Governor Robert Dinwiddie to Major Andrew Lewis, December 1, 1757
extracted from
The Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, Volume II, R. A. Brock, editor
(Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1884), pages 719-720.
Governor Dinwiddie to Major Lewis.
December 1st, 1757.
Y'r L're of the 4th Novem'r, by Capt. Dickeson, I rec'd. I know not what Yo. mean by Militia. There are none now under Com'o. but Dickeson and Preston, and they are to be under the Denomination of Rangers, and one Yo. mention'd in So. Branch, w'ch must be immediately discharg'd. After forming the 3 Comp'ys of Rangers, dispose of 'em in proper Places, order'g one-half, or at least one-third of 'em out a Ranging the Woods, and so to take it by Rotation. The Acco'tts from Augusta were properly paid, those that were Just, but the many villainous and unjust Acco'tts given in made me suspect them all, that many People in your County Endeavoured to make Money from the distresses of the Country, and acted in so unjust a Manner that I cou'd not tell how to settle their Acco'tts. Collo. Buchanan can tell many of the iniquitous Frauds they impos'd on the Country; therefore no Acco'tts for the future will be received but those of the 3 Comp'ys of Rangers, and it's with Yo. to see the Comp'ys be compleat and on daily Duty. Dickeson is p'd all his Acco'tts, as Preston will be p'd when he comes down. What Provis'ns Preston and Dunlap have purchas'd for the Comp'ys for their Use till June next will be paid, but those Comp'ys are to be supplied by Mr. Walker, the Contractor, and I suppose Dunlap's Compa. is to be for Capt. Hogg. I wonder he is not with You. I suppose the Rangers will be compos'd of those now in Pay, and Yo. are to endeav'r to have as many Woodsmen as You possibly can. The bacon sent by Collo. Read to Dickeson's Fort must be made use of properly for the Men and to be duly accounted for. I don't understand w't Yo. mean by militia. Preston and Dickeson are Rangers, and so must Capt. Hogg's; but I don't agree to have any Militia in Pay, for they've hitherto been Pick Pockets to the Country, and as Dickeson says there is no Difficulty in continuing the Comp'ies as Rangers, so there will be Inconveniency atend'g the Alterat'n of the Name from Militia to Rangers. Capt. Hogg carried his Com'o. up with him, and when the Compa's are form'd, send down a proper Roll of them directed to me or the Camand'r-in-Chief. I wish Yo. Health, and I rema.,
S'r, Y'r h'ble serv't.