
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 1, 1862

Wheeling Intelligencer
April 2, 1862

Special Order No. 2

Headquarters R. R. District,
Wheeling, Va., April 1, 1862.

The rebels having been driven from the entire line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road; the track repaired, the bridges rebuilt, and the road put in complete running order, efficiently protected by Federal troops, the road is now open for trade, travel, and the transportation of Government troops, ordinance, and supplies, through from Wheeling and Parkersburg to Baltimore and Washington City.

The General commanding the District congratulates the Government upon the great advantages presented, in the re-opening of this great national thoroughfare.:Too much credit cannot be awarded to the President and other officers of the Road, for their hearty co-operation in accomplishing so important a work to the great commercial interests of the country. And his thanks are also due the troops of the upper Potomac and along the line of the road, recently engaged with him in this service, for their gallantry, industry and endurance.

And in compliment for their success, directs that Capt. Buell, 1st Virginia Volunteer Artillery, cause one hundred guns to be fired, on the arrival of the first through passenger train from Baltimore, to-morrow morning at 5 o'clock. By order,

Brig. Gen. Kelley.

Wm. B. Kelley, A. D. C., A. A. A. Gen.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1862

West Virginia Archives and History