
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
January 24, 1865

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
January 25, 1865

Our Quota of troops increased, Capt. Hudson, the Provost Marshal of this State, yesterday received a telegram from Washington, announcing that the quota of West Virginia under the late call of the President would be 4431. It will be recollected that the quota when first announced was 3119, so that it will be seen that the authorities at Washington have added something like 1300 men. The quotas for the various districts have not yet been announced. The 4431 will be equally distributed among the districts and the quota of the first will be considerably more than four men as previously announced. The fact that there has been no enrollment in some of the counties where it is impossible to enforce the draft, does not, as some people seem to think, affect the districts wherein there are no such counties. The enrollment in all such counties is assumed upon the basis of the census, and the fact that the draft cannot be enforced does not increase the number of men to be furnished by other counties more fortunately situated.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: January 1865

West Virginia Archives and History