
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
February 14, 1863

The Fair Sex of Monongalia.

Beverly, Va., Feb. 4, 1863.

Editors Intelligencer:

Sirs: - You know I am of that species of animated humanity commonly called "old bachelors;" yet I have a peculiar relish for female society, and now that I am cut off from that, I keep up by acquaintance by corresponding pretty regularly with a number of my former fair friends, embracing some from fourteen to forty years of age - married, single and widows. I have just received a letter from one who is yet "in her teens," which contains a sentence worthy of an older head. It reminds me of some old reminiscences of the Revolutionary War, which I used to read before my hairs began to turn gray. In my letter t her I spoke of the success of the "Kelly Lancers" - a cavalry company recruited in Morgantown - and told her of the number of battles and skirmishes they had been in, &c. Speaking of that, she says:

"I am quite proud of the bravery of the Lancers. I have heard the same intelligence from others of the army - that the men of company A are among the bravest that have left West Virginia for the field of battle. May you long continue so, and always bear a good reputation, and never bring disgrace and shame upon the glorious cause you are all trying to sustain, as some men in the army do. For my part, I would rather mourn the loss of a dead brother, through bravery, than to be the sister of a live coward."

The above are the words of a young lady not over sixteen years of age. She has three brothers in the Union army - two of them I know to be men of the proper metal, from my own observation. Is not that enough to revive the spirits of all the weak kneed specimens of humanity who are crying for "peace on any terms?" If I was the greatest coward on earth, the desire to have such a friend as her would urge me on to the hottest of the fight. These words should be printed in letters of gold, and placed on every soldier's knapsack in the army, and a copy given to each of those commissioned officers who are now loafing around Washington and other cities. Who would not be a soldier after reading the above extract?

She is only one of the fair sex of old Monongalia; she has others, but they have not spoken yet. I will also state that she is in favor of the new State, as are all patriotic people. I will not now give you her name, but if you ever come to Monongalia when I am at home, I will give you an introduction.

N. N. H.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: February 1863

West Virginia Archives and History