
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
January 13, 1864

Wheeling Daily Register
January 16, 1864

ANOTHER LADY IN THE RANKS:A few days ago eight or ten Confederate prisoners were captured by Gen. Sullivan's man and brought to Harper's Ferry. They were placed in the guard house, and nothing more was thought about them until Wednesday last, when a guard gave it as his opinion that one of the inmates of the guard house a female. The story proved to be correct, and the gay young Miss was removed from the prison. She was given a complete outfit of ladies' clothing and released, when she appeared in the streets as the belle of the town. She is about sixteen or eighteen years of age, and of rather prepossessing appearance. Upon inquiry it was ascertained that her parents lived but, two or three miles from Harper's Ferry and were quite wealthy. Soon after the war began her lover joined the Confederates and left for Dixie. This was too much for her to endure, and she resolved to follow him. She stole through the lines, singled the regiment, and joined the same company in which her dearest friend had enlisted. So well had she disguised herself that he did not recognize her, and they drilled together several days before she made herself known. She was per{s}uaded to leave the army and return home, but soon went back to the regiment again. For the past year the love sick girl has been going to and fro, until she was finally captured, as about stated. She refused to take the oath as she is determined to return again.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: January 1864

West Virginia Archives and History