
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 13, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
March 21, 1863

New State Meeting.

Editors Intelligencer:

Pursuant to previous notice, a goodly number of the voters of the First Election precinct convened at the Carson District school house on the evening of March 13th, 1863, and were duly organized by the election of Samuel Dunlap, Esq., Chairman, and Thomas Gilmer, Secretary.

Messrs. E. M. Norton and Adj't Samuels, of Wheeling, being present, were called upon for remarks upon the New State question. Both gentlemen responded, the former depicting in glowing terms the injustices received by West Virginia from their Eastern task-masters, and the immense advantages which would accrue to her from a separate organization; while the remarks of the latter gentleman were confined, principally, to the answering of the many but frivolous objections against the New State movement; such as its non constitutionality, "Congressional dictation," &c.

By a series of well-timed remarks he showed clearly the utter futility of each and every one of them, interspersing these with appropriate anecdotes, which excited the risibilities of his hearers to a great degree, frequently "bringing down" the house with perfect roars of applause.

The attendance, though respectable, was not so large as could have been desired, which was owing principally to the accident to the Hempfield railroad on Friday morning, and a consequent impression that there would be no speakers present.

On motion of R. H. Holliday vote of thanks was returned to Messrs. Norton and Samuels for their able and interesting addresses; and on motion of the same gentleman it was ordered that the preceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the Intelligencer for publication.

S. Dunlap, Pres.
Thos. Gilmer, Sec'y

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1863

West Virginia Archives and History