
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 4, 1862

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
September 5, 1862

From Washington.

Gov. Peirpoint [sic] returned yesterday morning from his trip of ten days to Washington. He reports a good feeling there in official circles, and says the sense of security is strong. No apprehensions are entertained of the entire ability of our army to defend its present line of operations.---

Not the least anxiety is felt as to Jackson's reported intention to cross the Potomac, for the reason that such a maneuver would involve the certain destruction of the whole rebel army. Our force is very large and daily increasing, numbering now as much as 250,000 men, old troops and new. The Gov. regards it as certain that he rebels have spent their entire strength and are now at the end of their rope, and are completely foiled in their determination to whip our army before it was reinforced.:

They have done us great injury, of course, in the way of capturing stores, &c., but their own losses in the way of killed, wounded, disabled and exhausted men are immense and greater than ours. They have used up their men with excessive marching and for want of provisions, and are in no condition to put forth any vigorous demonstration.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1862

West Virginia Archives and History