
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
May 25, 1861

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
June 3, 1861

From Mason County.
West Columbia, May 25, 1861.

A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of this place was called for the purpose of expressing their indignation of the secession ordinance.

On motion, E. L. Johnson was chosen chairman and, Dr. W. F. Branstrup Secretary.

On motion of Capt. Daniel, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of our feelings, consisting of the following: Capt. P. Daniel and Drs. Griffith and Branstrup. The Committee made the following report. Vote was taken upon each resolution, and unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, For some time there has been a combination of men in and about the town of West Columbia, whose avowed intention was to precipitate Virginia out of the Union, contrary to the Constitution of the United States, and also of the Constitution of this State, and have further threatened the lives of good and loyal citizens, and have further declared that after the 23d of May all persons who voted against the ordinance of seces[s]ion should be compelled to leave the State, and their property would be confiscated to the seceded States. Therefore,

1. Resolved, That we, in mass meeting asembled, do solemnly bind and pledge ourselves, our lives and property to the support of the general government, the Constitution of the United States, and the enforcement of the laws.

2. That we will never acknowledge any allegiance to Jeff. Davis or his Murrell gang., who have usurped the laws of the land, that was handed sacred down to us by our patriotic fathers, and have stolen the property of the General Government, and are now using it for the protection of rebels and the destruction of the lives of loyal citizens.

3. That this day we hoist the Stars and Stripes as our motto and guide, and by so doing, we of right claim protection from all loyal men in Virginia; also, from all loyal States and the Government of the United States of America.

4. That we cheerfully endorse the Wheeling Convention, and are, and always have been, in favor of severing our connections with Eastern Virginia; and more so since that very fine sugar coated pill amendment to the Constitution was passed. We are in favor of the amendment equalizing taxatioin upon the white basis.

5. That we will always respect the rights of Tory's, or Secessionists property in and about West Columbia, but at the same time, we hold them as our forefathers did in the days of the revolution that gained our independence - in war, enemies; in peace, friends.

6. That we condemn the Western Review as a secession paper, altogether unworthy the support of Union men as a county paper.

7. That while we believe in State loyalty, we also recognize the Government as superior to the State, and we therefore believe in adhering to the Government, regardless of the States Rights doctrine, which is only a pretext for the political heresy of secession.

8. That these resolutions be published in the Parkersburg Gazette, Pomeroy Telegraph, Wheeling Intelligencer, Pittsburg[h] Gazette, Cincinnati Commercial, and Dollar Times.

E. L. JOHNSON, Pres't.
W. T. Branstrup, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1861

West Virginia Archives and History