
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
November 25, 1861

Richmond Daily Dispatch
November 26, 1861

Our Cause in the Northwest.

In the course of some remarks in the State Convention yesterday, Mr. Woods gave the gratifying intelligence, which had recently come into his possession, that the Secessionists in Barbour county stood firm as a rock and were constantly increasing, though at present powerless before the presence of Northern bayonets; and similar information had been received from Marion. It may be too late to indulge regrets that a sufficient force had not early been sent into the Northwest to hold the country and beat back the encroachments of Lincolnism; but there exists an absolute necessity for redoubled vigilance and exertion in that direction, to present any further advance of the enemy, and to eventually re-establish the rights and power of the South. Many true men in Western Virginia eagerly await the dawning of that suspicious day.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: November 1861

West Virginia Archives and History