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Chatham Convention Delegates

May 1858

George Aiken - Detroit
Robinson Alexander- Chatham
Osborne P. Anderson - Chatham
James Madison Bell - Chatham
Matisen F. Bailey - Chatham
John Brown - North Elba, New York
Owen Brown
John Cannel (or l'Auncel) -Sandusky
Thomas F. Cary
Giles Chitman?
John E. Cook
Martin R. Delany - Chatham, born in what is now West Virginia
Stephen Dettin (or Dutton) - Chatham
Alfred M. Ellsworth - Windsor
Simon Fisher - Ingersoll
George B. Gill - Iowa
J. C. Grant - Chatham?
James H. Harris - Chatham?
Thomas Hickerson
Isaac Holden - Chatham
S. Hunton - Chatham
John (or Job) J. Jackson
James M. Jones - Chatham
John Henry Kagi, Secretary of the Convention
Thomas M. Kinnard - Cleveland
William Lambert - Detroit
William H. Leeman
Charles W. Moffitt
William Charles Munroe, President of the Convention - Detroit
Robert Newman - Dresden
Luke F. Parsons - Kansas
James W. Purnell - Windsor
Richard Realf - England
George J. Reynolds - Sandusky
Richard Richardson
Isaac D. Shadd - Chatham
Addison J. Smith - Chatham
Charles Smith - Sandusky
James Smith- Sandusky
Thomas M. Stringer- Buxton
Stewart Taylor - Uxbridge
John A. Thomas
Charles P. Tidd - Iowa
Robert Van Vauken - Buxton
Alfred Whipple - Chatham
C. Whipple [Aaron Stevens]

Chapter Seven: Preparing to "take the war into Africa"

His Soul Goes Marching On

West Virginia Archives and History