LATER FROM RICHMOND. - On Sunday evening Surgeons G. P. Ashman, of the 42nd Ohio, J. M. Weaver, of the same regiment, Alexander Ewing of the 13th Michigan, H. J. Herrick, of the 17th Ohio, J. McCurdy, of the 11th Ohio, and others, arrived in the city by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and stopped at the McLure House. They were captured at the battle of Checkamauga, and have since occupied quarters in Libby Prison, Richmond. They left Richmond on Friday last. Dr. Ashman brings a Richmond paper of the 24th of November containing the following announcements:
Chief of Ordnance. -- Jacob S. Shriver, of Wheeling, Virginia, has been appointed by the Governor, Colonel of Ordnance of the State. The new officer entered upon the dates of his new position on Saturday last.
Dr. Ashman confirms the reports as to the sufferings of the Union prisoners at Richmond. Until a short time ago, many of the poor fellows had no shelter whatever upon Belle Isle, and some had no clothing. They were allowed no soap, and no access to the river, and thus all became filthy, lousy and diseased. As to <:>lice, the officers are scarcely better off than the men. A prisoner no more thinks of allowing a day to pass without stripping himself to hunt for "gray backs," than he does of going without his meals. The latter is more frequent that the former. - Gen. Neil Dow, who was in Doctor Ashman's mess, performed this daily duty with dignified disgust. Everything was advancing in price. The doctor paid such fabulous prices for certain articles that he is reluctant to tell the truth for fear of being charged with Munchausenism. He had occasion to construct a chair out of a box in which he had received some good things from home. He sent out three dollars to buy ten penny nails. He got fifteen nails for that sum - five nails for a dollar, twenty cents a piece.
When the Surgeons left Richmond a few Sibley tents and a lot of blankets were arriving from Washington, and a great deal of food was being sent to the prisoners from the North. If the rebels will distribute to the new prisoners what the Government and the friends north are sending them they will be more comfortable hereafter.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: November 1863