
Public Dinner for Henry Clay

Western Virginian and Kanawha County Gazette
September 13, 1826

Mr. Clay at Lewisburg.

We have already stated that on the 30th ult. the Hon. HENRY CLAY partook of a Public Dinner, given him by the citizens of Lewisburg and Greenbrier county. We would gladly publish the whole proceedings at this Dinner, but our limits will not permit us to insert anything more than the Toast drank to him, and his own admirable Speech which followed. It will be perceived that he entered into a general defence of his course, and repelled the most prominent charges which have been brought against him, and which every whipster of an oppositionist has now got by rote. By the way, we believe that the Administration is every where gaining ground. - With us, it certainly is; and if the issue is between Adams and Jackson, the former must certainly triumph. Most of those - and they are numerous and powerful - who were firmly attached to the cause of Crawford, while he was a candidate, are now the warm and unyielding supporters of the Administration. - Mr. Clay recently passed through Charleston on his way to the seat of government, and had his stay afforded an opportunity to our citizens, he would have received the same public manifestations of confidence and regard here, that were shewn him at Lewisburg.

Among the names of those who united in the Dinner given to Mr. Clay at Lewisburg, we have looked in vain for that of our Representative in Congress. Mr. Smith, if we have been correctly informed, uniformly acted - we beg pardon - voted, with Mr. Clay upon all the great questions of national policy, the Tariff only excepted, which divided the opinion of the country, during the time they were both members of Congress. On the question of Internal Improvement his principles were as broad and liberal as those of Mr. Clay. And now, when his fellow citizens of Greenbrier unite in expressing, in a public manner, their admiration of the character, and their gratitude for the eminent services of Mr. Clay, this fearless and high minded representative is found wanting. We understand, however, that before he could "screw his courage to the sticking point" and absolutely refuse, his wavering resolution was confirmed and fortified by the arguments of his illustrious colleague from Richmond, the Honorable A. Stevenson, with whom he had at least one consultation. We wonder he did not also advise Mr. M'Duffie, "the antagonist power in the Union," who was also on a visit to the White Sulphur. We hope our friend of the "Palladium" will explain this matter.

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