
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 17, 1862

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
June 19, 1862

The Mulligan Disorderlies.--The stragglers from Colonel Mulligan's Regiment, left in this city, are a very irrepressible set. Like true sons of Erin, they like their grog and are very strongly opposed to discipline when under its influence. AFter a long search on Tuesday evening, the stragglers were collected together and sent down to Benwood, where they were needed to take care of the horses, but they became so riotous in their conduct that they were placed in a car under guard. They then commenced breaking up the car, and as a last resort, the officer in command ordered the car to be brought up to this city with its freight. Arriving here, Captain Darr's Provost Guard conducted them to the Atheneum, where they now remain.

On Tuesday, some of Mulligan's Regiment got into a difficulty with a tavern keeper at Benwood, named Sullivan, who had been selling them whisky, and a general row ensued, during which Sullivan was pretty badly used. Colonel Mulligan had previously given a general warning in reference to this matter, so when the row occurred, the whisky in Sullivan's establishment was destroyed.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1862

West Virginia Archives and History