
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 1864

Richmond Daily Dispatch
February 23, 1864

Yankee Re-enlistments in Western Virginia.

A gentleman recently through the lines says that a few days since, at Beverly, in Randolph county, the 28th Ohio regiment, which has been on duty there, were called out and addressed by the commanding officer in favor of re-enlisting. The address being concluded, all who were willing to re-enlist were asked to step to the front.--One man only stepped to the front, the rest remaining in their places. This man, after the regiment was dismissed, was set upon and beaten to death by his comrades, who had refused to enlist.

In Calhoun county a company of Northwestern Virginia (Yankee) troops refused to enlist on the ground that they "had stopped bullets long enough, and were tired of it."

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: February 1864

West Virginia Archives and History