
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
August 2, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
August 4, 1864

Tribute to Col. Mulligan.

At a meeting of the citizens of New Creek Station, West Virginia, called for the purpose of paying a tribute of respect to the late Col. Jas. A. Mulligan, who fell on the battle field near Winchester, VA., on the 25th of July, 1864.

John Michael was called to the Chair and J. Henry Myers was appointed Secretary.

On motion, Thos. B. Davis, Jas. J. Barrick, John Hughes, Jno. W. c. Miers, Joseph Ritel, W. B. Purgit, Abr. Hinkle, Jas. A. Reed and Joseph Duncan were appointed a committee to draft resolutions.

On motion, the following resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS, It was pleased the Ruler of Nations to take from the Department of West Virginia, Col. Jas. A. Mulligan, of the 23d Illinois regiment.

We feel from our acquaintance with the deceased for the past two years, we would not do justice unless we expressed our veneration for the distinguished dead.

Resolved, That in the death of Col. Jas. A. Mulligan the country has lost a devoted patriot, a gallant officer, a brave heart and a true soldier of the Republic, the domestic and social circle a kind husband and father, a warm friend, and an intellect brilliant with purity of purpose and strong in the defence of right; may the grief which follows the fall of a such a man be soothed by the God of all.

Resolved, That as citizens of Hampshire county, who have been under the more immediate military protection of the distinguished deceased, who has fallen a victim of unselfish devotion to country, we realize more keenly the loss of the strong arm, the determined will, and the cool judgment upon which we have depended with unwavering confidence.

Resolved, That although passed from our midst like the sun obscured by a gloomy cloud, we shall ever cherish the memory of his acts of justice, kindness and humanity, not less than the bravery which distinguished him as soldier.

The muffled drum sounds the last march of the brave;
The soldier retreats to his quarters "the grave"
Under death, whom he owns his Commander in-chief;
No more he'll turn out at the "ready relief,"
But in spite of death's terrors, or warlike alarms,
When he hears the last bugle he'll stand to his arms.

Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved and disconsolate widow, our united and heartfelt sympathies, and we will ever cherish in our memories the name of him we love to honor.

Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the Chicago papers, also to the Wheeling Intelligencer, and Cumberland Telegraph, and one copy be sent to the family of the deceased.

Jn. Michael, President.
J. Henry Myers, Secretary.
August 2, 1864.

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
August 1, 1864

The remains of Col. Mulligan arrived in the city on Saturday evening and laid in state at the city building for several hours, when the body went forward on the night train for Chicago. Mrs. Mulligan accompanied the remains. She was very much distressed, but her grief was relieved as far as possible, by the attention and sympathy of a large number of the ladies of this city.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: August 1864

West Virginia Archives and History