
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
January 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
January 25, 1864

DESERVED PROMOTION.:Lieutenant John Holt, of Co. F, 11th Va., has been appointed Provost Marshal of Parkersburg. When the war first began, Holt was employed at the Hempfield depot in the city. He gave up his situation and joined the army as a three months' man. As soon as his three months has expired, he re-enlisted for three years. When Rathbone surrendered to the enemy at Spencer, Holt refused to do so.:He entered the Paymaster's office, seized the funds and started off on horseback. Being hotly pursued, he threw away everything expect the money and a revolver.:When almost exhausted, and the pursuers to the woods and secreted himself between two fallen trees. His pursuers took the abandoned horse and gave the chase.

In August last Holt was wounded in the Bulltown engagement, and thus disabled for a time. Having recovered from his wounds, he was recommended to the authorities and received the appointment as above stated.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: January1865

West Virginia Archives and History