
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
May 11, 1862

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 21, 1862

The Guerrillas.

(From the Parkersburg Gazette.)

The confirmed reports of the reorganization of Guerrilla bands in the hills near us brought Gen. Kelley to this city on Saturday night, he having first dispatched a small force from Ellenboro, towards the upper part of Wirt. The General has nearly recovered from his wound and is in excellent health and spirits.

On Sunday morning he made arrangements and started off a detachment of the Ringgold cavalry and parts of Myers and Simpson's companies of Col. Rathbone's 11th Virginia. In a very short time he left with his staff and Capt. Baggs, leaving Captain Dickey in command of the post. He soon overtook the force and took the advance. He found no enemy at Elizabeth or Burning Spring, but on Wednesday at about four miles beyond the latter place, they met a large body of guerrillas, and after a severe skirmish, killing 18 and taking 22 prisoners, they drove the enemy to the woods. The information is pretty clear that the robbers were in considerable force at Big Bend, and would make a stand there. We have no doubt they will experience the benefit of being killed a little.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1862

West Virginia Archives and History