
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 8, 1862

Richmond Daily Dispatch
April 19, 1862

Movements of John Charles Fremont.

Headquarters 45th Va. Reg., Giles county, Va., 15th April, 1862.

Gen. John Charles Fremont arrived at Fayette C. H. on Tuesday, the 8th inst. Marching orders had been issued to the troops there stationed previous to his arrival; and on Thursdaymorning the forces moved on Raleigh C. H. in a little time you may look out for John Charles, for bad roads, mire and rain will not step him long. He thinks he can move an army in these mountains as easily as he and Kit Carson would march a mule train in California; but if he don't look sharp he'll strike a snag.

This regiment has just gotten through a severe winter campaign, and I tell you we caught it : it only rained and snowed twenty-seven consecutive days. Sergeant.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1862

West Virginia Archives and History