Headquarters 161st Regiment V. M.,
Triadelphia, May 23d, 1863.
A COURT OF INQUIRY for the 1st Battalion of the 161st regiment composed of the following officers: Lieut. Wm. J. Boggs, President, the commandants of companies A, B, H, I and K, (Fulton company,) will be held at Heyer's Hotel, in Triadelphia, on Friday, the 29th day of May, 1863, at ten o'clock A.M.
A Court of Inquiry for the 2nd Battalion will be held at the house of Joseph W. Ferrel in West Liberty on Thursday, the 4th day of June, 1863, at ten o'clock A.M. composed of Major Franklin Walter, President, and the commandments of companies C, D, E, F and G. The Captains will be careful to return to their respective courts the names of all absentees from with company or battalion musters heretofore ordered; and all absentees having lawful excuses will present them to the Battalion Court to which their Captains belong.
A Regimental Court will be held at Hyer's Hotel, in Triadelphia on Thursday, the 11th day of June, 1863, at 10 o'clock A.M. composed of all the field officers and commandants of companies. This court will hear and determine all appeals from the Battalion Courts, and all applications for exemption from military duty.
The Adjutant, Provost Marshal and Clerk of the regiment will attend the above courts.
The officers will appear in uniform with side arms.
By order of
Colonel commanding 161st Reg't.
JOHN W. BRAUM, Adjutant.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1863