
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
January 19, 1865

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
January 17, 1865

Gen. Phil. Sheridan and staff arrived in the city yesterday afternoon by special train from Parkersburg. As stated by us yesterday morning the General left Parkersburg for this city on Wednesday morning by the steamer Express, but the boat encountered so much heavy ice that she was compelled to put back to Parkersburg and is still lying at that port. Gen. Sheridan is a small thick set man, apparently about thirty two or three years of age, and wears a light moustache and goatee. He is a sort of man that would attract the attention of a close observer of faces in almost any crowd. The Mayor and other leading citizens called on him yesterday evening and tendered him their respects, and also the hospitalities of the city. The General was obliged to decline any public attentions but stated that he expected [sic] at a future day not far off to be among us again, when he would be happy to middle freely with our people.

He left last night over the Baltimore road for his headquarters.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: January 1865

West Virginia Archives and History