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The Irrepressible Conflict.
Col. Forbes (with the foils under his arm)--"Pull Guv'ner--pull niggers; I don't care which wins. You've only got to pay your money and I'm content!"
Governor Wise--"I've got these fellows now on a string, and if I can only get 'em into Old Virginny, I'll fix 'em."
Giddings--"Hold fast, Brother Smith--if we hang, we'll all hang together."
Greeley--"Oh! my poor Tribune--my poor Tribune; what will become of it when I'm a goner?"
Seward--"Oh! Oh! Oh!"
Fred. Douglass--"Oh, golly! I must slip out of this affair and run! dat's a fact! for as the poet says: If Sambo cut and run away, He'll live to run another day; But if he is by Wise o'erta'en, He'll never live to run again!"
Gerrit Smith--"Well, we are all done Brown at last!" From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, November 19, 1859.
Periodicals Collection, West Virginia State Archives

Newspaper Sketches: Miscellaneous
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His Soul Goes Marching On

West Virginia Archives and History