
Foreman's Massacre

Recollections of Rachel Johnson

From Frontier Retreat on the Upper Ohio, 1779-1781, edited by Louise Phelps Kellogg (Madison: Wisconsin Historical Society, 1917), pp. 107-108 (2S280-281)

Foreman's and Linn's companies came [to Wheeling], the next day went down to see if there were any signs of Indians at Grave Creek, where there was a deserted blockhouse. 46 turned out to go, camped [that night]; next morning [set out to return]. Linn, Daniel McLane and a few others went up [over] the hill, the others marching in Indian file. The Indians had made blinds and were under the river bank &c.; when the whites were opposite [they rose and fired]. Foreman at the head was first shot down by a single fire; the others stopped suddenly and were fired on and shot down. McLane said he ran part way down the hill [when he heard the firing] and said he heard the tomahawks as if the Indians were cutting up beef...In the afternoon a fugitive with his gun, but without his hat gave the first mournful intelligence [at Wheeling] of the defeat, not knowing of any beside himself who had escaped. Others betwwen that and night kept dropping in. Next day a party turned out to bury the dead.

Revolutionary War