
Foreman's Massacre

Petition of John Cullins to Congress

From Frontier Retreat on the Upper Ohio, 1779-1781, edited by Louise Phelps Kellogg (Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society, 1917), pp. 109-110 (2E67)

Your memorialist, John Cullins, of Muskingum County, Ohio, respectfully represents that in the month of August, 1777, your memorialist, then a resident of Hampshire County, Virginia, volunteered under Capt. William Foreman, at said Hampshire County, and marched to Pittsburg, and joined the troops then under the command of General Hand; thence, by order of General Hand, your memorialist with said Company, marched to Wheeling and was placed under the command of General Shepherd. After performing duty at Wheeling a few weeks, your memorialist was one of a party of forty-six men on a scouting party under command of Captain Foreman and some other officers, marched to the fort on Grave Creek, and on their return were attacked by a party of Indians, by whom the greater part of the party were cut off, and in this action your memorialist was wounded by a ball which broke his right leg in such a manner that he has never since that time recovered the full use of it.

Revolutionary War