
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 19, 1861

Kanawha Valley Star
April 23, 1861

Meeting of the Kanawha Riflemen.

At a meeting of the Kanawha Riflemen, held in the town of Charleston on the 19th day of April, 1861, Captain George S. Patton, presiding, Lieutenant Fitzhugh offered the following preamble and resolution:

Whereas an unjust and unnecessary was had been forced on the country by the administration at Washington, in which our State may be required to take part; we, the Kanawha Riflemen, hereby declare it to be our fixed purpose never to use our arms against the State of Virginia, or any other Southern State, in any attempt by said administration to coerce or subjugate them; and we hold ourselves ready to respond to every call that may be made on us to defend our State and section from hostile invasion; therefore, be it unanimously resolved,

That we hereby tender the services of this Company, to the authorities of the State, to be used in the emergency contemplated in the foregoing preamble:

Which preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted.

On motion, resolved, that these proceedings be published in the Kanawha papers, and that a copy thereof be sent to the Adjutant General of the State.

George S. Patton, Pres't.
John Dryden, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1861

West Virginia Archives and History