
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 1, 1864

Wheeling Intelligencer
October 3, 1864

A Refugee from Atlanta. - Mr. W. W. Sharp, a refugee from Atlanta arrived in this city on Saturday. Gen. Sherman sent those of the people of Atlanta who could establish their loyalty, North, and those who made no pretentions to loyalty were sent South. Mr. Sharp says that the rebels have their last man in the army. He has seen old men at work in the trenches who were so feeble that they could not get out without assistance. One of the councilmen who, together with the Major of Atlanta, sent a petition to Gen. Sherman asking him to reconsider his order banishing the people from the town, came as far North as Louisville in company with Mr. Sharp. - When the war broke out the councilman was worth a half a million in money. Now he is an almost destitute condition possessed of only a little money than was necessary to bring himself and family North.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1864

West Virginia Archives and History