
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 15, 1864

Wheeling Intelligencer
October 17, 1864

When Colonel Woodward's regiment of negroes approached the city on Friday evening the white eyes of the Africans discovered rockets ascending from all parts of the town, the torches and illumination and the generally brilliant display in connection with the mass meeting. The negroes supposed that the demonstration was in honor of their arrival and they could hardly be restrained by their officers and kept aboard the boat. They were quite as much delighted as if the demonstration had actually been made in their honor. "When ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise."

Wheeling Intelligencer
October 17, 1864

A regiment of negroes commanded by Col. S. H. Woodward arrived by the steamer Lizzie Martin on Friday evening and were shipped on Saturday morning by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Their destination is unknown.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1864

West Virginia Archives and History