Union Meeting At The Court House ? Great Enthusiasm. ? The Union meeting at the Court House last evening, like all that have been held during the campaign, was a very successful one. There was quite a brilliant display of transparencies upon the corner of 4th and Monroe streets, and the Court House was crowded at an early hour in the evening to its fullest capacity.
Gen. Willich delivered a brief but powerful address in German, and was listened to with the greatest attention. At the conclusion of his speech Gen. W. gave a little scrap of the personal history of one Max. Langenschwarz, who is announced to speak to the Copperheads this evening at Washington Hall. He said that when he and other Germans, who were in favor of liberty and human rights, were compelled to flee to England for safety, this man Langenschwarz was sent after him by the tyrants at home, and actually acted the traitor and the spy upon his liberty-loving countrymen. The General said this man was a fit subject to be going about making speeches in favor of McClellan.
After a song by the 5th Ward Glee Club, and a popular air from the Brass band in attendance, Professor Bayne proceeded to address the assemblage at some length. He set out with establishing, conclusively that the triumph of the principles of the Chicago Platform would result in a dissolution of the Union. He handled the peace men without gloves, speaking plainly and unreservedly about doctrines and designs. He was frequently and enthusiastically applauded throughout the entire address.
At the conclusion of Prof. Bayne?s speech Senator Willey, who was present, was enthusiastically called for and made a brief, but characteristically eloquent speech.
Gen. Heintzelman being called upon made his appearance amid great applause. He spoke only a few words exhorting every Union man to do his duty on Tuesday next.
The meeting adjourned about 10 o?clock, the people departing to their respective homes highly pleased with the evening?s entertainment and strengthened in their devotion to the cause.
Martin' Ferry, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1864
Col. Max Langenschwarz:
Sir: I find in the rebel paper called the Daily Register, of Wheeling West Va., the following card:
"To the Editor of the Register:
"I was just shown a little report about a Republican meeting held in this city, held on the 2d inst., and therein remark made by one Willich (calling himself now a "General") about my person. Knowing perfectly the whole dirty history of the said Willica, but believing it to be below the dignity of any honest citizen to spread the smell of Willich's real renown or character, I here simply declare that every word uttered by that individual about me, (see Intelligencer, Nov. 3d,) was a most infamous, mean and willful lie, --and immediately after the election I shall take steps to know, if that individual has really as much personal courage as he has the unsurpassed ability of lying.
Col. Max Langenschwarz."
Brig. Gen. Willich is absent from the city of Wheeling, and he will not reach his post, the city of Cincinnati, before the day appointed by you in your note of Nov. 5, 1864. I have served under Gen. Willich for three years. I am your equal in rank. I will answer for Gen. Willich. You call the statement made by him regarding yourself "a most mean and willful lie." - Gen. Willich, as a soldier and an officer, is above reproach. I will answer for him. Anything you may say against him (including your card) I pronounce a falsehood, and you as the publisher of said card a coward and a liar.
Wm. Wallace
Late Col. 15th Ohio Vol, Inf'y.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: November 1864