
Mexican War

Calendar Of Virginia State Papers
Volume XI

By The Governor Of Virginia - A Proclamation.

Whereas the President of the United States, in pursuance of the act of Congress providing for the prosecution of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico, has made a requisition upon the Governor of Virginia for one Infantry Regiment of Volunteers for immediate service, and to be continued therein during the war with Mexico unless sooner discharged; And whereas by the change of the term of service the enrollment of three Regiments of Volunteers under the proclamation of the 23rd of May last is void - Now, therefore, I, William Smith, Governor of Virginia, do hereby make known that the services of ten companies, to constitute a Regiment of Infantry, to serve according to the terms of the requisition of the President, will be accepted, the said companies to consist of one Captain, one first Lieutenant, 2 second Lieutenants, 4 Sergeants, 4 corporals, 2 musicians, and 80 privates.

These companies, when organized and commissioned, to rendezvous at Guyandotte, where they will be mustered into the service of the United States. Volunteer companies of Infantry enrolled under the proclamation of 23 May last, who shall promptly conform to the new organization and give notice thereof to the Governor, will have the preference. But the officers must necessarily be elected anew, and as it is for immediate and important service in the field, it cannot be too strongly impressed upon the men that in selecting their officers all personal preferences should be discarded and the best qualified officers be chosen. No officer of the militia, whatever may be his grade, will forfeit his commission by entering the proposed volunteer service.

The promptitude with which the requisition for these Regiments to serve for twelve months was responded to, affords undoubted assurance that the single Regiment now called for will be speedily in the field.

Given under my hand as Governor and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this eighteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-six, and of the Commonwealth the seventy-first.


Military and Wartime