Whereas, it is deemed proper by the Governor of Virginia and Gen. George C. Bowyer, the Commander of the Brigade of which the 106th Reg., Va. Mil. Is a part of, to order the Militia composing of said brigade, to immediatele[sic] assemble and rendezvous at Point Pleasant, to render such aid as may be in their power to Col. Lightburn the Commander of the Federal Forces in the Kanawha Valley. Now, therefore, I, J.P.R.B. Smith, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Commandant of the 106th Reg. Va. Mil., do hereby order and direct the able bodied men composing the 106th Reg., to immediately assemble at the Courthouse of Mason County, with all the arms in their possession, for the purpose of the above stated. Given under my hand this 13th day of September, 1862.
Col. Com'dg 106th Reg. V.M.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1862