulties in funding the project would delay construction until 1949 and completion until 1952.
 | Letter, R. J. Leugers, The Warner Elevator Manufacturing Company, to Cass Gilbert Jr., June 8, 1950. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
As architect of Building 3, Cass Gilbert, Jr. oversaw the work of numerous subcontractors, reviewing samples and trying to resolve problems between all the parties. Notations from his office staff show approvals and referrals.
 | Letter, W. D. Blackstock, Candoro Marble Company, to Cass Gilbert Jr., March 16, 1950. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, D. L. Gainer, State Office Building Commission, to Cass Gilbert Jr., July 24, 1950. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
While planning for Building 3 was underway, Gilbert was also consulting with state officials about improvements to the Main Capitol building. This letter points out that responsibility for the building's maintenance was under the Board of Control but that all major changes were subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works, which consisted of the major elected state officials.
 | Memorandum, D. L. Gainer to All Units Moving Into New State Office Building, January 29, 1952. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
Coordinating the movement of various state agencies from the Capitol and outside office space into the newly completed Building 3 required detailed scheduling, as these timetables show for the order of the various departments as well as the internal moving of the Department of Health.
 | Memorandum, Paul E. Shanks to Division and Bureau Directors, February 15, 1952. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Receipt, Payment for services rendered in planning for Building 3, December 1, 1949. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
 | Letter, Cass Gilbert Jr. to D. L. Gainer sending bill for survey work, January 16, 1952. Capitol Blueprint Collection, West Virginia State Archives
The state acquired land to build a parking building at the corner of California and Washington streets, which was surveyed before Gilbert and his firm could begin the drawings and specifications for construction.