
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
August 3, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
August 5, 1863

Gov. Peirpoint Arrested. - We understand that Ex-Judge Thompson; who it appears is laying in wait over in Ohio for such purposes, caused Gov. Peirpoint to be arrested on last Monday night at Bridgeport, on a warrant issued from St. Clairsville, alledging false imprisonment and laying damages at ten thousand dollars. The warrant was directed against Governor Peirpoint and Col. Darr, both of whom the Ex-Judge intends to gobble up and annoy, we presume, as frequently and as much as possible in the future. Of course Gov. P. gave immediate bail for his appearance to answer the warrant, and proceeded on his way to Washington.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: August 1863

West Virginia Archives and History