
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
April 4, 1863

Mutiny Among The Provost Guard. - A day or two ago, some three or four members of the Provost Guard, Captain Hamilton, which is composed exclusively of old men, became dissatisfied with their rations, or from some other cause. They said they were not going to be domineered over, and they signified some such determination. Captain Hamilton commanded the disaffected men to give up their arms, at which all but one limbered and yielded. Andrew Quigley stood out singly, and when the Captain undertook to take his gun from him he pushed the officer away and positively refused to part with his weapon. The Captain instantly ordered a squad of men to seize him, which was no sooner said than done, and Quigley was soon after taken to jail, where he still remains.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: April 1863

West Virginia Archives and History