
French and Indian War

Governor Robert Dinwiddie to Captain Robert Stewart, December 9, 1757

extracted from

The Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, Volume II, R. A. Brock, editor
(Richmond: Virginia Historical Society, 1884), page 720.

Governor Dinwiddie to Captain Stewart.
Dec'r 9th, 1757.


Y'rs of the 2d I rece'd, and observe its Contents. Yo. can't possibly think it proper to go to the No'w'd unless y'r station at Fort Loudoun be duely supplied. Maj'r Lewis can't leave his Comand in Augusta, and unless Waggoner's Fort be supplied with a proper Person I can't advise his leaving of it, and as I am a Stranger to that part of the Country I must again refer it to Colo. Washington, and what he does will meet with my Approbation, but at the same Time consider if it will not be disagreeable to L'd Loudoun to leave the front'rs if the different Forts are not commanded by good Officers, and L'd Loudoun is not yet come to his Winter Q'rs, but is now at F't Edward, w'ch will be a long Journey. However, as above, I leave it to Colo. Washington. I'm glad to hear Cox and Lane got safe in to Capt. McKenzie's Fort, and their Skirmish shews the Necessity of Detachments from all the Forts to be out in Ranging Parties, w'ch at times may probably find some of the Enemy in their Lurking Places; and this Duty I have frequently recommended and ordered, and I'm Convinced it wou'd prove of essential Service. I shall be glad to hear of Capt. McKenzie's Return, as it will be attended with Danger. Yo. do not mention the No. that march'd with him. As the Man-of-War I expected to accommodate me home is not yet arrived, it makes my Departure very uncertain. I wish yo. Health, and I rema.,

S'r, Y'r h'ble Serv't.

French and Indian War Documents

West Virginia Archives and History