June 10, 1863
Meeting In Preston County. - We have received through Provost Marshal Darr, the following proceedings of a meeting lately held in Preston county:
We, the citizens of Preston county, West Va., in the vicinity of Newburg and surrounding neighborhood, having been annoyed very much lately by rebel sympathizers in our midst, a number of whom have left their homes and are scouting through our country, stealing horses and carrying news to the rebel army, have this day met at the Mount Zion school-house for the purpose of drafting resolutions to have them removed within the rebel lines.
On motion, Wm. Michaels was elected President, and D. Butler and Rees Shay Vice Presidents, and T. F. Jeffereys appointed Secretary.
On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft resolutions: D. Butler, Robards Menefee, A. H. Wilson, T. F. Jeffereys and W. M. Grimes.
The committee after being appointed, retired for a while and drew up the following resolutions, which were read before the meeting and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the Provost Marshal be requested to remove said rebel sympathizers within the rebel lines.
Resolved, That the Provost Marshal be requested to remove said rebel sympathizers immediately, as our persons and property are in imminent danger so long as they remain in our midst.
On motion the meeting adjourned sine die.
W. Michaels, Ch'n.
T. F. Jefferreys, Sec'y.
The loyal people about Newburg certainly have much cause of complaint. There is a band of rebel land pirates in that vicinity, every one of whom richly deserves a halter.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: June 1863