| Hulett Smith shaking hands with United States Senator Jennings Randolph. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and unidentified group. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President John F. Kennedy, Governor W. W. Barron, and unidentified. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President John F. Kennedy and unidentified. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with Governor Jay Rockefeller and unidentified. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with Senator Jennings Randolph, Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and unidentified. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Gubernatorial candidate Hulett Smith with Vice Presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey, 1964. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with United States Senator Robert Kennedy and Senator Jennings Randolph, 1968. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President Lyndon Johnson. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with United States Senator Robert C. Byrd. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith being sworn in as governor of West Virginia, January 1965. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Governor Hulett Smith and family at inaugural ball, January 1965. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Family of Hulett Smith at inauguration, January 1965. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with Governor Jay Rockefeller and Sharon Rockefeller. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Gubernatorial candidate Hulett Smith, wife Mary Alice Smith, and Hubert Humphrey emerging from plane, 1964. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Governor Hulett Smith with Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Mountain State Forest Festival. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with President Jimmy Carter and unidentified, Charleston, May 1978. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith with former President Harry Truman and Governor William Marland, Morgantown, 1956. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Governor and Mrs. Hulett Smith with Congressman Harley Staggers. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Governor Hulett Smith at swearing-in of Dr. Mildred Mitchell Bateman. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Hulett Smith (center, wearing hat) talking with officials at the West Virginia end of the collapsed Silver Bridge, Point Pleasant, December 1967. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Unidentified man speaking with Senator Robert C. Byrd and Hulett Smith, undated. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Towboat "Mary Alice" with Governor Hulett Smith and his wife Mary Alice Smith on board. Emil Varney Collection
 | Queen Silvia XXXII, Karren Jannsen, being crowned by Governor Hulett Smith. Hulett Smith Collection
 | Vice-President Hubert H. Humphrey and Governor Hulett Smith lead procession at the coronation of Queen Sylvia XXX. Commerce Collection
 | Governor Hulett Smith. Photography by Dave Cruise. Hulett Smith Collection