
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
July 1861

Richmond Enquirer
July 18, 1861


Hon. A. G. Jenkins.

This gentleman has raised, mounted and equipped a company of Volunteer cavalry, armed with double barreled shot-guns, revolvers and Bowie knives. It has been in service more than a month. There is not in the army of this valley, a more efficient company, or a more untiring and vigilant officer. These arms could not be obtained from abroad, and to get them, ___ ___ ___ ___. We all know this. We know, too, it has cost him fifteen thousand dollars. He paid it cheerfully. Ten days ago, with his company thus armed, he performed the daring feat of capturing a Yankee steamer on the Ohio. On Thursday last, with 150 militia, whom he induced to join him, he met the enemy, 800 strong, at Barboursville, on their march to Charleston; gave them a decided check, losing one man, and killing sixty-three, being the first important conflict with the Yankees, now invading us from four different points. A few days before this last affair, the enemy, 200 strong, surrounded and searched this dwelling, on the Ohio, during his absence with his company, insulting his courageous and accomplished wife, and taking away all his horses, cattle, and some other property. At this moment, Mrs. J. is taking refuge in this county, and her husband is in the face of the enemy, with his company, devoted to our cause, and doing as much fighting (without disparaging others,) as any officer hero in our army. Much of this was known to A. Parks, Esq, and might have been stated by him to the Convention, on the occasion of his recent vote against Mr. J. for Congress in that body. He could have explained to Messrs. Hughes and Hall his "whereabouts," and whether he had taken refuge, "in Ohio" or had "quarters somewhere out of the Commonwealth."

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: July 1861

West Virginia Archives and History