
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
November 03, 1862

Point Pleasant Daily Register
November 6, 1862

County Court

The November Term of this Court commenced on Monday and is still in session. There is being a good deal of businesses transacted.

The examination of John Hall charged with the murder of Hon. Lewis Wetzel, consumed most of the entire day, the prisoner was sent on for further trial at the next Circuit Court. Defendant's counsel then asked for bail, on the ground that the prisoner's health would be impaired by confinement, but after lengthy and ingenous [sic] arguments it was refused, and the prisoner remanded to the custody of the jailor.

On Tuesday morning the case of Col. Brown was taken up, and had not been concluded as we go to press.

The Court made an order for an election to be held on the first Saturday in December, for the purpose of electing a Magistrate and an Overseer of the poor in Dist. No. 2, and one Magistrate in District No. 3, to fill the vacancies.

They also made an order requiring all the Magistrates to be present at the December Term, of the purpose of electing a Presiding Justice.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: November 1862

West Virginia Archives and History