
Camp Good Luck

Randolph Enterprise
August 5, 1915

Junior Farmers Camp

And Have A Splendid Outing At Camp Good Luck

About twenty of the boys and girls doing agricultural club work in co-operation with the U. S. Department of agriculture and the W. Va. Agricultural Extension Department camped for three days the last of last week at Crouch.

Every one present knows it as "Camp Good Luck." Considering the weather Thursday morning it took more than luck to get through. Every club member showed his or her luck by being on time determined to go and make the outing a success.

Speaking for myself and Mrs. Shipman, in spite of the fact that we had the responsibility of the trip, the children showed so much obedience, willingness and true club spirit that we had a most enjoyable time.

This camping trip proves again that local institutions, such as schools and churches can co-operate with the agricultural movement and all concerned be benefited.

Teachers who are interested in their community can do much to help the patrons as well as the pupils. The White school just south of Elkins is the social center for the patrons. The school has the most active club members of any in the county. There has been an active teacher at that school. Teachers of that type are in demand.

The assistance of Miss Lutie Cunningham and Rev. C. R. Montague, while at camp, was very keenly felt by all present. Rev. Montague helped us all in many ways, and I am sure he has made strong friends of every boy and girl in camp. Is that not worth while?

Every club member is glad to see Mr. W. H. Kendrick, who has charge of boy club work in West Virginia. He was there with his big boy laugh, good stories, new games etc. He wants to spend full time at Good Luck Camp in 1916.

We can best tell the success of the trip and the appreciation of those present by reading what they have to say:

"The luckiest thing we had to happen was the finding of a comfortable building to stay in. We named it Camp Good Luck because nothing went wrong." Arthur Smith.

"One of the things about the camp was that every one had to do his cooking. Every one had to wash his dishes. So nobody had to work too hard and it was all fun." Fred Nefflen.

"We certainly had a good time while in camp. The morning of the 29th we got in about 10 o'clock and we had no sooner got up then we saw a big rattle-snake near the camp. We killed it and skinned it and by measure it was 7 1/2 inches around and 4 feet 7 inches long. It had 9 rattlers and 1 button. That was the last snake we had the fun of killing, but we certainly had lots of fun and sport." Ralph McLaughlin.

"I very much enjoyed the camping trip. We had a big bon-fire in Mr. Kendrick's honor and he showed us moving pictures and he gave an interesting talk. I enjoyed it very much and would like to go again." Annie Haddix.

"I had a fine time fishing and catching fish, and had a better time swimming and playing on the raft, which was not very substantial, but it served the purpose, "being the source of much pleasure." Elmer D. Goddin.

"During the days spent at camp "Good Luck" we enjoyed swimming, fishing and cooking over camp fires and telling ghost stories around the fire at night. The boys of our camp built a log raft on which we had lots of tumbles, Rev. Montague as "Engineer." Altogether our camping was perfectly lovely, and we all want to join the club next year of [sic] possible." Mora Mabel McCue.

"Among the other nice things at camp, on July 30th we built a raft with the assistance of four good carpenters. Mr. Montague was the first one to test it, four of us got on it and the sport was great." Edgar L. Nefflen.

"I had a very good time when we went camping. The rattle-snake we killed was the largest I ever saw. The place we camped was very good. The name of the camp is Good Luck which is a good name. The cooking was the best as the boys had to do most of it. I hope we can go again soon." Dale Taylor.

"I had a good time chasing pigs away from camp Good Luck, and doing some other jolly things. I want to go again." Ralph Haddix.

"I very much enjoyed learning to swim, the rides on the raft, our fishing trips and the feasting. Our camp is rightly called camp Good Luck. I hope we can go again next year." Eva Irene Griffith.

"While we were at camp Good Luck we had a mud roast. The chicken was stuffed with potatoes, we dipped it in a hole of mud and put it in the fire. When it came fourth [sic] it was some good eating." Robert Haddix.

"The season's work in my tomato patch was well repaid by the joyous time spent in fishing, cooking, swimming and other sports heartily enjoyed in "Camp Good Luck." Margaret Sutherland.

"While we were camping the things which were much enjoyed were fishing, swimming, cooking. Everything done was fine and we rightfully named our camp "Good Luck." Freda Ward.

"That camp life presents a most spledid opportunity for some practical teaching has been again demonstrated by County Agent and Mrs. Shipman. The open seasame [sic] of the boy and girl heart is never so good as when living close to nature. To those who love to see a young life unfold, the water is never finer that [sic] when you go camping. If you have something you are anxious to drive home plan your programme and work it out with the children in camp. The girls learned something of the high ideals while they afforded the most excellent opportunity to teach the boys courtesy and manliness. Everything was fine. Just ask the boys and girls if it was not and ask them to tell you something they learned while in camp." Wm. H. Kendrick, State Leader in Charge of Boys' Clubs.

"If all your corn, potato and pig club boys and your tomato and poultry girls could have seen the good times we had in "Camp Good Luck" and all the trouble you and Mrs. Shipman took to make them enjoy themselves, I am sure none of them would have missed the trip.

I am sure also that next year there will be a lot who will be in the clubs with the camp as an inducement aside from the satisfaction of seeing crops grow.

It was simply three days of solid fun with Mr. Kendrick's lantern slides and interesting lectures thrown in for good measure.

I can not tell you how much I admire the sensible, unselfish and thoughtful way that you and Mrs. Shipman managed the whole thing.

In deed sentiments are expressed in the camp yell which we adopted:

'Rip-saw! Rip-saw! Rip-saw! Bang!
We belong to the Good Luck gang!
Hoo-raw! Hoo-raw! Hoo-raw ray!
We'll all come again some other day!'

I am certainly glad that three of my Sunday-school boys belonged to the Agricultural club and that they were kind enough to invite me to go to camp with them.

With every good wish for the success of your splendid work, I am,
Yours for another camp next year.
R. Cary Montague
